60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and seventy-four own daughter-in-law hurts herself (book city tranquility and Zhiyua

In the days that followed, Han Qixiu really came back every day, even if it was training until midnight, he would come back. Shen Jiao felt bad for him for being too hard, so he told him not to come back every day, but Han Qixiu still did the same.

For him, no matter how hard it was, it was not as important as Shen Jiao's safety!

He absolutely will not allow his baby to be endangered in the slightest under his own eyes!

Gao De also heard about Han Qixiu's sunrise camp this day. Originally, he didn't dare to care about Han Qixiu's affairs, but the chief just called him and asked him to have a heart-to-heart with Han Qixiu!

There was no other way, he had to bite the bullet and invite Han Qixiu over!

"Xiao Han, hurry up and drink tea!"

Gao De brewed Longjing tea that he couldn't bear to drink, and held it in front of him with a smile on his face.

"Commander Gao has something to say, I'm very busy!"

Han Qixiu took the tea and put it on the coffee table. He never eats things handled by unfamiliar people.

"Xiao Han, training has been so intense recently, you have to pay attention to your body and rest more!" Gothe said with a smile.

Han Qixiu answered noncommittally, frowning slightly, already feeling a little impatient.

Gothe beat for a long time by himself haha, and he didn't mention the point for a long time. Han Qixiu knocked on the coffee table impatiently. The sound of 'knocking' was like an alarm bell, hitting Gothe's heart heavily, and he couldn't help but look pale. tight.

"Is Commander Gao looking for me just to talk nonsense?" Han Qixiu said coldly.

"Of course not, that's the case. I heard that you have been going to your fiancée's house very frequently recently, and often spend the night at her house. Is there such a thing?" Gothe looked serious.

"Is there such a thing, why, which boring guy came to Commander Gao to give a small report?" Han Qixiu looked at Gaode with a half-smile.

Gao De smiled lightly, and said sternly: "Everyone in the military area knows this, how can I use others to tell me? Xiao Han, you and your fiancee are not married after all, and you are still a soldier, you still have to pay attention. Make an impact!"

"What's the impact? What did I do?" Han Qixiu raised his eyebrows and raised his voice.

"Don't get excited, no one said what you did, but you also know how many eyes are staring at our military region outside. It's not good for you to do this!" Gothe persuaded in a good voice.

Han Qixiu sneered: "You told the person above that if something happens to my fiancee, will he pay me a complete daughter-in-law? Even if he pays, it depends on whether I accept it or not? If you don't like it, Then I'll go back to the G military area, and I won't stay here to hinder your eyes!"

"Don't get excited, Xiao Han, say something if you have something to say, this is just me talking to you personally, the above doesn't know about it!" Gothe explained quickly.

Han Qixiu raised his eyebrows: "That's what I mean. My daughter-in-law is distressed. You can say whatever you like. If I don't feel comfortable, I'll go back to the G military area. Anyway, they say that I'm welcome back at any time!"

"Okay, Commander Gao will reply to the one above. Tell him that I, Han Qixiu, serve the country, but not my daughter-in-law. If my daughter-in-law has troubles, I will bombard his whole family!"

After Han Qixiu finished speaking coldly, he strode out of the office!


Gao De looked at the door that was rattled by Han Qixiu with a bitter face, sighed faintly, turned around and shook the phone of the chief, and repeated Han Qixiu's words word for word.

"It's unreasonable, it's totally unreasonable! You asked Han Qixiu to come to me tomorrow, and I'll tell him personally!" An angry male voice came from the microphone.

"Yes!" Gothe replied respectfully.

When Han Qixiu walked out of Gaode's office, he returned to his sternness. His anger just now was intentional. I think that person will come to him tomorrow!


Can you finally hold back?

Master, I have been waiting for this day for a long time!

Since you can't hold your breath for now, wait for him to speak loudly!

If you want him, Han Qixiu, to contribute, it also depends on how many chips you have!

The second day was the class's autumn tour. Han Qixiu asked Han Defu to go with him. Shen Jiao would not refuse, anyway, it was only a matter of 50 cents.

The location of the autumn tour is more than ten miles away from the city. The local students all ride bicycles. Those who don’t have bicycles will take the bus with Sister Dong, and then meet at the appointed place.

Naturally, Shen Jiao and Han Defu went there on bicycles. Fortunately, the road was relatively smooth, so Shen Jiao's **** was not too afflicted!

The place that Sister Dong chose for the autumn tour was a small hillside. There was a small river at the bottom of the hill. It was very convenient to wash things. She also used the money to buy a lot of melon seeds, peanut biscuits, snacks and other foods, which were full of them!

The scenery on the hillside is quite good. Although the trees are bare, there are still many wild flowers and weeds, but they are not completely barren!

"The scenery will be better in spring, Jiaojiao, come take a picture for me, I will send it to Dexing."

Handoff was quite satisfied with the scenery, and shouted for Shen Jiao to take her photo.

Shen Jiao glanced at Handoff's chubby body and snickered. She didn't bother to remind this glutton. She smiled and asked Handoff to pose, and took several pictures.

Other classmates are jealous. Cameras are a rarity for them. Some classmates from the countryside even have contact with cameras for the first time, like Miao Shuifeng.

She pestered Song Shuang to ask a lot of questions about the camera, but it was very strange that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Song Shuang couldn't answer, she was dumbfounded.

Shen Jiao asked Han Defu to take a few photos of her. Today, she deliberately wore a light green blouse, which looked particularly eye-catching and pretty on a piece of yellow sand.

"Sister Shui, come here and I'll take a picture of you. It's beautiful and I can send it back to your parents!" Handoff greeted Miao Shuifeng, and Song Shuang eagerly followed.

What girl doesn't like taking pictures?

Today's Miao Shuifeng is slick, and she is very different from the black and thin person she was when she first started school. It's like she has changed.

Miao Shuifeng and Song Shuang each took two pictures. The other classmates also summoned the courage to come and say they wanted to take pictures, and said they would pay Shen Jiao, why would Shen Jiao ask for their money, so she asked Han Defu to be a full-time photographer. , responsible for taking pictures of these students.

"There is still a film battery in the bag, you can take pictures as you please, just a little bit, you can't take pictures of Gao Shufang!"

Shen Jiao emphasized Gao Shufang again, everyone was dumbfounded, Shen Jiao is so careful!

It's really smaller than the tip of a needle!

Gao Shufang glared at Shen Jiao and turned her head away in disdain, even though she felt like a cat scratching in her heart!

She loves taking pictures!

Sister Dong has prepared the food. She also bought a lot of raw meat, saying that it can be roasted and eaten, but she found a serious fact——

No one has matches!

"Why don't your male classmates have any matches?" Sister Dong said helplessly.

"Cigarettes are so expensive, how can they afford them!" The male classmate explained with a smile.

"There is a farmhouse below, I'll go to the fellow's house to borrow matches!" Hao Yuhua volunteered.

Shen Jiao followed after thinking about it, too lazy to stay here and watch Gao Shufang's face!

It looks annoying!

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