60s: Petite Wife

: One thousand one hundred and seventeen eat guns

Shen Jiao didn't know the gossip about the hospital. She only drove the car for a day and never drove to the hospital again. She still rides her bicycle to get off work. Director Tang was still lukewarm and ignored Shen Jiao. She treated her the same way. Treat Dr. Zhu the same.

After a week's shift, Shen Jiao didn't even have a single patient, and even Dr. Zhu had seen five or six patients, all of which were just normal qi and blood loss, nine out of ten women would lose qi and blood, this kind of qi replenishment The recipes for blood are almost the same. No matter what Dr. Zhu says, he has been in a Chinese medicine hospital for decades. This common disease is no problem.

The five or six patients were also assigned by Director Tang. She probably estimated that she would not assign complicated patients to Dr. Zhu. Knowing how much this woman weighed, she only assigned simple patients.

Shen Jiao was a little angry. Although she was not the most skilled in medicine, she was a hundred times stronger than this doctor Zhu who could only drink coffee and knit sweaters. Why did Director Tang reject her without even trying?

If she eats like this every day and waits to die, why does she bother to come to work?

Why don't you go home with your son!

Although she really wanted to talk to Director Tang for a theory, Shen Jiao held back. After all, Director Tang was a direct leader, so she couldn't use the same way as to treat Doctor Zhu, and wait another week. If Director Tang is still the same as this week, then she is not afraid. My face is torn apart, I have to ask to understand why this Director Tang does not like her!

Shen Jiao was already able to determine that Director Tang did not like her, otherwise why would she treat herself like this?

Even if Dr. Zhu used to wear small shoes for her, Director Tang could assign patients to Dr. Zhu. She is a newcomer and has no grudges with Director Tang. How could she not arrange a single patient? If you don't believe her Medical skills, at least have to test her!

Shen Jiao didn't go to work on weekends, so Director Tang arranged for Doctor Xia to be on duty. When she returned home, Shen Jiao no longer thought about the hospital, but stayed at home with the elderly and children. The little guy didn't have a good time to play with Shen Jiao for a week, not to mention it. How affectionate.

"Mom, I want to eat dumplings." Zhuang Zhuang asked. The way children express affection is always so different.

Yuanyuan also made a rare request: "Mom, I also want to eat dumplings and beef with zucchini."

Cuicui smiled shyly, without saying a word. This little girl is a very sensitive child, and she is very sensible. She knows that the Shen family is not her own, and she never asks for anything, and she is never picky about food. Just eat whatever, it's so sensible that it makes people feel distressed.

"What would Cuicui want to eat?" Shen Jiao hugged Cuicui and asked.

Xiao Cuicui shook her head gently, then nodded again, and whispered, "Just like my brother."

"What kind of stuffing does Cuicui want to eat?" Shen Jiao looked at the little girl with a smile.

"Like my brother."

"Silly girl!"

Shen Jiao patted the little girl's face lovingly, she obviously didn't eat much of the beef stuffed dumplings she made before, but she enjoyed the pork stuffed dumplings, which showed that the little girl didn't like beef.

Obviously he doesn't like to eat, but he still says he wants to eat beef stuffing against his heart. This child is a little too sensible. He doesn't look like a three or four year old child at all, which is in stark contrast to the strong and heartless.

"Auntie made pork and cabbage stuffing for Cuicui, do you like it?" Shen Jiao asked in a low voice.

"I like it, thank you Auntie!" Cuicui smiled shyly and looked at Shen Jiao gratefully, although her eyes were calm, but Shen Jiao could still feel the little girl's mood, she was truly happy.

"No thanks! Auntie goes to buy meat first, and when we come back, let's make dumplings together, okay?"

"Okay, let's eat dumplings!" Zhuangzhuang cheered.

Shen Jiao biked to the vegetable market to buy some beef and pork, and some vegetables. She came back soon, and let Shen Han and Han Qiwei start making noodles and stuffing. These two strong labors can be used to make dumplings. Useful.

The two have been trained for a long time, and the noodles and stuffing were done in one go. It didn't take much time. Shen Jiao mixed the stuffing and began to make dumplings. Shen Han and Han Qiwei rolled the skin together. Shen Jiao was too late. Shen Jiaxing and the others came to help. Catherine was the most excited about packing a bag together. Like Zhuang Zhuang, what she looked forward to every day was for Shen Jiao to cook a big meal.

"Auntie, put your stuff aside, don't mix with ours, you'll eat these for yourself later."

Shen Jiao looked at the odd-shaped dumplings made by Catherine speechlessly. She made dumplings many times at home, but Catherine probably didn't have the talent to be a chef. Every time she made dumplings, her level of making dumplings was very stable. What happened once was packaged, and now the package is still the same, neither progress nor regression.

Catherine snorted arrogantly: "Of course I ate it myself, I'm reluctant to give it if you want to eat it!"

Shen Jiao curled her lips, too lazy to pierce through Catherine's dead duck's mouth, she grabbed a few small pieces of dough and handed them to the three little guys.

"Is Uncle Shen at home?" A hoarse voice came from outside.

Shen Han trotted to open the door, and led Aunt Huang and his wife next door in. The two neighbors, Shen Jiao, hadn't seen each other for several days. It was said that they were walking around for their son~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and didn't even go to work. Yeah, like crazy.

Compared with half a month ago, the two couples are at least ten years older. Their hair is basically all white, and their backs are badly crooked. They look like old men in their 50s or 60s.

Shen Jiaxing was also taken aback, looked at Aunt Huang and his wife in amazement, and after thinking about it, he said, "Xiaohan is going to make tea."


Shen Han brewed two cups of hot tea in a short time and held it on the coffee table in front of Aunt Huang and his wife. The two husband and wife got up in a hurry, and couldn't help but smirk, "It's work."

Shen Jiao didn't go there, but her ears were pointed. She wanted to hear the intention of Aunt Huang and his wife. If she guessed correctly, it should be for Huang Baogen, but she forgot about it after going to work.

"Has Huang Baogen's case been closed?" Shen Jiao asked Han Qiwei in a low voice.

"Not yet, I heard that the court will be held tomorrow." Han Qiwei is not optimistic about Huang Baogen at all, maybe he will have to take a gun, even if he escapes the death penalty, the living crime is inevitable.

Over there, Aunt Huang wiped her tears and cried and complained: "Uncle Shen, please raise your hand and let go of my family's treasures? We will pass on incense to this one son. If he is gone, what's the point of us living!"

Master Huang lowered his head sadly and sighed for a long time. He was more distressed than Aunt Huang. If something really happened to Huang Baogen, he was the sinner of the Huang family. He had no face to see the ancestors!

Shen Jiaxing didn't know that Huang Baogen might get a gun. He only thought that Huang Baogen would be sentenced to one or two years at most, and the old man also felt that the sentence of one or two years might not be a good thing for Huang Baogen, so he was silent in the cell. , Maybe you can become a talent in the future!

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