60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and twenty-nine time bombs

329 Time Bomb

Because of Han Qixiu's Dinghai Shentie, all the children switched to the patterns they liked, and all of them smiled brightly, and the clever children were even sweeter.

"Thank you sister and brother!"

"Sister and brother are a natural match!"


Han Qixiu heard that his heart was a little sweeter than honey!

But Shen Jiao stomped her feet in shame, lowered her head and ran away!

Han Qixiu chased after him with a smile, and before leaving, he did not forget to flash his Dinghai Shentie to the stall owner!

The stall owner was dumbfounded and gave Han Qixiu a thumbs up!

Han Qixiu is extremely proud, his young master Han is more powerful than Sun Wukong, how can he not see your little trick!

The stall owner snickered, more than 20 candy paintings can make a lot of money, not to mention that the little girl gave an extra dime, tsk tsk, what two big people!

Han Qixiu caught up with Shen Jiao, who had already hid in the car, and handed the phoenix to her with a smile. Seeing her blushing cheeks was really itchy, he couldn't hold back!

Wait until the evening to start eating!

During the day and fatten it up!

This time, Shen Jiao's shyness was short for a while, and the cheeky thing will become thicker with practice!

She shyly twisted her fingers, took out a handful of peanuts from the treasure bowl, peeled one for a long time, put it in her mouth and chewed it for a long time, holding it in her mouth like a fruit candy.

Actually, she's not eating peanuts, she just wants to find something to do to make herself less embarrassed!

Han Qixiu glanced at the little girl next to her, laughed secretly, and said deliberately, "Jiaojiao peel me some peanuts!"


Shen Jiao obediently peeled off the peanuts. She peeled them carefully and removed the peanuts. On her tender white palms lay a few yellowish fragrant fruits and handed them over.

"Jiaojiao feed me, I can't take my hands off the steering wheel!" Han Qixiu held back his bad intentions, and seriously molested his little daughter-in-law.

How did Shen Jiao know, she thought that Han Qixiu was really inconvenient to eat, and with a blushing little face, she put the peanut in her hand into the mouth of a certain hooligan.

Bai Nen Nen's fragrant claws are right in front of you, and they are delivered to your door automatically. If you don't take a bite, you will be too sorry for yourself!

Han Qixiu stretched out his flexible long tongue, licked a roll, and the peanut in his palm immediately entered his mouth. He only thought that this peanut was the best peanut he had ever eaten in his life!

"It's delicious, Jiaojiao peel some more!" With a serious old cadre's face, and a slight provocation of the lying silkworm eyebrows, he whispered: "I didn't have enough to eat in the morning, I'm hungry!"

"I'll peel it now, brother Han, please bear with it!"

Shen Jiao immediately forgot about her shyness, and peeled off one by one. After peeling a handful, she fed them like a gourd. During the period, she would inevitably be licked on her palms, gnawed on her claws, etc.

One enjoys eating peanuts and tofu, and the other is also happy to peel peanuts and feed them.

It can only be said that one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, a beautiful thing of consensuality!

In the evening, Han Qixiu brought up the matter of Shen Xiu and asked Shen Jiaxing what he planned to do!

Shen Jiaxing sighed. He thought about it all day in the factory today, and then he thought about it, and finally he came up with the best of both worlds!

"Qi Xiu, send her to a mental hospital and leave her alive?"

Although he also hated Shen Xiu, he was his granddaughter after all. It was better to die than live!

But Han Qixiu has to agree to this matter. Han Qixiu regards Jiaojiao more than his eyes. Anyone who treats Jiaojiao badly will have no good results, such as Shen Jiayi, Shi Tiejun, Shi Daniu, etc. With the people of the Zhu family, which days are better?

It's no wonder that Han Qixiu would forgive Shen Xiu for doing such a cruel thing!

He didn't want anything else, he just hoped that Han Qixiu would leave Shen Xiu alone, even if he was confined to a mental hospital for the rest of his life!

Han Qixiu glanced at him, nodded slightly, and said nothing.

Shen Jiaxing was overjoyed and glanced at him gratefully, thinking that Han Qixiu was showing mercy because of Jiaojiao's face!

Shen Xiu was sent to the Haishi Psychiatric Hospital, and Han Qixiu specially invited experts to diagnose and treat. After some examinations, the experts said that Shen Xiu had serious psychological problems, which is commonly known as perversion.

"Psychopaths like her are particularly dangerous, because they are usually the same as normal people and have a very high IQ. Once stimulated, she will do extreme behaviors. Many of those abnormal killers abroad are guilty of Similar mental illness, you should feel fortunate that she discovered her illness when her mind was immature, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!"

Shen Jiaxing's back was cold. He originally wanted to take Shen Xiu to a psychiatric hospital to save Shen Xiu's life, but he didn't expect that Shen Xiu was actually mentally ill, and it was the most serious one!

In this way, the eldest son and his wife must be her murderous hands!

How could such a beast come from his Shen family!

In the end, the little family affection for Shen Xiu was completely cut off here, and Shen Jiaxing resolutely kept her in spite of Shen Xiu's hard pleas!

Let this scourge last forever!

Don't come out and hurt people again!

Externally, Shen Jiaxing explained that Shen Xiu was in poor health and was recuperating in the hospital, and hired another nanny, and Shi Hongmei still hired him. After all, other people are not as caring as Shi Hongmei!

The matter of Shen Xiu has come to an end for now. Shen Jiao put Xiaojiao's skin in the treasure bowl, and she never wants to take it out for the rest of her life!

Looking at her will only feel distressed!

The Shen family was silent for a few days~www.wuxiaspot.com~ gradually returned to their former laughter. Qian Shumeng and Wu Gangqiang also visited a few times. Wu Gangqiang and the Han Dexing brothers hit it off and had a very speculative talk.

The strange thing is that Han Dexing and Han Dewei didn't really care about Qian Shumeng, they were very indifferent.

Although Qian Shumeng is not well-mannered, he is not a dull person, so he didn't pay much attention to them, and only chatted with Shen Jiao.

After Qian Shumeng and Wu Gangqiang left, Han Qixiu whispered to Shen Jiao, "Does Jiaojiao like being friends with Qian Shumeng?"

Shen Jiao heard it strangely. She didn't quite understand what Han Qixiu meant, but she answered honestly, "No, I prefer Dove, Sister Si Ya and Sister Xinghua."

Qian Shumeng only treats her as an ordinary friend, and her friendship is naturally not as deep as Hand Fu Zhu Si Ya and the others!

Han Qixiu blew the peeled melon seeds, put them into Shen Jiao's hands, and said softly, "Jiaojiao did the right thing, Qian Shumeng should not be friends with him!"

"Why? Did Qian Shumeng do something bad?" Shen Jiao was puzzled.

"I haven't done any bad things yet, but because of her ignorant character, she will definitely do something wrong in the future. Jiaojiao should stay away from her, so as not to be implicated by her!"

Han Qixiu didn't have a deep relationship with Qian Shumeng last time, and Qian Shumeng came back to the Shen family that time, and was restrained. His temperament was not fully revealed, but he didn't see anything wrong. Today, this girl is a big girl. wrong!

To put it nicely, there is no city in the heart!

To put it in a nasty way is to be ignorant!

Such pig teammates are like regular fried eggs, they must be removed as soon as possible!

The old sheep loves to eat fish

The third update is the monthly pass plus update, so I have to make up for the monthly pass plus update I owe!

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