60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and thirty-four geniuses of broken thoughts (?? chanting doll i and clan wall +)

334 The genius of broken thoughts

Shen Jiao didn't expect that the big man Qian Shuya could narrate even better than Shen Jiaxing. After the train started, this guy never stopped talking, and he could say a lot of things when he saw it!

It's all professional terms that she and Zhu Siya can't understand!

When I went back to her house for dinner, I didn't find that this person loved me!

Just like his sister, he remained shy throughout the whole process, and he didn't put more farts!

Who would have thought that these two brothers and sisters would be better at pretending than the other!

Qian Shuya finally pulled the tea egg out of the gagged mouth, choked with tears, and complained dissatisfiedly: "Comrade Zhu, you are murdering on purpose!"

"Fortunately, my mouth is relatively small. If it were as big as my sister's, the egg would likely enter my esophagus directly, and the diameter of the esophagus must be smaller than that of an egg. Do you know how serious the consequences are?"

Zhu Siya raised her eyebrows and said coldly, "How serious?"

Qian Shuya said aggrieved: "Think about it, the egg is stuck in the esophagus, and the trachea is next to the esophagus, which will cause the trachea to be squeezed, making me unable to breathe, and finally suffocated to death!"

The corners of Shen Jiao's mouth twitched. Eating an egg can make so much sense. No wonder Qian Shumeng said her brother was a prodigy!

It can also be explained in the words of Qian Shumeng—

A genius and an idiot are only one centimeter apart!

Zhu Siya's brows jumped, and she resisted the itch in her palms. This guy was a task assigned by the superior, and he had to be sent to S province with all his hands. Otherwise, she would have punched him in the past!

"If you don't shut up, I'll let you experience real suffocation!" The voice was colder than Ice Ballast.

Qian Shuya shivered from the cold, forced by someone's lewd power, he obediently shut his mouth, took a piece of jerky and gnawed it!

It's just that there is no cure for the disease like chatter. You can't do it if you let them hold it for ten minutes without speaking. Besides, Qian Shuya is still an exploratory and analytical chatter!

He just likes to study and analyze anything that interests him, and he likes to share his research and analysis results with others!

at the moment--

Qian Shuya has encountered something he is interested in again!

"Hey, what kind of meat is this? It tastes like beef, but the fiber is thinner than beef. It shouldn't be beef, and it doesn't look like pork. The pork doesn't taste so fresh. If it had bones, I could tell it was. What an animal!"

Zhu Siya's eyebrows jumped again, Shen Jiao patted the back of her hand soothingly, in fact, Qian Shuya is quite a cute person, most of his thoughts are to himself, and it's still up to her. within the acceptable range!

"Brother Shuya, this is mouse meat, doesn't it taste good!" Shen Jiao had a bad heart.

Unexpectedly, Qian Shuya did not change his face and heart, and did not even move the tip of his eyebrows. He shook his head and said, "It is not mouse meat. The meat of mouse meat is tougher. I have eaten mouse meat before, and the taste is different from this. , I will eat a few more pieces to know what kind of meat it is!"

Shen Jiao stuck out her tongue, Qian Shuya actually ate rat meat, it was unexpected!

Much stronger than his father!

Mr. Qian died of starvation and would not eat rat meat!

Zhu Siya coldly glanced at Qian Shuya, who was chewing jerky hard, and hummed, "If you want to eat jerky, just eat it, and if you deliberately come up with such a name, there are so many readers!"

Qian Shuya's mind was all on the jerky, he didn't pay attention to what she said at all, Zhu Siya snorted again, too lazy to pay attention to him, Gu Zi took a piece of jerky and gnawed it.

"I know what kind of meat it is. It's donkey meat, right?" Qian Shuya shouted happily.

Shen Jiao raised her eyebrows in astonishment, this guy is really a genius, he actually made him guess right!

These jerky are really donkey jerky, Han Qixiu heard it from somewhere, saying that women eat donkey meat, but he worked hard to get a large piece of raw donkey meat from the north and let Shen Jiao put it away and eat it slowly!

Dragon meat in the sky, donkey meat in the ground!

To receive such a compliment, it can be seen that the taste of donkey meat is absolutely good. Shen Jiao loved donkey meat in her past and present life.

It's just that people in the north eat a lot of donkey meat, but it's very rare in the south, and even donkeys are rarely seen. I didn't expect that Qian Shuya could actually eat it!

What a genius!

"Brother Shuya, can you eat all your meat?" Shen Jiao asked curiously.

Qian Shuya tilted his head and thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Of course not, as long as I've eaten it, I can tell it apart, but I can't if I haven't!"

Speaking of which, he looked regretful and sighed deeply!

"Then what meat have you eaten?" Zhu Siya couldn't help but ask.

Qian Shuya put down the jerky in his hand and said solemnly, "This amount is a bit large. I have eaten all kinds of poultry and livestock, all kinds of snakes, edible insects, birds flying in the sky, and reptiles. Try it!"

"For example, geckos, locusts, lizards, frogs, centipedes, sparrows, cicadas, bats, earthworms, etc., except for the taste of earthworms, the other tastes are very good."

"And these foods are more nutritious than pork, but I don't recommend everyone to eat wild animals, which will cause ecological imbalance and cause great harm to the nature!"

Shen Jiao felt goosebumps all over her body. When she was in exile, she was hungry for three days and didn't dare to eat earthworms. How could this guy be able to eat them?

"Are you hungry too?"

Zhu Siya seemed to have found a fellow man, but the look in Qian Shuya's eyes was much gentler.

Qian Shuya said: "No~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I have never been hungry, I just want to explore the difference between these meats, but unfortunately I can't go out, otherwise I can go to the tropical rainforest to taste the world's jungle Pit vipers are delicious, do you know jungle vipers?"

"I don't know!" Shen Jiao shook her head.

Qian Shuya suddenly became interested and explained: "The jungle pit viper is the largest venomous snake in the world and one of the most dangerous poisonous snakes. According to the proportional law that the more poisonous the meat, the more delicious the meat is, the taste of the jungle pit viper is absolutely It is first-class, if I can go to the Amazon forest, I can grab a jungle viper and taste it myself, and I can also eat delicious South American tuatara, which must be delicious!"

"My ideal is to eat all over the world, then go to outer space for a spin, and meet a few alien friends, so that I can't spend my life in vain!"

Qian Shuya's whole body was shining with golden light, his fists were clenched tightly, and he was full of energy!

This is his ultimate goal, and he must achieve it in this life!

Zhu Siya glared at him and sneered, "My brain is sick!"

But is it true that this guy said that the more venomous the snake, the better the taste?

One day I will get a king cobra in the woods to eat, and I have the opportunity to get a lucky snake too. It's a good name to eat!

Lucky Snake, Lucky Snake, you will definitely be lucky if you eat it!

She eats the first half by herself and Jiaojiao eats the middle!

Snake tail!

Just feed this guy!

Why did you provide information?

The old sheep loves to eat fish

The fourth one is delivered. Thank you for your support. Good night! Good dream!

Note: The jungle pit viper, also known as the Amazon giant pit viper, is a venomous snake unique to the Amazon forest. It is huge and extremely mysterious. The known number is very rare. Once encountered, it is very dangerous!

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