60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and seventy-nine indescribable things


Facts have proved that you can never believe what a man says in bed. It is better to believe that the sun sets from the east!

Shen Jiao woke up from her beautiful dream. Han Qixiu, who was next to her, had already left, leaving only a shallow dent on the bed sheet.


Feeling the pain in both hands, Shen Jiao's head suddenly exploded. The lingering hotness of last night came to her mind. Shen Jiao touched her hot face and secretly spit out 'stinky bastard'.

Say it for the last time every time!

It made her hand break off!

Shen Jiao shook her hands and kept thinking about the names of Chinese medicines, trying her best to cover those shameful images, but her body was far more honest than her mind.

Her little head doesn't like Chinese medicine names at all, and she likes the pictures of shy people!

She was so embarrassed that Shen Jiao had to go to the kitchen to cook breakfast, hoping that the food in the kitchen would calm her down!


Shen Jiao originally planned to make assorted fried rice, but why did she think of carrots when she saw...

The shy girl threw the innocent carrot aside, scolded "stinky rascal" and discarded it!

Sister Dove wants to eat delicious assorted fried rice, but why isn't there a pretty carrot in the fried rice in front of her?

"You've run out of carrots, eat them quickly, and go to school!"

Shen Jiao said sullenly, she quickly stuffed a few mouthfuls of rice into her mouth, and she stopped eating after throwing the chopsticks, urging Sister Dove to hurry up too!

Handoff glanced at Shen Jiao suspiciously, always thinking why is this girl so weird today?

It should be because Uncle Xiu left and felt uncomfortable, right?

Handoff automatically found a reason for Shen Jiao's abnormality, and thoughtfully didn't ask any more. After eating the rice in two bites, she wiped her mouth and followed Shen Jiao away.

After school in the afternoon, Shen Jiao took Han Defu to the vegetable market to buy food. In the evening, Miao Shuifeng, Sister Dong, and other classmates were coming to the house for dinner. After moving out for so long, Shen Jiao had never invited a classmate to come to the house. While there were no classes this afternoon, Shen Jiao prepared to entertain them.

Except for Gao Shufang, she invited all the female classmates in the class, and she also invited fellow villager Su Weimin, who led the way at the beginning of the school year.

Su Weimin has been dismissed from the research department of Dongping Pharmaceutical Company because of his good grades. He can go to work in a pharmaceutical company only after graduation. He has a bright future.

Afraid that Su Weimin, a **** man, would be embarrassed, Shen Jiao also invited several male classmates in the class, and they all got along pretty well.

One is from Hai Shi, named Huang Haiyuan, twenty-six years old, an educated youth of the Corps, a man who is a bit slippery in speaking, but he is quite sincere and worth paying attention to.

One is from Dongping City, named Zeng Zhijie, twenty-eight years old, a lathe worker in a local machinery factory, and a party member. He is mature and stable, giving people the feeling of a big brother next door.

The other is Wang Xiaohua, the husband of Sister Dong. He is 30 years old, of medium stature, slightly blessed, with a honest and honest appearance, but his eyes are full of light under the lens!

Wang Xiaohua is a surgeon at the First Hospital. She has two children with Sister Dong. The children were brought by the elderly in the family, and they were not brought here.

Speaking of which, Wang Xiaohua is also from a family of doctors. His parents and uncles are both doctors, so both of them tried their best to choose a medical school. Not to mention other things, the problem of job assignment after graduation can be easily solved!

Shen Jiao bought a lot of vegetables, just a few kilograms of bare meat, a roast chicken, and some cooked food with claws. There are also a few dried pheasants at home, which were brought over by Second Brother Zhao. Shen Jiao All air dried.

When Sister Dong saw the piles of vegetables in the kitchen, she was speechless and teased, "Xiao Shen, you are spending too much money!"

"It's just a common meal, just don't dislike it!"

Shen Jiao washed the meat and handed it to Handoff to chop it into pieces. Handoff was good at cutting the meat very beautifully.

"It's a pity that there is no fish in the vegetable market. I originally wanted to invite you to eat fish."

Shen Jiao has some regrets. The fish here is very rare. There are very few fish for sale in the vegetable market. Even during the festivals, most of them are frozen fish, and the taste is not as delicious as fresh!

Xu Weihong, who was helping the dishes, smiled and said, "We eat fish here, but we can only eat it during the festival, and no one eats it at ordinary times. Also, the master must invite the master to eat fish on the beam of the house, otherwise the master will have a feeling in his heart. Bump, I won't do anything in the future!"

Speaking of which, Xu Weihong let out a sigh, and the smile on her face faded.

"Why don't you have to eat fish? My family doesn't have enough buds to eat. If you want to eat fish, you can just touch it in the river, but I don't like to eat fish.

There are so many fish in the water, why don't you have to eat it!

Sister Dong explained with a smile: "We are short of water here, and fish is indeed a precious commodity. Even in the city, you can buy frozen fish for Chinese New Year and festivals, but rural people can only eat wooden fish!"

"Wooden fish? What kind of fish is this? Never heard of it!"

Shen Jiao and Han Defu, Miao Shuifeng and the others were all very surprised. After eating so many fish, this was the first time they had heard of wooden fish!

Sister Dong said: "The wooden fish is the shape of a carp carved from wood. Usually, there is no chance to eat it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is the public property of the production team. After the wedding ceremony at home, I borrowed it from the production team and used it. Otherwise, there is no such fish on the table, and people will look down on it!"

Shen Jiao was stunned and said, "How do you eat this wooden fish? There's no meat!"

"Well, is it hard to eat wood? Then why bother to carve a fish, just boil the wood and eat it!"

Miao Shuifeng touched the back of her head in confusion. She was very hungry when she was a child, but she had eaten the bark of a tree.

Sister Dong laughed softly: "Where is the wood gnawing? The wooden fish is borrowing its fish-like appearance. When cooking vegetables, boil the seasonings, soups, etc., and burn them on the wooden fish. Eat chopsticks dipped in soup, you will eat the umami of Dianzi soup!"

Shen Jiao and the others suddenly realized that daring love is to drink soup!

But Handoff was even more puzzled: "Then why do you make it so troublesome? Why don't you just cook the soup in a pot? Anyway, everyone eats soup."

Miao Shuifeng also nodded, she really didn't understand the customs here!

Xu Weihong, who had not made a sound for a long time, sneered: "If you cook soup and serve it, your family will have people poking your spine, and people in front of you will not be able to lift their heads!"

"No way? How serious is it?"

Shen Jiao didn't believe it, it was just a wooden fish, how could it be connected to the backbone?

Xu Weihong said angrily: "Why not? My family couldn't stand up for a year because of this wooden fish, or my dad tried his best to get a big carp, and he cooked it and invited people to eat it again. Stand up."

Most of them were aroused by Xu Weihong's words, and they urged her to clarify what was going on.

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