60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and forty-seven freshmen report (reward +)

347 Freshmen Report

Shen Jiao lived in the barracks for five days. Although Han Qixiu was very busy during these five days, he still took half a day to take her up the mountain to play. The mountain was so high that the emperor was far away, and some stinky hooligan naturally took her from head to toe. nibbled.

Just about to eat her alive!

At the last kick at the door, Han Qixiu used the greatest willpower in his life to hold it back!

Another fifteen months and twenty-eight days!

He can do whatever he wants!

Eat whatever you want!

Eat whenever you want!

"Brother Han, why don't we get married now?" Shen Jiao couldn't bear to see the bulging veins on Han Qixiu's forehead.

Han Qixiu lovingly kissed her on the mouth and said softly, "No, I can bear it!"


Shen Jiao cuddled softly in his arms, looking up at the blue sky above her head, with a green leaf in her mouth, she blew a simple tune that was very melodious.

The mountains are green!

The wind is light!

The grass is soft!

The baby in his arms is more delicate than the grass, and the tune in his ears is softer than the breeze!

His heart is more peaceful than the mountains, and he only wishes this moment to stay forever!

Early in the morning on September 5th, Han Qixiu drove Shen Jiao to report at school. On the way, Han Qixiu mysteriously told her that there would be surprises in a few days, so she should wait patiently!

Shen Jiao's eyes lit up, she hugged Han Qixiu and acted coquettishly, and even offered two sweet kisses, but this guy took care of him and even added a few more, but she didn't want to say the surprise, she just asked her to be patient wait!

She hated that she bit several watch marks on Han Qixiu's hand!

Smelly rascal!

Shen Jiao originally wanted to study Chinese medicine, but the school didn't have it yet, so she had to apply for pharmacy, because I heard that clinical medicine is going to take anatomy classes and deal with dead people all day, she is not that strong heart!

An enthusiastic banner was hung at the entrance of the Medical College of S Province, with various slogans on it:

"Welcome - new comrades from the three revolutionary battlefields"

"The people sent me to university, and I went to university for the people"


On the radio, it rang loudly:

Facing the bright sun,

shouldering the hopes of the party and the people,

Our GNB students,

From all over the country,


Youth is like fire, will is like steel,


There are people coming and going on the campus, all the freshmen who came to report, there are many old students who help, and some teachers, everyone has a happy smile on their faces, and they also wear their most decent clothes. for this beautiful day.

The students who came to report were generally a little older. Just like Ma Xinghua's former classmates, they were unshaven and wrinkled, and looked in their thirties and forties.

Shen Jiao deliberately wore plain clothes today, with a white shirt and blue trousers, a pair of round-mouthed blue shoes, two braids of sheep's horns, and not even a flower on her head, but even if she was wearing a sackcloth, she was destined to stand in the crowd. eye-catching!

Not to mention that there is a cold-faced Yan Luo Han Qixiu beside Shen Jiao!

That dazzling green uniform is more eye-catching than any beauty!

As soon as the two talents appeared on campus, they attracted the attention of many teachers and students, but they were much quieter for a while, except for the non-stop singing from the speakers.

Carrying the luggage, Han Qixiu led Shen Jiao to the reception desk of the Department of Pharmacy, took out the admission notice and shook it, and immediately a gentle boy with eyes came over.

"I'm Su Weimin, a 73-year-old student of pharmacy, welcome new classmates!" Su Weimin's southern accent is very heavy.

He took Shen Jiao's admission notice, glanced at it, and said in surprise, "Comrade Shen Jiao, I'm from Kuaiji, we are half fellows!"

Shen Jiao also joked in Hai Shi dialect: "After that, I will ask my fellow villagers to take care of me!"

"Let's learn and make progress together!" Su Weimin spoke very smoothly, with the cunning and shrewdness of Master Kuaiji.

The dormitory where Shen Jiao lived was a bit shabby. The public bathroom and toilet were a bit far from the room, and the room looked old and tattered. Shen Jiao didn't feel it, but Han Qixiu couldn't take it anymore.

How could Jiaojiao live in such a dilapidated house!

You have to figure out how to fix the whole house, but you can't let your daughter-in-law suffer!

This is a serious dereliction of duty as a husband!

Shen Jiao came earlier, there was only one female classmate in the dormitory, she was in her twenties, with short hair, short stature, wearing thick glasses, she saw Shen Jiao and the others and greeted them warmly.

"Hello, comrade, I'm Xu Weihong, a native of Dongping, who fought in the Great Northern Wilderness for six years."

Looking at the calloused hands of the working people stretched out in front of her, Shen Jiao felt a little guilty, she had never fought for a day!

"Hello, my name is Shen Jiao, from Hai Shi."

Shen Jiao stretched out her tender paws with a smile, and shook hands with Xu Weihong. She was speechless. Comrade Xu's hand was even more piercing than Han Qixiu's!

Xu Weihong felt the softness in the palm of her hand, and then looked at Han Qixiu who was busy making the bed and wiping, and Shen Jiao's shiny women's watch on her wrist, she seemed to understand!

This new classmate must come from a famous and professional high-ranking family!

Otherwise, how could she go to university without going to the countryside to work?

Xu Weihong has long heard that there are many GNB students in this class, and many of them are well-connected~www.wuxiaspot.com~ went straight to university, but she never expected to meet one just after the start of school!

Xu Weihong's feelings are a bit complicated. She went to the Northeast Corps after graduating from junior high school. Like men, she used a pick to **** the mud that was frozen harder than iron, and she carried wood heavier than her body. Planting rice...

In those six years, she never regarded herself as a woman!

I have never considered the impact of these heavy work on the body!

She only had one thought, to go out of the Northeast and become a glorious GNB student!

And it came out in a clean way!

Now that she has done it, she should be happy, yes, she is indeed happy. Before Shen Jiao came, she even hummed a little song!

But now she is not happy!

Because of the hardships she had finally won the place, the new classmate in front of her was effortless!

Although Xu Weihong understands that there is no fairness in the world, she is very lucky to be able to go to university. She must know that there are thousands of young people left in the Great Northern Wilderness, and the future is uncertain. able to come out.

Reason told her so, but she couldn't control her jealousy and sadness!

Injustice for herself!

Why can others get it so easily?

Does she need to pay so much effort?

Shen Jiao glanced at Xu Weihong in surprise. She didn't understand why this classmate suddenly became cold. She didn't care too much, she lowered her head and packed her luggage. Soon, the classmates in their dormitory came one after another.

The old sheep loves to eat fish

This chapter is to thank Shi Nian, Shucheng Ningzhiyuan and Totoro Children's Shoes for their rewards and updates. That's it for today, good night!

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