60s: Petite Wife

: Six hundred and two to survive is the king

Encouraged by Han Qixiu, Shen Han made it through again, Shi Hongmei fed him a bowl of soup, and Dong Fangzheng added half a tranquilizer pill to the soup, and the child soon fell asleep.

Soon, Han Qiwei also began to have a seizure. Regarding his younger brother, Han Qixiu only said one sentence: "If you can't get rid of even a little drug addiction, then go back to Nanping and never call me big brother again!"


With tears in his eyes, Han Qiwei responded loudly.

This child was probably really afraid of being abandoned by Han Qixiu, and would rather hit his head against the wall than dare to snort. He soon had a bruised nose and a swollen face. Shen Jiao hurriedly took out thick clothes and wrapped them around Han Qiwei.

After tossing for nearly an hour, Han Qiwei was fortunate enough to make it through. He also poured a large bowl of soup and fell asleep like Shen Han.

"The hardest part is the first half month. As long as you can survive this half month, you will be able to get rid of the drug addiction successfully!" Dong Fangzheng said.

Shen Jiao was a little worried: "It's so painful, I'm really worried..."

She didn't dare to say the following words. Throughout the ages, there are so many people who want to get rid of drug addiction, but how many have succeeded?

Han Qixiu comforted: "Sa Weng loses his horse, how can I know it's not a blessing, this time I'm addicted to drugs, it's not a bad thing for Xiaohan and Xiaowei."

Shen Jiao looked at Han Qixiu in astonishment, what is the benefit of being addicted to cigarettes?

Not only is it difficult to quit, but the harm to the body caused by vaping drugs is also very huge, especially since the two children are still underage, she dare not think about the possible consequences!

Han Qixiu said solemnly: "It takes a lot of willpower to get rid of drug addiction. As long as they can successfully get rid of drugs, their xinxing will be tempered, which will be of great help to their future life, Jiaojiao trust me!"

In fact, what Han Qixiu didn't say is that when he was receiving special training, he also smoked heavy cigarettes, and his addiction was even deeper than Shen Han and the others. This is actually a special training method.

To survive is the king!

If you can't make it through, you're a worm!

He made it through, so he believed he would become king!

It was late at night, and Han Qixiu got up quickly and glanced at Shen Jiao, who was sleeping sweetly beside her, her eyes were full of tenderness.

Su Jin, the bastard, has begun to lose his temper. He has to take the initiative to attack, and he has to ensure the safety of the entire Dongping City. He can't let Jiaojiao hold back in the military camp every day!

Putting a kiss on Shen Jiao's forehead, Han Qixiu put on his night clothes, and slid down the balcony without passing through the living room. After a while, Serenity who was also wearing night clothes arrived.

"When will your mother go back?" Han Qixiu asked.

Seriously annoyed: "My mother doesn't believe what I said. She said that Su Jin was introduced by Aunt Xu, and she couldn't possibly be an enemy agent, so she refused to leave."

Han Qixiu sneered: "Then just stay, your mother better pray that Su Jin won't attack her!"

He said with serious hatred, "I'll kill this guy tonight!"

"Why did you kill him? He is our comrade-in-arms now. What is the crime of killing a comrade-in-arms? Do you want to be tried by a military court?" Han Qixiu sneered.

"Then what are we going to do tonight?" asked seriously.

"Looking for evidence, I suspect that his true identity is a spy of country R, ​​and his current appearance is not his true face, I don't believe that he will not show a little bit!" Han Qixiu gritted his teeth.

When he heard it seriously, he was actually involved in the R country, his face was solemn, and he didn't dare to have any more jokes.

Han Qixiu went to Han Deya's house with seriousness. There were two very simple small rooms, one was a bedroom and the other was used as a living room and study. Han Deya slept very deeply, but Su Jin was not on the bed.

"Running out in the middle of the night, it really isn't a good bird!" said solemnly and coldly.

Han Qixiu didn't take it seriously, but the more he thought about it, the more wrong it became.

"You let me out, and I'll go into the house and look for it."

Han Qixiu flickered, then rushed in and searched for useful information on the bookcase table, but Su Jin was very cunning, the house was very clean, and even a piece of paper could not be found, Han Qixiu turned over both rooms I've searched and couldn't find any useful clues.

As for Han Deya on the bed, she slept very deeply and did not wake up from the beginning to the end. Han Qixiu saw at a glance that this idiot was drugged, and even if he stabbed her with a knife, he would not wake her up.

What is this Su Jin doing?

Han Qixiu was suspicious, so he searched again and again, but this time, he got a little something. He found a few clips, the kind of colorful plastic hair curlers that housewives love the most.

He knew this kind of clips. He had seen Jin Yuqin curled before. He carefully rolled up a strand of hair with clips and fastened it. He went to bed with the full hair clips on, and then took it off when he woke up the next day. It will turn into curly hair, as if permed.

It's just that the curly hair created in this way can only be kept curly for one to two days. If you want to maintain it for a long time, you have to sleep with hair clips full of it every day. Jin Yuqin did this because she likes elegant and charming curly hair.

Han Qi Xiuzhen raised his eyebrows, Han Deya has straight hair, and has never curled it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But these clips obviously have several strands of hair on them. Obviously, these clips are commonly used.

Could it be that Su Jin was using it himself?

Excluding Han Deya, Han Qixiu targeted Su Jin. From these clips, Su Jin's curly hair was not natural at all, but was made.

Han Qixiu was a little excited. He continued to search the house and noticed the shoe rack. The small ones were definitely Han Deya's shoes. There was nothing to look at. The ones that attracted Han Qixiu's attention were the large men's shoes.

The men's shoes on the shelf were all leather shoes, not even a pair of cloth shoes, which was not in line with Su Jin's diligent and thrifty image. Twisted.

Han Qixiu carefully observed the two pairs of shoes. After spending a lot of time, he finally discovered the difference between these leather shoes—

The surface of leather shoes is no different from ordinary shoes. The key is that on the heels of these leather shoes, the people who make the shoes take advantage of human visual errors and bury most of the heels of the leather shoes into the shoes.

It looks like a pair of ordinary leather shoes on the outside, but there is something special on the inside, which can raise the person wearing the shoes by nearly five or six centimeters.

It can be seen that Su Jin's height is also fake. He is not as tall as he appears, at least five centimeters shorter. Isn't this five centimeters shorter than Qi Huamin's!

The hair is fake and the height is fake. How many things are true about this Su Jin?

After removing the hair and height, Han Qixiu automatically put together a puzzle in his mind, and was surprised to find that Su Jin, who lost his curly hair and became shorter, was much more similar to Qi Huamin.

Su Jin is definitely Qi Huamin, Han Qixiu can be sure.

But where did Su Jin go?

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