The two of them looked at Chen Feng in surprise. They obviously didn't expect that this young man who had been seldom talking could be so boastful.

If he entered the office, he would definitely have a bright future!

"I have also heard about Zhuzi's cooking skills. Director Yang praised him many times."

"That's right!"

Sha Zhu said proudly: "This Spring Festival, Director Yang's lunch was made by me."

The chef of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill has begun to hand over the cooking tasks of the small canteen to Sha Zhu. Sha Zhu did not disappoint him and made the leaders very satisfied.

That's why Director Yang asked Sha Zhu to help make the New Year's dinner.

Sha Zhu did not lose out. Not only did he get five yuan, but he also got a long-awaited radio ticket.

Bai Zai De saw that the topic was diverted, and hurried back.

He came this time with a mission!

"I don't know what kind of wine the old man likes to drink. I have a good relationship with other wineries. It may not be possible to exchange too much, but it is not a problem to exchange a few bottles a month."

The old man shook his head again.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Grandpa, we can exchange meat for Moutai."

Xinghua Village (Fenjiu) is the best wine at present, but the problem is that in the 1990s, this guy ruined the high-end market brand.

On the contrary, Moutai, which is not very high in status now, saw a sharp increase in price in the 1990s.

Since it is necessary to exchange, it must be exchanged for the one with the highest value in the future.

Anyway, in his eyes, Xinghua Village and Moutai are the same.

Not his dish!

Wine, drinking in moderation is good for the body.

But Chen Feng doesn't like it. He thinks it is not as good as fat house happy water!

"Okay, then it's settled!" Bai Zai De didn't give the old man a chance to speak, and immediately promised the matter verbally.

"The cannery can produce extra cans, and our winery can produce wine. Even if it is the export-oriented Xinghua Village, Maotai, and Wuliangye, I can take it out."

Unlike the devils who like to keep the best products in the country, export the second-rate products to Europe and the United States, and sell the worst to Southeast Asia.

my country's current foreign trade is not only trade, but also includes political and diplomatic tasks, cultural export tasks, etc., so the quality of goods sold abroad is very good.

Especially the bears in the north, who highly praise domestic liquor.

The old man glared at Chen Feng.

"It is our duty to serve the workers."

"How can I ask for extra things, Director Bai, the children are ignorant, please forgive me."

"No, no, there is no such thing."

Bai Zai De said happily: "Distribution according to work, more work, more pay, this is what should be done."

"Building the socialist road requires geniuses like Xiao Chen!"

"I'll go to the kitchen to get meat." Chen Feng stood up and said.

"Xiao Hai, Xiao Nan, you go and help." Bai Zai De ordered.

"No, no, twenty pounds of meat is not heavy." The old man hurriedly stopped him, he didn't want outsiders to see the food in the kitchen cabinet.

Chen Feng's marinated venison and braised venison, he didn't believe they wouldn't be tempted.

When Chen Feng returned to the kitchen, he cut about twenty pounds of venison.

Chen Hao asked on the side: "Brother, does their factory have soda?"

Chen Li also looked at him excitedly.

The two children enjoyed the benefits of the canning factory and the supply and marketing cooperative. Wang Cheng and Guo Chunhua often brought them canned food, fruits, and soft candies.

"No, they are not a soda factory, but a winery."

"Then brother, why don't you sell some meat to the soda factory."

Chen Hao suggested enthusiastically.

"Yes, yes, Da Guo and Er Guo are right!" Chen Li quite supported this suggestion.

Chen Feng smiled and shook his head.

"This won't work."

Do business with the familiar, not the new.

He doesn't sell meat every day. There are too many partners. If he can't supply them, it will eventually affect his reputation and image, and it will cause trouble for himself.

Cigarettes or alcohol, just enough is enough.

If Bai Zai De hadn't come in person and was Sha Zhu's uncle, he wouldn't have bothered to help.

He is not a porter of nature, and he wants to be the richest man.

He put about 20 kilograms of venison in a sack, carried it back to the main room, and weighed it with the scale at home in front of them.

"Director Bai, look, it's exactly 20 kilograms."

Bai Zai De took a look and saw that the star was more than 22 kilograms, and nodded to him gratefully.

Unplanned purchases are one of the gray income sources of many purchasers. This is also a special unspoken rule that no one will reveal.

Everyone wants to eat meat, and let the purchasers only deliver it to the canteen, and they can't eat a bite.

Who is willing to do it?

The other three people were also happy.

According to the rules, they can also get about one pound of "fire consumption".

After the money was settled, Bai Zai De was satisfied and went back with his three subordinates.

Sha Zhu whispered: "Old man, is the deer penis still there?"

"No, don't even think about it." The old man said calmly.

The deer penis has been soaked in wine, and the eldest son was asked to give it to the second son. By the way, Chen Feng was also asked to make the deer kidney and send it over.

If the old lady hadn't stopped him, he would have sent a few more jars of tiger bone and deer blood wine.

"What about the deer blood?"

Sha Zhu was unwilling to give up.

"Zhu Zi, just drink my potion." Chen Feng said unhappily: "Tiger bone and deer blood wine, your body is too weak, and it can't be replenished."

"Nonsense, I'm very strong!"

When Sha Zhu heard this, he immediately felt that his dignity as a man was unfairly discriminated against.

"Yes, yes, then I won't give you the potion."

"Ahem, you still need the necessary nourishment."

Chen Feng went to the bedroom and took out a bottle of prepared well water, which was mixed with a portion of tiger bone and deer blood wine, equivalent to diluting it three times, so that Sha Zhu would not be too weak to take the medicine.

"Here, take it sparingly, one cup a day will do, um, a small wine glass, not a tea cup!"

"Good brother!"

Sha Zhu saw that the potion in the soda bottle this time was slightly red, smelled it, and found a little bloody smell, how could he not understand that this was a new "wine".

"If Teacher Ran shows signs of pregnancy, bring her here quickly for my grandfather to see."

"Don't worry!"

It's only February now, no matter how capable Sha Zhu is, if he wants to kill someone, he will have to wait until March for signs to appear.

Lou Xiao'e is almost the same.

Sha Zhu took the diluted tiger bone and deer blood wine home. This was what Guan Shan had instructed, and Chen Feng gave it to him, so just accept it.

Sha Zhu has nothing to repay, but Guan Shan has!

Chen Feng is very rich now, and he doesn't care about the private money he saved with great effort.

After a few days, Yi Zhonghai's sentence came down.

As expected by the old man, he was exiled to Lingnan... the southwest!

The news was brought by Hu Bayi's mother.

"Xiao Feng is still good at cooking. It's a waste of food to cook venison for Lao Hu!"

Huo Zhilan picked up a piece of barbecue with chopsticks very elegantly, put it in her mouth, and her eyes narrowed.

"This barbecue is really delicious!"

"If it's delicious, eat more." The old lady smiled.

Huo Zhilan gave Chen Feng, Chen Hao, and Chen Li each an imported Parker pen, which made the old man very happy.

Hu Bayi was also there, sitting on a bench with Chen Hao and Chen Li, eating hard.

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