60s: Petite Wife

: 398 1 Dojo Kyoto

Shen Jiao and Han Defu looked at each other, not understanding what kind of nerves this old man had!

"Master, what's wrong with you?" Shen Jiao asked with concern.

Dong Fangzheng seemed to have never heard of it. He was still spinning around with his hands behind his back. When he was upset or in doubt, the old man would go around in circles. This was his habit, and it could also be said to be his instinct.

"Is Qi Yuxi still in N Province?" Dong Fangzheng could be considered to have stopped.

Handoff shook his head and said, "No, he went back to Kyoto the year before last, and my grandfather got him to work at the Kyoto Second Hospital, and he lived a good life."

"This old thing, if Sister Yi is dead, he still has the face to live a good life? Conscience is eaten by dogs!"

Dong Fangzheng didn't turn around anymore, his fat face flushed red, obviously he was in a hurry, looking at him like that, if Qi Yuxi was in front of him, he would definitely pass with his fists.

However, if the mountain is not just me, I will go to the mountain!

"Tomorrow, I won't be seeing a doctor. I'm going to Kyoto, so I'm leaving now!"

Dong Fangzheng didn't even want to eat, he walked into the house slowly, before Shen Jiao could react, the old man came out with a small bag, which seemed to be always on hand so that he could leave at any time. .

"Master, it's getting dark now, you can't buy tickets even if you buy them now!" Shen Jiao hurriedly stepped forward to stop him.

Dong Fangzheng glanced at the sky, and his mind finally recovered. He patted his forehead angrily, and spat: "Qi Yuxi is an old man, he has been cheap for one night!"

Shen Jiao was a little flustered. Seeing the old man's posture, he seemed to be desperately trying to find the old man Qi!

The two old men are so old, if something goes wrong, wouldn't she be guilty!

It's all her fault. Why don't you remember Grandpa's advice? Grandpa is so well-informed, how could he be wrong!

Shen Jiao looked at the old man who started circling again with tears in her eyes, and tried her best to persuade: "Master, eating is the biggest thing, you should eat first!"

"Eating a fart, I'm full of anger, I won't eat it." Dong Fangzheng said angrily.

Shen Jiao shrank her neck and didn't dare to make a sound. The old man was on fire now, so it would be better not to provoke him.

But Han Defu couldn't see it anymore. She was covering Shen Jiao now. This was an honorable task given to her by Uncle Xiu. The fat old man had no eyesight to see, to bully Shen Jiao in front of her. Her Korean girl is in her eyes!

"Why are you fierce? What did Jiaojiao provoke you? It's really unscrupulous for Jiaojiao to give you something delicious!" Handoff scolded him.

Shen Jiao hurriedly tugged on Han Defu's sleeves and said solemnly, "Dove, it is my duty to be filial to my master as an apprentice, and it is my duty for my master to teach me a few words, so stop talking!"

Her tone was not as soft as usual, she was very strict, but Han Defu didn't dare to say anything. After all, Shen Jiao was her future aunt, and she could be considered an elder!

Dong Fangzheng also regretted it a little bit. Handoff was right, how could he put his anger on his apprentice!

It's really worth it!

He just asked him to lower his body and apologize to Shen Jiao, but he couldn't hold back his face. After a long while, he said with a buzzing voice, "Isn't it a meal, let me eat coldly!"

Shen Jiao breathed a sigh of relief and said with a small smile, "Then I'll warm you up, it'll be fine soon!"

Handoff muttered angrily: "Isn't it irritating, eat something cold just to reduce the fire!"

Dong Fangzheng's ears perked up, and he heard Miss Han's muttering in his ears, and his anger rose again, and he wanted to scold him, but thinking about this girl Han Defu was different from Shen Jiao, she was completely tense. The little pepper, the old man really wasn't sure what to say about her!

Well, he bears it!

Different little girls generally care about!

But in the end, it was difficult to calm down, and after holding it for a long time, he said: "The girl's temper is so big, be careful that you won't get married!"

Handoff snorted and said proudly, "This girl has already owned a famous flower, and she can get married anytime, anywhere. Unlike some people, they are still lonely when they are old, tsk tsk!"

This sentence directly hit the weak underbelly of a certain old man, dripping with blood!

Dong Fangzheng didn't take a breath, he was so angry that he gasped for breath, and after a long while, he squeezed out a sentence from his teeth: "I have so many ladies crying and begging to marry me, I don't look down on any of them. People, even a male does not dare to approach, and the only one does not know if he is blind!"

"Master, the dumplings are hot, eat them while they're hot!"

Shen Jiao walked out holding the steaming dumplings. Dong Fangzheng glanced at the gritted teeth and the angry girl Han was inexplicably in a good mood. She smiled and touched her fat chin, and went to eat at a fast pace!

"Jiaojiao pour me another cup of wine!" Dong Fangzheng ordered.

Shen Jiao hurriedly went into the house to get the wine and poured a cup for the old man. The old man took a sip, turned on the radio, and started shaking his head again, as if the fire just now was just passing by!

Wouldn't this be too much stimulation, madman?

Shen Jiao couldn't help but worry, she asked the old man several questions, everything was normal!

Dong Fangzheng was very annoyed, he waved his hand and said, "Let me have a good meal, go back and clean up, and go to Kyoto with me tomorrow!"


Shen Jiao looked surprised, her mind couldn't keep up with the old man's rhythm!

Dong Fangzheng glared at him: "Ah what? Since you have entered my door~www.wuxiaspot.com~ naturally you are going to pay homage to the ancestors. I was thinking of going again in a while, so just go now. !"

"But I still have class!" Shen Jiao said.

"What's so good about those classes? They're all misunderstandings. As long as you study with Lao Tzu for a year, you can leave those professors and experts two Yan'an Roads!" Dong Fangzheng sneered, with a look of disdain.

Shen Jiao was sprayed with spit on her face, and she didn't dare to stretch out her hand to wipe it, so she could only respectfully say, "Then I'll go back to the teacher now to ask for leave, and I have to open a letter of introduction."

"Don't worry about these, it's arranged by yourself, come here before nine o'clock tomorrow morning, so you can see your master's connections!" Dong Fangzheng hula ate a dumpling, chewed a few mouthfuls and swallowed it with relish, his face beaming with pride.

Shen Jiao and Han Defu asked the old man to drive them out. After walking out of the door, Shen Jiao couldn't bear it any longer. She hurriedly took out her handkerchief and wiped her face. Her face was full of leek smell, and it would kill her. !

Next time, I have to discuss it with Master, can we not spit on Xingzi when we speak!

Even if you want to spray it, don't spray it after eating leek dumplings!

The next day, Shen Jiao simply cleaned up and went to Dong Fangzheng's place with Han Defu. Dong Fangzheng didn't want Han Defu to follow him, but how could Han Defu listen to him, she only listened to Uncle Xiu of--

24 hours to protect Shen Jiao!

On this point, Han Defu and Shen Jiao were very insistent, and Dong Fangzheng seemed to see some reasons, so he didn't say anything and acquiesced to Han Defu's follow.

Dong Fangzheng was still that little burden, sitting in the middle of the yard with a straight front, as if waiting for someone, when he saw Shen Jiao raising his eyes slightly, he motioned her to stand aside.

There was a brake sound outside the courtyard gate, and a respectful voice sounded: "Is Mr. Dong at home?"

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