60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and seventy-six saving one life is better than building a level 7 pagoda

Shen Jiao resisted her nausea, pinpointed the acupuncture point and punctured it, puncturing four or five acupuncture points one after another, and then let out a sigh of relief!

"I'll stop the bleeding for this sister-in-law first. If I can stop the bleeding within half an hour, I'll be able to survive. If I can't stop it, then I'm not good enough. Don't blame me!" Shen Jiao said.

"No wonder, absolutely not!"

The man and the uncle spoke in unison, and everyone looked at the woman eagerly, secretly praying that the blood would stop.

Shen Jiao took Hao Yuhua out of the house and said to the two children, "If you want your mother to wake up sooner, just keep calling her in her ear, and she will wake up when she hears your voice! "

This is also what she sees in the book. The reason why this woman has such a strong sense of survival is that she must be reluctant to give up her child!

Even if she went to Yamabi, the cries of the children could still call her back!

Hearing the words, the two children screamed one after another, one ear to the other, screaming:

"Mother, wake up quickly!"

"Mother, don't leave us behind, my brother hasn't had your milk yet!"



The children's cry was extremely sad, even more sad than the cuckoo's cry, and Shen Jiao's eyes warmed when she heard it.

There are such ruthless mothers as Zhang Yumei in the world, but in the end, there are more loving mothers than evil mothers. I think this woman must be very loving to her children. Otherwise, how could these two children be so reluctant to their mother?

The man kept wiping away his tears, calling his wife along with the child.

Even Hao Yuhua couldn't help crying, her handkerchief was wet!

About ten minutes later, a surprised cry suddenly came from the back room, and the old lady shouted happily, "No blood, it's saved!"

The man was full of joy, ran out in a gust of wind, and shouted at Shen Jiao, "Miss, no, doctor, the blood of the mother has stopped, stopped!"

Shen Jiao let out a sigh of relief. Although she was confident, she was still a little nervous, and now she has landed!

The woman's complexion was still pale, but the deadness on her face was less, with a little more anger.

Shen Jiao pulled out the silver needle, then fed the woman a blood-enhancing pill, and said to the man, "Fortune is saved, but this time she has suffered a serious injury, and she needs to rest for at least a year. All previous efforts were lost!"

"Don't worry, we won't let her worry!" the man assured.

"There are three pills here, let my sister-in-law eat it first, one pill a day for three days, and I'll come back for a follow-up three days later!"

Shen Jiao took out three Yangrong Pills, this woman is much more serious than being a Ma Xinghuaniang, but she has to eat Yangrong Pills for a long time, and it cannot be cured overnight.

The man happily took the pill and said embarrassedly, "How can you come over in person? I'll send the baby to your mother's place, right?"

"Big brother, don't be polite, my sister-in-law needs to rest, so it's better for me to come here." Shen Jiao's tone was a little tough.

The man smiled gratefully, took out a few crumpled pieces of money from the bag, and said embarrassedly: "This... This is a medical fee, which is a bit small. I know it's definitely not enough. Can I owe it first?"

Shen Jiao hurriedly asked him to take the money back, and smiled lightly: "I didn't do anything, it's because my sister-in-law should not die, even if I don't come today, my sister-in-law will not have an accident, this big brother Qian still buys nutrition for my sister-in-law. Eat it!"

Of course, the man knew that Shen Jiao was talking politely, but the baby's mother was dying. If this beautiful girl hadn't made a move, the baby would have really lost her mother!

The girl saved his mother's life, how could he not pay for the medicine?

His second son Zhao is not such an ungrateful person!

It's just that Shen Jiao dragged Hao Yuhua away long ago, and Zhao Lao Er didn't catch up after a long time, so he had to come back regretfully.

The eldest of the Zhao family also came out with joy. Seeing that his younger brother still had money in his hand, he couldn't help worrying: "Why didn't you give the money to the doctor?"

"I gave it, but the doctor refused to accept it. He said that it was for his mother to buy delicious food. The doctor ran too fast, and I couldn't catch up." Zhao Lao Er was extremely annoyed.

"You are useless, you can't even catch up with a girl!" Boss Zhao glared at him.

The second son of Zhao also hates himself, it is really useless!

How could he know that what Miss Shen is best at is running!

Hao Yuhua was dragged by Shen Jiao and ran out of breath. She couldn't take it anymore. She broke free from Shen Jiao's hand and waved her hands again and again: "No...run away, my chest hurts!"

Shen Jiao was also out of breath. Seeing that Mr. Zhao didn't catch up, she sat relaxed on the grass and was very happy.

Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda!

She must have accumulated a lot of merit, right?

I just hope that God can see her merits and bless Grandpa and Brother Han to be safe!

"Shen Jiao, I didn't expect your medical skills to be so brilliant? You are amazing!" Hao Yuhua looked at her with admiration.

"How can you be so clever, I just ran into a dead mouse by a blind cat, I'm just lucky, don't tell anyone else!" Shen Jiao urged.

Hao Yuhua immediately stated that she would not tell anyone, so Shen Jiao could just rest assured.

When they returned, the barbecue was already fragrant for ten miles, and the fire was burning vigorously. Sister Dong and Miao Shuifeng were busy roasting meat. When they saw Shen Jiao and the others coming back, Sister Dong laughed and joked: "You are here to make matches. right?"

Shen Jiao pursed her lips and said with a smile, "Hao Yuhua and I sat at my fellow's house for a while, and we forgot the time as soon as we chatted."

"Xiao Shen, Sister Dove is looking for you, haven't you met?" Miao Shuifeng asked.

This Han Defu also trotted back. Seeing that Shen Jiao was safe and sound, she let out a long sigh of relief. The big stone in her heart could be considered to have fallen. If something happened to Shen Jiao, Uncle Xiu would definitely be able to unload her into eight parts. Block feed the wolves.

"Oh my mother, I'm going to scare you away. You are not allowed to act alone in the future~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I have to be with me, do you hear?" Handoff was extremely frightened.

Shen Jiao glanced at her in surprise, and said strangely, "We're all fellow villagers here, what could happen? Dove, you're really making a fuss!"

Handoff stared: "Anyway, you just need to remember what I said!"

Shen Jiao also rolled her eyes and said, "You follow me when I go to the toilet, smoke you to death!"


Handoff was suddenly at a loss for words, and looked bitterly at the proud little face in front of him, the stinky thing with no conscience!

On the way back, the more Han Defu thought about it, the more worried she became. Yin Yin instructed her, "Don't tell me about today's affairs when you go back?"

"What can't you say?" Shen Jiao was so surprised.

"It's about me being separated from you for more than half an hour. If Uncle Xiu finds out, this girl's life will be over!" Handoff shrank his neck and looked scared.

Shen Jiao looked amused and comforted, "Don't worry, I promise not to tell Brother Han!"


During dinner in the evening, Shen Tongxue, who was anxious to share the good news with her brother Han, happily told her about saving a life, and with a small look of 'praise me quickly', Han Qixiu doted on it. Touching his little head, he was about to say something nice.

Han Tongshoe, who was eating braised pork, said stunned, "Jiaojiao, you saved someone today? Why didn't I know?"

As soon as the words came out, Handoff felt the ice knife in the harsh winter, and instantly cooled from head to toe!

"Handoff, start 500 push-ups today and give up meat for three months. I think your brain is completely blocked by meat!" Han Qixiu's cold voice sounded.


Handoff wanted to cry but had no tears, she just wanted to cut off her own tongue and feed it to Dabao and Xiaojiao!

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