60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and forty-nine small peppers

Gao Shuhui lowered her head to lay the sheets, her heart was astringent, and she couldn't tell what it was like. It turned out that he didn't know how to laugh, and it wasn't that he couldn't speak tender words. Look how sweet he laughed just now!

What a gentle voice!

It's a pity that these are not for her!

Instead, it was given to that girl Shen, who was moved even when she saw a woman. She was so beautiful that she couldn't even be jealous!

If she were a man, she would also abandon her, an old and ordinary woman, and choose Miss Shen, right?

Shen Jiao sent away the nagging Han Qixiu and returned to the dormitory with a smile on her face. Sister Dong laughed and joked, "Xiao Shen, I think your battalion commander Han wants to tie you to his belt!"

Miao Shuifeng also nodded and said, "Yes, my daddy didn't have to be so careful. Before I went out, my daddy just let me save money and didn't ask me anything!"

Song Shuang said with concern: "My parents also said the same, saying that it would be best if I could be self-sufficient!"

Sister Dong said with a smile: "We can have 17 yuan per month for living expenses. It's enough to save a little bit. Back then, my husband could save 5 yuan a month and send it back to me!"

Shen Jiao asked curiously, "Your husband is also a gnb student?"

"Yes, my husband is in the first class and is also in our school. Now he has participated in the work." Sister Dong smiled happily and her eyes were full of satisfaction.

"Eldest sister, you are so happy, both of you are college students!" Song Shuang was extremely envious.

Sister Dong said with a hearty smile: "The hardships we endured at the beginning can't be finished for three days and three nights. Don't worry, you are all still young, and the days to come will be sweet!"

That afternoon was the class meeting time. The counselor was a middle-aged woman in her forties, surnamed Wu, and everyone called her Teacher Wu.

There are a total of twenty-six students in class 7511 of their pharmacy, seven of them are girls, and nineteen boys are left. The oldest is thirty-six years old. The surname is Li Mingjinjin. It's bare, I don't know a few big characters, and it is said that I can't even write my own name!

In the end, everyone elected Mrs. Dong as the squad leader. Someone suggested Li Qianjin, but everyone was really skeptical about the ability of Li Qianjin, whose name was incomplete, so they chose Mrs. Dong who was more reliable!

Everyone came to the stage and introduced themselves one by one. Some of the classmates were party members, such as Li Qianjin and Dong Dajie.

There are also some classmates who introduce themselves like a long speech. The eighteenth generation of their ancestors are almost finished, and they also include their battle history on the revolutionary battlefield. Shen Jiao listens to it with such impassioned enthusiasm!

When it was Shen Jiao's turn, she simply said her name and place of origin, without saying a single word. In the eyes of the big guy, this beautiful classmate is not very easy to get along with!

It's not that Shen Jiao doesn't want to say more, she doesn't dare to say more!

Although Shen Jiaxing's hat has turned red, he is still a capitalist in essence, this is not a title that can be bragged!

She should keep a low profile!

Save yourself the trouble!

Shen Jiao's beauty caused a huge sensation in the medical school. She was quickly named the flower of the medical school by the good people, and she was also the school flower that has never been seen before in a century!

This title made Shen Jiao very hesitant. She didn't like to be in the limelight at all, so she acted more low-key. After class, she went back to the dormitory and stayed there.

The people in the dormitory are still relatively easy to get along with. Big sister Dong, Song Shuang and Miao Shuifeng needless to say that she is a person who is easy to get along with. Although Hao Yuhua is a little gloomy, she is in her own world and it is not difficult to get along with.

Although Xu Weihong was a little strange, she just ignored her. This would have no effect on Shen Jiao. It was Gao Shufang, the commander's daughter, who made Shen Jiao's head bigger.

There are always some things going on every day, it's really annoying!

"I can't find my toilet water, who has seen my toilet water?" Gao Shufang shouted.

"What water? If it's gone, it's gone. There's plenty of tap water in the water room." Miao Shuifeng disagreed, but she kindly pointed out Gao Shufang.

"You know the shit, mine is toilet water, and it costs a few dollars a bottle!"

Gao Shufang gave her a stern look. The last thing in the dormitory, except Shen Jiao, was this Miao Shuifeng. She was dressed in tatters than a beggar, and she was so ugly. If the beggar presses her head, it's really bad luck for eight lifetimes!

When Miao Shuifeng heard that it cost several dollars a bottle of toilet water, she stuck out her tongue in fright and muttered, "Why is water so expensive, isn't it delicious?"

Song Shuang laughed and explained to Miao Shuifeng in a low voice, "The toilet water is not for drinking. Sprinkling it on your body is fragrant, and it can also prevent mosquito bites!"

Gao Shufang said in annoyance, "Bumper!"

Miao Shuifeng's expression changed slightly, but she still held back, but Song Shuang couldn't bear it any longer, and said, "Student Gao Shufang, are you dissatisfied with the peasant class?"

Gao Shufang was not afraid of going up and down the line, and sneered, "Which eyes do you see that I am dissatisfied with the peasant class?"

"I can see with both eyes and hear with my ears. You called me a **** just now, aren't you dissatisfied with me as a peasant class!"

Miao Shuifeng herself could endure Gao Shufang's abuse, but she couldn't just watch her friend get humiliated for helping her.

How can Gao Shufang have the patience to talk to these hillbillies, she is anxious to find toilet water!

"You have a problem with your ears. When did I scold you for being a douchebag? What's wrong!"

Gao Shufang is not stupid. She refuses to admit what she scolded Miao Shuifeng just now, but Song Shuang is so angry that she has never seen such a shameless person!

Miao Shuifeng's black face was swollen and red~www.wuxiaspot.com~ her eyes were also flushed. She was originally a simple and honest girl in the mountains. These days, Gao Shufang's humiliation, secretly and secretly, she endured silently. Afraid of causing trouble to the family, the people from the mountains can't afford to provoke high officials!

There is a limit to a person's patience. She, Miao Shuifeng, was also raised by her parents, so why should she be humiliated for no reason?

Hao Yuhua and Xu Weihong were just looking down at their books, looking like they were planning to clean the snow in front of the house. Sister Dong went home after school and rarely stayed overnight in the dormitory.

Shen Jiao got angry when she saw Gao Shufang's arrogant appearance, and couldn't help but help: "Gao Shufang, you are deliberately sabotaging national unity, what do you feel at ease?"

Song Shuang's eyes lit up, he immediately reacted, and shouted at Gao Shufang: "Fifty-six ethnic groups are one family, Gao Shufang, you always bully and insult Miao Shuifeng, are you deliberately destroying the stability and unity of our 7511 class? Do you still want to provoke the ethnic ties between the Han and the Yao people?"

Miao Shuifeng, a girl from the Yao ethnic group, was confused, but did not understand what Shen Jiao and Song Shuang were talking about!

What kind of nationalism?

Her family and the Han people get along pretty well!

"I think this matter should be reported to Teacher Wu, and then the school security department will come to deal with it. This matter should not be underestimated. It is a serious crime to undermine the stability and unity of the country. I believe that a person as selfless as Commander Gao will never cover up his daughter!"

After staying here for so many years, Shen Jiao is very familiar with this syllabus, opening her mouth is a set, everyone is stunned, never would have thought that Shen Jiao, who usually doesn't show off the mountains and water, is actually still A little pepper! The old sheep loves to eat fish and said lonely looking back at the waste material lady vs the evil belly black prince, strong men and strong women, sweet pets should not be missed.

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