60s: Petite Wife

Chapter 1204: Compete for favor

Wu Bihua whispered to her husband, who was about to get angry, and smiled gently: "I know that Jiaojiao said these heartless words without intention, and can't write two heavy words in one stroke, no matter what, it is a family, breaking bones. It's still attached to the tendons. It was true that Shen Ping did something wrong back then, but he was also helpless. Now that he has realized his mistake, we must give him a chance to correct it, right?

Besides, even if the adults make mistakes, the children are innocent. The two children have never seen their great grandfather when they are so old. Xiaoyu, Xiaolong, call me aunt. "

Wu Bihua grabbed the two children and pinched them quietly. The two children shouted crisply: "Hello, auntie, I wish you good luck in the early years."

Shen Jiao got stuck all of a sudden, no matter what she did, she couldn't slap her face at the child, Wu Bihua's soft knife was really clever, and she knew how to use the child to play emotional cards.

But she was also right, the children are indeed innocent, the grievances of the previous generation cannot be brought to the next generation, but the truth is that, as long as she thinks that the father of these two children is Shen Ping, Shen Jiao treats them I don't like it anyway.

"Oh, Shen Ping Bihua is here too? Xiaoyu Xiaolong has grown a lot taller again."

After thinking about the bicycle, he smiled, and he seemed to be in better spirits than the previous few months. The most important thing is that the waist is straight, and when the glory rises again, a man must straighten his waist!

Zhang Yumei stabbed him secretly and asked him to say less. Like Shen Jiao, she didn't like Shen Ping and his wife, and naturally she didn't like Xiaoyu and Xiaolong.

"Big brother and sister-in-law." Shen Jia came over and called.

Shen Ping and his wife were surprised to see their cousin who had changed a lot. He was completely different from half a year ago. The change was so great that they couldn't help but feel jealous again. Why should Shen Jia live in?

Obviously they all made the same mistake back then, and the old man treated them too differently.

The movement below had already alarmed Shen Jiaxing, he watched from the balcony for a while, then waved at Shen Jiao and asked her to put the person in.

"Come in, be quiet, Grandpa and the others are taking a nap."

Shen Jiao let people in reluctantly, Wu Bihua opened her mouth wide as soon as she walked into the yard, no matter how deep she was, but for her who grew up in one house for three generations, this kind of The luxurious house can only be seen in dreams, but now it has really appeared in front of her, and it has a close connection with her.

She must have a good relationship with the old man. Her husband is the eldest grandson of the eldest house and should be allocated most of the property. She must win this big house. She will never live in an old and small house again, and she is not willing to let it The children had the same childhood as hers. The whole family slept in the same house, and the affectionate voices of parents could be heard clearly at night. Others' childhoods are good memories, but she only had nightmares.

From the corner of Shen Jiao's eyes, she caught a glimpse of Wu Bihua's greed and ambition hidden under the lens. She knew exactly what she was thinking, and sneered secretly. Grandpa had already divided the property, and there was no real estate in the big and second rooms. The old man would give them a sum of money. , the number depends on the mood of the old man.

Shen Zhezhi made it clear that he didn't want the old man's property, and Shen Jiaxing didn't force it. The three brothers, Shen Jie, Shen Hao, and Shen Han, each owned a house and some jewelry. The old man left most of the property to Shen Jiao, saying that the man wanted him To earn a family business, women can live a more refined life with money in their hands.

Shen Jiao doesn't really care much about these properties, she is not bad at all, but since the old man has made such a decision, she is disrespectful. She will keep these properties for the Shen family first, and return them later when there is a chance. .

When she walked into the living room, Wu Bihua saw the furnishings in the room, and the dignified expression on her face was almost too dignified. Her dream life was to live in a house with a garden, with a European-style leather sofa on the marble floor. There is also a gramophone in the living room, playing a song about Zhou Xun, she is sitting on the sofa reading a fashion magazine, a cup of fragrant coffee is placed on the coffee table, and a cute Persian cat is lying in her arms and acting like a spoiled child.

This kind of exquisite petty bourgeoisie life is what she pursues all the time, but she has worked hard until now, but she still lives the rough life of the lower Liba people, not to mention coffee, she is reluctant to drink wheat milk essence, and even dare not think about raising a cat .

Wu Bihua stared at Dabao and Xiaojiao, who was lying at the foot of the sofa. There was a garden, a leather sofa, and coffee. There was a can of Nescafé on the cabinet, and a beautiful Persian cat. It was exactly the same as the scene in her dream. Too bad the hostess isn't her.

"Eat candy."

Shen Jiao grabbed the big white rabbit and gave it to the two children, and then went to make a few cups of tea. Shen Jiaxing quickly went downstairs, and the contemplative couple immediately stood up and bowed respectfully.

"Dad, you look young again!"

Shen Sizhi complained to himself that the old man is getting younger as he lives, and maybe he will look younger than him in a few years. According to this trend, he is likely to be ahead of the old man!

As long as he thinks of this possibility, the mind of contemplation is as cold as if it was just taken out of the ice cave.

Shen Ping and his wife also got up, dragged the child attracted by the white rabbit, and said hello to Shen Jiaxing.

"Sit down~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Shen Jiaxing's expression was indifferent, and he glanced at Xiaoyu and Xiaolong a few more times.

It was the first time he had seen these two great-grandchildren. They looked quite smart, but he didn't know what their character was. Shen Jiaxing sighed slightly. On, Shen Ping has given up hope, but the two children are still young, so they can be trained well, after all, they are the descendants of the Shen family!

"Grandpa, I heard from Shen Ping that you like to eat dumplings. I made them myself with black sesame filling. You can eat them as a snack."

Wu Bihua put the basket in his hand on the coffee table, lifted the white gauze, inside were fat white rice dumplings, lined up neatly, Shen Jiaxing slowed his face, smiled and said, "If you have the heart, don't do this when you have the heart. ."

"You are always an elder. It is right for me to honor you by doing these things. As long as you don't dislike my craftsmanship, I can make it for you every day." Wu Bihua said respectfully.

Unwilling to be outdone, Zhang Yumei raised her basket, which was also covered with gauze. Inside were white and fat dumplings and delicate wontons.

"Dad, the glutinous rice **** and wontons I made. You eat glutinous rice **** as a snack in the evening, and the wontons will be eaten in the morning. The shepherd's purse I bought at the morning market was very fresh. I think he ate more than 20 of them in one go!"

Shen Sizhi nodded and said, "Yes, this wonton tastes really good, Dad, you must like it."

Being stole the limelight by Zhang Yumei, Wu Bihua felt unhappy and secretly regretted that she didn't order more shepherd's purse wontons in her wallet. She was not in a hurry.

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