60s: Petite Wife

Chapter 1242: speak clearly

The skinny woman laughed and said contemptuously: "Bah, an ordinary coworker relationship? You're bluffing a three-year-old child. If it's an ordinary coworker relationship, can my dad say he wants to marry you as a vixen?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked, looked at Director Tang in amazement, and whispered.

Shen Jiao was also quite surprised, she subconsciously went to find Doctor Xia, but he never came back after he went out before, and he didn't know where he went. Director Tang listened to the thin woman's words with a very strange expression, and actually fell silent. .

The skinny woman sneered: "Let me say it again, if you don't hook up with my dad, my dad will get old and still want to find a stepmother for our three brothers and sisters?"

Seeing Director Tang's expression, Shen Jiao knew that there must be an inside story, but if you lose, you won't lose, she shouted loudly, "You are just talking about this, who knows if what you are saying is true or false, I advise you to stick to it. It's better to leave early, otherwise you'll get into trouble, but you won't have any good fruit to eat."

"Oh, don't try to scare the old lady, the public security bureau can handle this kind of broken shoes? The old lady is not scared! You ask this old vixen, did my dad ever tell her about getting married!"

The skinny woman put her hands on her hips, unafraid of Shen Jiao's threat, she had a shrewish scolding attitude, and she almost broke her pot. Director Tang's lips were white, and her teeth were clenched hard, almost bleeding. She opened her mouth, as if preparing to answer the thin woman's question, Shen Jiao exerted her strength secretly, and shook her head gently at Director Tang.

Regardless of whether Doctor Xia proposed to Director Tang or not, this situation is absolutely unacceptable.

Director Tang was hesitant, she understood what Shen Jiao meant, but she never told a lie in her life, and she tried her best to be worthy of her conscience. She also knew that refusing to admit it was the best way at this moment, but she couldn't get past the path in her heart. Hom.

Shen Jiao knew what she wanted to say when she saw Director Tang's appearance. She was so anxious that she hated Doctor Xia. Even if she wanted to marry Director Tang, she had to appease the bunch of bad children in the family. What is this called!

She grabbed before Director Tang and said, "I'm really surprised, does your family have gold and silver mountains? But even if your Xia family really has gold and silver mountains, I don't see any woman willing to marry your family. You unreasonable sons and daughters, even if you eat shark's fin and bird's nest every day, you'd rather live a few years longer."

The skinny woman was so angry that her triangular eyes stood up. When she jumped up, she was about to scold back. A familiar voice came from the door: "What's the matter? Are you singing a big show? What are you doing all around here?"

Dong Fangzheng squeezed in from the crowd as he spoke, looked up and down the three Xia brothers and sisters for a second, then stopped looking at them, and asked Shen Jiao, "Where did this troupe come from? scumbag."

Shen Jiao's heart was settled at once, and she smiled: "This is the troupe of Doctor Xia's family. Although they don't look good, their ability to talk nonsense is not bad. They've been making trouble here for a long time."

Dong Fangzheng glanced at Director Tang, whose face was pale, and had something in his heart. He put the medicine box on the table without hesitation, with his hands on his hips, his big belly was stretched out, and he was very imposing.

"You are the seed of Old Man Xia?"

The skinny woman couldn't figure out the origin of Dong Fangzheng, but people are always bullying the soft and afraid of the hard. When she saw Dong Fangzheng's posture, she knew that the fat old man was not easy to mess with, so she could not help but withdraw her arrogance.

"Who are you? It's not like this old vixen's Yantou is, right? It's really flamboyant, after so many years.

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

Novel netizens, please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Ji is still able to hook up with so many men. "The words that the skinny woman said became more and more ugly, Director Tang's face became paler and his fingertips were trembling, and he couldn't say a word at all.

Shen Jiao comforted in a soft voice, "Aunt Tang, don't be angry with this kind of person. It's not worth it if you get angry, let's see how my master teaches them."

Dong Fangzheng looked very calm, and sneered: "Look at your mouths full of feces, how did old man Xia give birth to a **** like you? I doubt whether you are the seed of old man Xia, look, this sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks. He looks so shabby, he doesn't look like Old Man Xia at all!"

Fools can hear the meaning inside and outside the words. The skinny woman was furious and shouted, "How dare you say that my mother stole people? I'll beat you to death!"

Dong Fangzheng said with a smile: "I didn't say that, you said it yourself, oh yo, although the dead are big, it's really inappropriate for your mother to do this. I really sympathize with Doctor Xia!"

Looking at the virtues of these three brothers and sisters, you can guess the temperament of Doctor Xia's wife who died young. Anyway, she couldn't possibly be a virtuous and kind woman, otherwise, how could she raise a litter of bastards.

"Why did Doctor Dong slander my wife who died young? My wife didn't offend Doctor Dong, did she?"

Doctor Xia, who had disappeared for a long time, actually came back, looking at Dong Fangzheng with an angry face.

Dong Fangzheng sneered and said, "Which ear did you hear me slandering your wife? These are what your unfilial daughter said by herself. Everyone testifies to me, but I didn't say a word, so I couldn't be more innocent."

Shen Jiao looked amused, to say that she was a nuisance, her master is a master, he can definitely make people dizzy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The skinny woman exclaimed: "Dad, this old thing said it, how could I possibly Said our mother stole people!"

Dong Fangzheng laughed even more, "Well, I said it again, this time you heard it with your own ears."

Doctor Xia's face was ashen, and his teeth were rattling. Although he didn't like his dead wife very much, he couldn't hear Dong Fang putting a dung pot on his wife's head.

"Don't you think it's too much for Doctor Dong to put a bucket of **** on a dead person's head like this?"

Shen Jiao hurriedly said, "Doctor Xia, your sons and daughters have put several dung pots on Director Tang's head today. Don't do what you want to others, don't you think it's too much?"

Doctor Xia's complexion changed. He glanced at Director Tang, his eyes were extremely complicated, but Director Tang didn't even raise his head and didn't even look at him. Doctor Xia was full of discomfort.

"Who asked you to come to the hospital?" Doctor Xia yelled at his children.

The skinny woman screamed: "Dad, you let this old fox take away all the souls, can we not come?"

Dong Fangzheng suddenly walked over and slapped the skinny woman fiercely: "If you want to spray dung at home, don't spray it in front of Lao Tzu, the surname is Xia, hurry up and take your three **** out, don't go to the hospital. Disgraceful."

The skinny woman touched her hot face and was about to fight back viciously. Kong Fuzhi and Fu Shenghua both rushed over and shouted loudly, "What do you want?"

Doctor Xia's face was gloomy, he glared at his daughter fiercely, and reprimanded: "Go back to me. If you come to the hospital in the future, don't blame me for being rude!"

The skinny woman's expression changed slightly, and she seemed to be quite afraid of Doctor Xia. She was ready to leave, but Director Tang said, "Before you leave, make it clear, I, Tang Jingdan, don't carry such an inexplicable crime."

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