60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and thirty-seven small Biesheng newlyweds (Xuanyuan Royal Prophecy and Shibi +)

337 Little Biesheng Newlyweds

Han Qixiu took Shen Jiao to the family room, and Zhu Siya consciously went to her temporary residence and stopped being a light bulb.

Speaking of which, she would rather listen to Qian Shuya's old ladies when she was a light bulb!

The family room is a three-story building. Han Qixiu's house is on the second floor. It is a two-bedroom, one-bedroom suite. It is very clean. One room is arranged like her bedroom in Haishi.

There was a pink hibiscus gauze tent, a large red lacquer bed, and an oversized Yang Nan Nan was placed on the bed. Even the Yang Nan Nan looked exactly the same as Shen Jiao's in the sea market!

"Do you like Jiaojiao?" Han Qixiu's voice was a little hoarse, and his eyes were particularly bright, scorchingly bright.

"I like it, thank you Brother Han!"

Feeling the burning gaze, Shen Jiao lowered her head shyly.

"Then how does Jiaojiao thank me?"

The voice sounded overhead, and it became even more hoarse, like someone who hasn't drank water in the desert for a few days.

Of course, Han Qixiu's current state is much worse than someone who hasn't had water for a few days!

He is extremely dehydrated!

Urgently need the nourishment of nectar!

The sweet baby in front of him is his nectar!

Without waiting for Shen Jiao's answer, the thirsty Young Master Han lifted her head and covered her thirsty lips: "Jiaojiao just thank me like this!"


Shen Jiao didn't react at all, her body was pressed against the wall, and she was invaded by Han Qixiu.

Every time Han Qixiu kissed her, her mind would be in a state of scorching, and she couldn't remember anything!

After nearly four years of training, Han Qixiu's kissing skills have reached the pinnacle of excellence. He can kiss for more than ten minutes. If he is not worried that Jiaobao's small mouth will be broken by himself, even half an hour is not a problem. drop!

The lung capacity required to kiss for half an hour, for the special forces soldier Wang Han—

A little drizzle!

Han Qixiu was attacking the city and plundering the pool with his little mouth thinking day and night. He just wished he could rub the charming girl in his arms into his body!

I don't know how long it took before Han Qixiu ended this long and sweet kiss with a sigh of relief. Looking at the charming girl with her eyes closed and her lips slightly red, her throat and eyes were doing even more!

Somewhere it swelled even more!

Just kissing has already made him unsatisfied!

But his sweet baby is only seventeen years old!

He promised that this old fellow Shen Jiaxing would not get married until he was 18 years old. Damn, he's going to be an old fox!

Young Master Han, who had no regrets, looked at the fresh and tender meal in front of him, he could only watch and couldn't eat it!

This really kills him!

"Jiaojiao, grow up quickly, we will get married when you are 18, and you can have a bridal chamber when you get married!" Han Qixiu put his chin on Shen Jiao's shoulder and said in a hoarse voice.

Shen Jiao wrapped her hands around Han Qixiu's tight waist, and the hard thing underneath made her not dare to move!

"Actually, it can be done now!"

Shen Jiao's voice was thinner than a mosquito's cry, and her face flushed with shame.

She is now seventeen years old. In her previous life, seventeen was a good age for a woman to get married. Even now, many girls in the countryside were married at seventeen.

Actually, she really wanted to be Brother Han's wife!

No matter how subtle his voice was, he couldn't hide from Han Qixiu's ears. He kissed Shen Jiao on the forehead lovingly: "Seventeen is still too early, it's only a year, I can afford it!"

He specifically asked the military doctor that eighteen is the best age for marriage!

For the sake of Jiaojiao's body, he bears it!


Shen Jiao turned her head in surprise, and two fat **** rushed towards her. It was Dabao and Xiaojiao who were brought by Han Qixiu a few months ago. They were more rounded and looked like two balls.

"Dabao, Xiaojiao, you guys are heavy again, my sister can't hold you anymore!"

Shen Jiao was pressed down by the two balls, her hands sank, these two fat cats, I will give them weight loss tomorrow!

Dabao and Xiaojiao are also quite clever, seeming to be aware of their weight problem, they jumped onto Shen Jiao's shoulders dexterously, kept wagging their tails, and even stretched out their pink tongues to lick them!

Han Qixiu's eyes darkened, and he threw it out with one hand!

He hasn't kissed enough yet!

Shen Jiao wanted to make out with the two cats again. A certain neglected man dissatisfied and kissed those delicious little mouths again. This time, the attack was even stronger!

And even better!

A certain paw is starting to be dishonest!

Constantly rubbing on the soft body, covered with the long-awaited softness!

Shen Jiao was so frightened that she shuddered, as if she had been electrocuted, not only dizzy, but also burnt!

Han Qixiu was very pleasantly surprised. No wonder he felt that Jiaobao looked different today. It turned out that he had grown meat here!

It looks like it has grown a lot!

It seems that the effect of papaya and durian is still there!

"Jiaojiao, I'll cook papaya soup for you in the evening, let's eat more meat!" Young Master Han is extremely attentive. He is more concerned about the development of Jiaojiao than anyone else!

It's about his lifelong welfare, can he not care!

Shen Jiao was dazed by someone's rubbing, but when she heard how long the flesh was, she regained a sense of clarity.

"Don't grow fat, it doesn't look good if you gain weight!"

On the issue of fatness and thinness, all women have the same idea!

"It's good-looking, don't you think it looks good with the flesh growing here!"

Feeling the part where a certain paw was kneading, Shen Jiao looked down, her brain banged up again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At the same time, she felt a little empty!

Those meats are fake!

She reached out and patted off a certain paw. Shen Jiao wanted to break free from someone's embrace, but how could Young Master Han, who had finally succeeded, easily let her go?

Once the iron arms were caught, Shen Jiao returned to his arms again, the two iron arms were tightly enclosed, to see where you escaped!

"Jiaojiao, let me kiss again, you miss me so much, it hurts my heart, liver and lungs, you **** little thing!"

Young Master Han's love words are also very pleasant. What girl doesn't like to hear sweet and beautiful love words?

Although Shen Jiao's small face was stern, her heart was sweet, and she was still a little proud. The corners of her lips unconsciously brought a smile, the pear vortex was looming, and Han Qixiu's throat was dry again!

What should I do?

Naturally, I kissed it!

Nothing can quench your thirst more than this!

"Don't kiss there, I didn't take a bath!" Shen Jiao whispered embarrassedly, trying to push away someone who was licking her neck, but where could she push away, someone was licking happily!

"Brother Han, I'm uncomfortable, I want to take a bath!"

Shen Jiao couldn't stand the odor on her body and insisted on taking a bath. Han Qixiu didn't object this time. She had kissed enough, and touched enough.


Han Qixiu filled Shen Jiao with hot water, and asked her to take a bath in the tub. If the hot water was not enough, use the hot water from the kettle. After he came back, the dirty water would be poured. Reluctant to leave!

It's only noon, and he has to go back to train soldiers!

The old sheep loves to eat fish

In the third update, thank you for the reward of Xuanyuan Yuzhu's He Clan's jade. Don't worry about the big dish, let's serve the soup first, hehe!

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