60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and one fools

301 Two fools

Three days later, Shen Xiu was discharged from the hospital, and Shen Nianzhi woke up. On the fourth day, Zhu Biyue also woke up.

After the two woke up, they were dumbfounded, their eyes were out of focus, and it seemed that they couldn't even recognize people. The doctor said that they lost their memory because their brain cells were damaged so badly.

Shen Jiao secretly summed it up, two words—


In other words, Shen Nianzhi and his wife are both stupid, and they have become useless people who can't take care of themselves in the doctor's words!

"Doctor, please save my mom and dad, please!" Shen Xiu knelt in front of the doctor and wept bitterly, grief-stricken.

Her kneeling caused many doctors and nurses in the hospital, as well as patients and their families to gather around. After asking the reason, they all sighed and praised Shen Xiu for her filial piety.

Shen Xiu didn't seem to have heard of these, she just knelt on the ground and wept, sometimes begging the doctor, she looked like a dead father and a mother.

What bothered Shen Jiao the most was Shen Xiu's pretentious attitude, kneeling at every turn. Although she had a good intention, she always felt that this girl had more elements in acting!

She couldn't tell why, anyway, she just felt that Shen Xiu was not as sad as she showed, and she even felt that this woman was a little happy!

She trusted her intuition very much, and Shen Xiu's true emotion was happiness.

It's just that she couldn't figure out why Shen Xiu was so happy. What happened to Shen Nianzhi and Zhu Biyue didn't do her any good!

Shen Jiaxing helped Shen Xiu up, and asked the doctor some precautions for nursing care. She asked carefully, and Shen Xiu listened very carefully. She even borrowed paper from the nurse to write it down, which attracted praise from the surrounding people.

The doctor was also very enthusiastic and said in great detail: "It's best to leave one person in the hospital for nursing care. These few days are a critical period for recovery. If you take care of them more carefully, there may be surprises."

"Grandpa, I'll stay and take care of Mom and Dad. I will take good care of it." Shen Xiu took the initiative to request

Shen Jiaxing sighed: "Your body hasn't recovered yet, so don't bother, I'll take care of it."

Shen Jiao, who has been watching from the sidelines, is not happy anymore. She can't bear Shen Jiaxing to take care of these two white-eyed wolves in the hospital. She takes care of them 24 hours a day, how can Shen Jiaxing bear it!

"Grandpa, you can ask someone to take care of it, we just need to pay some money, your health is not good, how can you eat and stay up late!" Shen Jiao suggested.

Shen Jiaxing was indeed a little nervous. Although he didn't hate Shen Nianzhi and the others, he was really unhappy in letting him put down his body to take care of these two guys. After listening to Shen Jiao's suggestion, he immediately agreed.

"That's fine. Find two people, one during the day and one at night."

Shen Jiao nodded and said, "I'll look for it now. There are many in Cotton Street. As long as our price is higher, someone will definitely come."

There are a lot of unemployed aunties in Cotton Street. When they have nothing to do, they make some extra money by pasting cardboard boxes and envelopes. At the end of January, they only earn ten yuan, and they are tired like dogs.

Shen Jiao told Mrs. Xu about this, and asked her to help find two strong aunts, with a daily salary of 15 yuan and rice.

Mrs. Xu looked at her trembling hand with age spots regretfully, and said with emotion, "If I were five or six years younger, I wouldn't give this money to anyone else!"

Shen Jiao looked at the white-haired old lady with little feet, the corners of her mouth twitched, she wouldn't dare to use the old lady's body even if she was ten years younger!

If you fall and collide in the hospital, who will bear the responsibility?

In the end, Mrs. Xu found a loyal aunt in her 40s. At first glance, she was honest and responsible, not the kind of cheating and slippery. The aunt worked the day shift and asked Shi Hongmei to take care of it at night.

Shi Hongmei didn't want wages, Shen Jiao naturally couldn't agree, and pretended to coax her, "Sister Hongmei, just take the money with peace of mind, the money is not from my grandfather and I, but from my uncle's white-eyed wolf's house. You just take it, if you don't take it, you won't take it for nothing!"

As for Shen Jiao's family affairs, Shi Hongmei heard a few words from Ma Xinghua, and she knew the black affairs of the two Shen Nianzhi brothers. Now that she heard Shen Jiao say that the money came from Shen Nian, she was no longer polite and accepted it with peace of mind.

Of course, the white-eyed wolf's money is not taken for nothing!

Sister and brother Shi Hongmei, Niu'er and Xiaohu, entrusted Mrs. Xu to help her take care of them. When the time comes, she will be paid 50 cents. Mrs. Xu is very happy and let her rest assured.

Shen Jiaxing was very relieved about the person Shen Jiao had found, so she went to work with peace of mind. Seeing his appearance, Shen Jiao was not too sad, she seemed to feel relieved.

Perhaps in Shen Jiaxing's heart, as long as people are still alive, they are lucky!

Moreover, he may wish to see Shen Nianzhi and the others as they are now!

After all, a fool doesn't know what betrayal is, let alone stabbing a knife in the back!

Every day, Shen Xiu boils rice soup and water to the hospital to feed Shen Nianzhi and his wife. Rain or shine, she is well received by the hospital. No matter who mentions her, she gives a thumbs up and praises her as a filial child.

As for Shi Hongmei and Aunt Baiban, Shen Jiao made the meals, such as meat buns, shredded pork noodles, or boiled eggs. Sometimes it was too late, so they gave them money and tickets and let them go to a restaurant near the hospital to buy and eat~www .wuxiaspot.com~ But she didn't know that the two of them didn't spend the money, so they saved it and took it home. She just bought a sesame cake to satisfy her hunger.

It has been four or five days since the accident at Shen Nianzhi's house, but Shen Nianzhi is recovering better, he can roll his eyes a few times, and he looks a little more energetic.

But Zhu Biyue was still the same, she only knew how to smirk, she couldn't even drink water, she had to wear a bib, otherwise her clothes would get wet.

Today is the weekend, Shen Jiaxing is resting at home, and Shen Jiao is ready to eat and go to the hospital. The phone rang again, and it was the enthusiastic Aunt Liu, who came over in a loud voice.

"Hey, I'm the director of the street office surnamed Liu, something happened to Shen Xiu here, come here, hurry up!"

Shen Jiao's brows were furious, what the **** is this fellow Shen Xiu doing?

Shen Jiaxing had to take Shen Jiao to the street office of Shen Nianzhi's house first, and before entering the door, she heard Shen Xiu crying: "Please, my father and mother are too sick to get out of bed, if I leave, who will Come take care of my mom and dad? Please be kind, please!"

Shen Xiu knelt on the ground and kept kowtow, she looked really tired and crooked.

Kneeling down and kowtow at every turn, this knee is too soft, isn't it?

At this moment, something flashed in her mind, but it flashed so fast that she couldn't catch it at all, so she couldn't help but frown.

What is it that she is always worried about?

This matter must have something to do with Shen Xiu, but she always couldn't grasp the point. Shen Jiao was extremely annoyed and scolded herself for being too stupid. If Han Qixiu was around, she would definitely have thought of it.

The old sheep loves to eat fish

In the second update, Lao Yang is practicing the speed of octopus, I hope he can master it, haha!

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