60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and ninety-six months black wind high

Both legs are broken, how can you contribute to the motherland?

Is it difficult to go to the countryside to become a grandfather?

Liu Jun, who didn't want to go to the countryside at first, didn't want to go any more now. He was stuck at home and refused to go to the countryside. He always felt that his uncle and father were deliberately deceiving him. How could a small battalion commander be so scary?

He is the commander's nephew!

What about Han Qixiu's family?

It is difficult for a strong dragon to fight a local snake. In S province, their Liu family is a local snake. The sky is high and the emperor is far away. Who cares what he wants to do?

The Han family is a local snake in G province. The big deal is that if he doesn't go to G province, he will become. What else should he be afraid of in his own territory?

He is so comfortable staying in Dongping City, he will go up to any girl he likes, beat up anyone who doesn't like his eye, do whatever he wants, who dares to care about him?

He didn't even want to be a soldier, so why would he want to go to the countryside?

Working with a bunch of poor students, it's just a loss for him!

At this moment, Liu Jun is thankful for the nameless dog thief who secretly broke his leg. Otherwise, he wouldn't have such a good excuse!

Because he is the only male in the Liu family, Liu Jun has been doted on since he was a child. No matter what kind of request he makes, except that he can't get the stars and the moon, Liu Xing and Liu Jun will try their best to satisfy him!

This also developed his lawless and domineering temperament!

In addition, no matter what he did, even if he was killed, he could still be safe and sound, which made Liu Jun's temper even more arrogant and domineering, except that he didn't dare to enter the sky, he dared to do anything!

Anyway, when something went wrong, my father and uncle took care of me!

Afraid of a ball?

Because Liu Jun was arguing that he refused to go to the countryside, and his leg injury was really inconvenient to move, and his family couldn't hold him back, so he had a bit of luck and let him stay!

"Han Qixiu, no matter how good he is, he wouldn't dare to act wild on my territory!" Commander Liu said.

He is still very confident in his control in Province S!

Liu Xingben was a little nervous, but after seeing the confident face of his eldest brother, he calmed down!

Ever since he was a child, he has always followed the elder brother. The elder brother has never missed it. This time, he naturally has to listen to the elder brother!


Liu Jun stayed like this, but he still did not go to school, but stayed at home to heal his leg injury!

And his sidekick Xu Aimin also stayed at home to recover from his injuries. It was really a pair of brothers and sisters!

Shen Jiao also heard about Liu Jun. There were ups and downs in the market, and everything was said. The most rumored one was that Liu Jun and his daughter-in-law got together, and the little daughter-in-law's man found out that this man He was a **** man who broke Liu Jun's legs, then stripped him and threw him into the alley to blow in the cold wind!

This matter makes the big guy lively, as if someone saw it with his own eyes!

In fact-

"Sister Si Ya, did you break Liu Jun's leg?" Shen Jiao asked in a low voice.

In the evening, Zhu Siya took time to come to her place for dinner. She didn't bring Qian Shuya and was wearing casual clothes. During this time, there were many fewer people who paid attention to Qian Shuya. Zhu Siya was not as nervous as before, and could spare time. Come to accompany Shen Jiao.

Zhu Siya ate a piece of braised pork and said nonchalantly, "Well, the **** wants to hide, but there is no way!"

Handoff gave her a thumbs up!


She did what she always wanted to do!

Shen Jiao also happily took a piece of oily pork belly into Zhu Siya's bowl: "Sister Siya eat more, there is some meat!"

Zhu Siya unceremoniously picked up a piece of fat and put it into her mouth, chewed it effortlessly, and swallowed it down, seeing Shen Jiao and Handoff's mouths overflowing with saliva!

It's really difficult for her small cherry mouth, how could she let her eat meat that is bigger than her mouth?

After eating four or five pieces of meat in a row, Zhu Siya wiped her mouth contentedly, and said to Shen Jiao, "This Liu Jun will save his life first, and wait for Captain Han to come back and clean him up!"

However, Shen Jiao was a little worried: "His uncle is a local snake here. Sister Si Ya, will you and Brother Han be in danger?"

If she would be endangered by this, she would rather suffer a little grievance!

"What is a local snake? It annoys me, and I still touch it at night and kill him!"

Shen Jiao was so frightened that she hurriedly covered Zhu Siya's little mouth, sweating coldly!

"Sister Si Ya, just think about some things in your heart, don't say them!" Shen Jiao reminded helplessly.

She had no doubt that Zhu Siya would do such a thing. Speaking of which, this girl dared to kill Sun Maodan at the age of sixteen, what else would she dare not?

Zhu Siya obediently closed her mouth, ate meat, and was timid. These words are really not suitable to say in front of her, don't scare her!

During this time, Shen Jiao made soup every day and sent it to the hospital. Liu Aifang stayed at the hospital every day to take care of her son. Shen Jiao contracted the meals for her mother. Cooking is better than buying at a restaurant!

It has been nearly half a month since Han Qixiu left. The last time he called was a week ago, and he said that he would be back in half a month at most. In this way, Han Qixiu would be back in a week.

Liu Jun's incident did not affect Shen Jiao in any way. She was satisfied that Gao Shufang, a disgusting fellow, had not come to school for several days. Sister Dong said she had taken a month's sick leave~www.wuxiaspot.com ~I think I was terrified by the life discussion between Zhu Siya and Handoff!

Without this guy being disgusting in front of him, Shen Jiao felt that the air in the school had become fresher, and her mood was much better!

After class that day, Shen Jiao brought a lunch box of dumplings stuffed with chives to Dong Fangzheng's house. Her new master loves dumplings, and they have to be stuffed with chives, so they won't get tired of eating them every day!

It's just that he's too lazy to wrap. To be precise, he probably doesn't know how to wrap. He is really greedy, so he just gets some leek boxes to eat. It's really hard for a lazy person like him to raise that pile of fat on his body!

"Master, the dumplings that just came out of the pot, eat them while they're still hot!"

Shen Jiao took out the lunch box from the cotton pocket, it was still warm, and handed it to Dong Fangzheng, who was preparing for dinner. In front of her was a small plate of peanuts, a small plate of fried pork with potato chips, and the radio was still there. Put on a model show with a lot of emotions——

Outsmart the Tiger Mountain!

Dong Fangzheng heard what he was interested in, so he roared twice, and after roaring, he took a sip of wine, and then chewed a grain of peanuts.

Seeing the dumplings brought by Shen Jiao, her eyes lit up immediately, she couldn't wait to take the lunch box, opened it and saw that there were twenty or so chubby dumplings inside, steaming hot!

It added a bit of warmth to her heart. During these times, Shen Jiao would always bring him delicious food from time to time, and sometimes she would cook a big meal for him, which could last for three or four days. That's alright, the taste is dozens of times better than what he cooked himself!

People's hearts are full of flesh. Under Shen Jiao's care, Dong Fangzheng's heart that had been cold for decades gradually warmed up, and the eyes that looked at Shen Jiao became a little warmer!

This apprentice is hundreds of times better than he originally expected!

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