60s: Petite Wife

: The little wild cat in the three hundred and fifty-six family (reward +)

Han Qixiu came to the training camp with a stern face. He was also serious. It was the soldier he trained in the morning. Next month, the whole army will compete in martial arts. The top three can go to the national competition.

Han Qixiu and Serenity are determined to win the quota for this competition!

Their battalion not only wants to get the quota of the military division, but also to get the top three in the country!

He, Han Qixiu, doesn't have a coward!

That's why his work tasks are very tight during this time, and Shen Jiao doesn't care too much, but with Zhu Siya helping him, he is still very relieved!

This is also the main reason why he helped Gaode bring Zhu Siya to the S military region!

Otherwise, just relying on Gothe, his grandfather is willing to let him go?

Han Qixiu arranged the training tasks with a stern face, and asked the company commanders to start training with their soldiers.

But I didn't know that the soldiers below were too active today!

"What's wrong with the battalion commander's mouth? Why is the skin broken?"

"Is the cat scratching? Didn't the battalion commander's wife keep two cats!"

"I heard that cats like to scratch people's faces the most, but I didn't expect the battalion commander to avoid cats!"


The soldiers are a little regretful. In their hearts, the battalion commander is the omnipotent soldier king, how can he even avoid a cat!

They are so disappointed!

The married veterans glanced disdainfully at the group of recruits and laughed secretly!

It seems that the battalion commander's wife is also a little wild cat!

The most important thing is-

The battalion commander of his own is also a slobber!

Just know that there are bears in front of them!

Maybe even kneeling on the washboard in the house!


Serenity also noticed the abnormality of his partner, and asked curiously, "What's wrong with your face? Dabao or Xiaojiao scratched?"

Don't look at Serenity's always stern face, with a dead appearance of 'don't approach strangers', but he loves Dabao and Xiaojiao very much. Seriousness accounts for most of the credit for these two being able to grow into fat balls!

Every day, I go to the river to fish for fish and loaches to feed two people. It's no wonder that they are not fat!

"Little Jiao scratches!" Han Qixiu said vaguely.

He didn't lie, but this Xiaojiao is not another Xiaojiao!

Serenity, the bachelor, was convinced, and said earnestly, "You must have offended Xiaojiao, don't punish her, or the little one will be wronged!"

"I know, I'm sure you won't be punished!"

Han Qixiu didn't want to discuss the matter too much, so he brought it over in a few words and talked about the game. Next to him, Chang Yuzhu watched with cold eyes, secretly laughing in his heart.

It's still good to have a cat, everything can be blamed on the cat, tsk tsk!

I didn't expect Comrade Xiao Shen to have such a small temper!

Sure enough, people can't be seen!

The end of September is coming soon, and the weather is getting cooler every day. Dongping City is located in the north, and the temperature difference between day and night is quite large. You only need to wear a shirt when the sun comes out during the day, but you need to wear a thin shirt in the morning and at night. coat!

Clothes at this time are the worst to wear. It's too hot to wear, but too cold to wear!

Especially some classmates from poor families, they only brought clothes for winter and summer, and did not bring spring and autumn shirts at all. It should be said that in their minds, there is no concept of spring and autumn shirts at all!

In winter, the jacket is removed from the inner jacket, and the outer smock can be used as a spring and autumn shirt. This is how most people do it. No one would waste cloth to make clothes for the spring and autumn seasons!

It's too much of a loser!

However, this is the way of dressing for rural people. Children in the city are more particular about it. Even if they are poor, they still need to prepare their spring and autumn shirts properly!

It's nothing more than a few more patches!

Miao Shuifeng was the only one in Shen Jiao's dormitory who didn't have spring and autumn clothes. Whether it was day or night, she was wearing a thick blouse, which was taken off from her winter jacket, and this is the only one in all!

Sometimes she washes while the sun is good, wears a winter jacket for the day in the bedroom, and puts it on after the blouse is dry. Sometimes the weather is bad and the blouse is half dry the next day. She also wore the same clothes to go to school, Shen Jiao felt uncomfortable for her!

She sorted out some old clothes she had worn, but did not dare to prepare new ones, for fear that Miao Shuifeng would not want them. Although this girl usually accepts small favors, she always works hard to repay!

Just like the previous Zhu Siya!

Don't refuse help from others, but don't ask for help in vain!

She is a head and a half taller than Miao Shuifeng, and she has to change her clothes before she can give it away, otherwise it will drag on Miao Shuifeng for a long time, like wearing a robe, it doesn't look good!

Shen Jiao is planning to go to the military camp this weekend. Liu Aifang has a sewing machine at home. If I borrow her sewing machine, I can fix it in half a day!

Shen Jiao called Zhu Siya in advance. She heard from Zhu Siya last time that Han Qixiu had brought soldiers to the mountains for special training.

Zhu Siya was still in a majestic military uniform, she helped Shen Jiao carry her bag, and gave Gao Shufang a cold look, causing the girl to shiver.

When Zhu Siya and Shen Jiao left the dormitory, Song Shuang couldn't bear it anymore, and said to himself, "Isn't Shen Jiao a capitalist? How can her sister be a soldier? And how can Shen Jiao go to college? ?it's wired!"

During this period of time, she thought and thought about it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Really can't figure it out!

The classmates who used to be educated youths with her in the past, because of their poor composition, usually put their tails on their shoulders, and didn't even dare to say a word. It's a good thing to recommend going to college, and I can't even think about it!

Those of her classmates with bad composition are still in the Great Northern Wilderness and continue to be educated youths!

Maybe you will be a farmer like this all your life!

Why does Shen Jiao live so well?

Xu Weihong was also angry, and said sourly: "I didn't see that his fiance was the battalion commander. Can someone with a backer be the same as without a backer?"

Gao Shufang snorted unhappily, and Xu Weihong immediately shut up, not daring to say anything anymore!

Hao Yuhua's brows twitched, as if thinking of something, she didn't say anything, she took the book and lay down on the bed to read, and hung up the tent, so that she felt at ease!

Sister Dong didn't go back, she was arranging the form, and it was ready to be handed in. When she heard the conversation between Song Shuang and Xu Weihong, she pointed out: "The country says that recruiting talents should be 'not only the composition', you care so much. What is Xiaoshen's element doing? Since the school has admitted Xiaoshen, there is a reason for the school, don't always worry about other people's gossip!"

Sister Dong actually has some points in her heart. Speaking of which, she is also very curious about Shen Jiao's family background, but she has a calm temperament and has experienced a lot of things, so she would never discuss it with others!

That is to say, talk to her husband after returning home, and after her husband hears it, he will let her have a good relationship with Shen Jiao!

Her husband is still a little knowledgeable, and as soon as he heard the general situation from his wife, he could guess the situation of Shen Jiao's house!

"Your classmates must be wearing red hats at home, otherwise they won't have such a good life!"

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