60s: Petite Wife

: Seven hundred and four if it is not suitable, change it

Because of Miao Shuifeng's words, Su Weimin didn't look at her very well, Miao Shuifeng blinked innocently and affirmed: "I'm really right, this is the reason why your aunt and uncle can't have children. , what about that, how do you say it?"

Miao Shuifeng patted her forehead, and suddenly said, "I know what the analogy is. It's the same as wearing shoes. Your uncle is the foot, and your aunt is the shoe.

The corner of Shen Jiao's mouth twitched, what kind of analogy is this?

What shoes and what feet?

However, Han Qixiu thought deeply, and glanced at Miao Shuifeng cryptically, but he didn't realize that this daughter-in-law's classmate was quite talented.

Su Weimin's face is very ugly, what does this girl mean?

Didn't he just take a few more glances just now, how could he hurt his aunt and uncle with such words?

"Miao classmate, I was the one who was abusive to you just now. I'm here to apologize to you, but you don't need to belittle my aunt and uncle, right?"

Su Weimin got up and bowed to Miao Shuifeng, the smile no longer on his face.

Miao Shuifeng was startled, she quickly stood up and couldn't stop bending over: "Senior Brother Su is too polite, you don't need to give me a big gift."

Su Weimin's breath is really uncomfortable. He bows and Miao Shuifeng bows three times. What does it mean?

Do you want to continue to belittle his aunt and uncle for not accepting his apology?

"It wasn't mine just now, the apology is due." Su Weimin gave another 90-degree gift in a fit of anger.

"If you want to lose your life, where did Senior Brother Su come from?"

Miao Shuifeng bowed deeply in a panic, with a bitter little face, oh dear, what the **** is Senior Brother Su doing, her old waist will be broken!

One was offended, and the other was very embarrassed. The two of you came and went, and after a while, they bowed more than a dozen times in a row. The big guy was dazzled. What kind of drama is this singing?

Shen Jiaxing was dizzy when he saw it, and he stopped drinking the two fools who were already too tired: "Eating and eating, it's like a person from R country, it makes my eyes uncomfortable."

Miao Shuifeng rubbed her waist and sat down panting, but she was exhausted!

Shen Jiao understood why Su Weimin was angry. Miao Shuifeng's analogy just now was indeed not pleasing to the ear. Su Weimin did not understand Miao Shuifeng's temperament, and thought that Miao Shuifeng was joking, and naturally felt uncomfortable.

But she knows this girl well, and her character is simple and unpretentious. How could she slander her classmates and elders for no reason?

"Senior Brother Su, don't think too much. There should be a reason for Sister Shui to say this. Let's listen to her."

Shen Jiao persuaded Su Weimin to stop, and then asked Miao Shuifeng, "Sister Shui, is there any basis for what you said?"

Miao Shuifeng nodded and said: "Of course there is a basis. There is a couple in our stockade who have been married for five years without having a baby. The situation is similar to that of Brother Su and Auntie Su. The wizards in our stockade said that they were not destined for a good fate, and they listened to it later. In the words of the wizard, the doll gave birth to a bunch."

Handoff asked curiously, "What did they do? Taking medicine?"

Miao Shuifeng shook her head and said, "What kind of medicine do they take if they are not sick? No need to take medicine."

"Then what should I do?" Handoff was puzzled.

"Two ways, one simple and the other very troublesome. The couple in our stockade used the simple way."

"What simple way?" Su Weimin couldn't help asking.

Miao Shuifeng snorted and drank a bowl of soup. The chicken soup was so fresh, she smashed her mouth and said lightly, "It's very simple, just change the shoes and feet if they don't fit. As long as you find the right model, it's not suitable!"

Everyone was dumbfounded, what does it mean to change?

Shen Han's brain reacted quickly, and he immediately said: "Sister Miao, you don't mean that the two couples broke up, and find someone else to join?"

Miao Shuifeng gave Shen Han a thumbs up and said with a grin, "Yes, after the couple broke up, the married man and the married man gave birth to children within a year, one after another. a life."

The big guy's expression is a little weird, what kind of bad idea is this?

Su Weimin only felt that the breath in his chest was blocked even more. He knew that this girl had no good words to say, so why did he need to ask more?

"My aunt and uncle have a deep relationship and are very loving. Even if they can't have children in their lifetime, they will never break up." Su Weimin's tone was a little stiff.

Miao Shuifeng said, "It's a pity, this method is the easiest way, as long as you follow this method, your aunt will be able to hold the two for three years!"

Su Weimin continued to recite the Meditation Sutra silently, resisting the itch in his palms, and warned himself that a gentleman should talk and do not do anything. Only women and villains in the world are difficult to support. Don't care about this girl, bear it!

The big guy looked at Su Weimin sympathetically, it was really sad to meet such a girl who can't speak!

Shen Han didn't think too much, and asked deliberately, "Sister Miao, didn't you just say two ways? What's the other one?"

Su Weimin hardened his ears unconsciously. Sometimes people are so cheap, knowing that the other party's dog's mouth can't spit out ivory, but he wants to turn over the tooth, whether it is dog's tusk or ivory!

Miao Shuifeng frowned and said: "This method is very troublesome, and it may not be successful. People in our stockade generally use the first method."

Su Weimin couldn't help but asked humbly, "Also ask classmate Miao to tell me what to do?"

Miao Shuifeng said: "The specific method is only known by the great wizard in our clan. I only know that the great wizard has a way to make your aunt and uncle become a good match, but the great wizard in our clan lives in seclusion in the deep mountains and rarely comes out. Anyone who sees people, especially foreigners, is even less likely to see a great wizard."

Shen Jiao's heart moved, the bracelet that Miao Shuifeng gave Yuanyuan Zhuangzhuang was blessed by the great wizard~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It seems that the relationship between Miao Shuifeng and the great wizard should be good!

Su Weimin was a little skeptical: "The great wizard in your clan is so powerful?"

Miao Shuifeng sank his face and shouted: "The great wizard is the messenger of the gods. Of course, he is very powerful. If your aunt and the others can ask the great wizard for help, they can give birth to as many as they want."

The status of the great wizard in Miao Village is very high, and every Miaomin's admiration for the great wizard is no less than their awe of the sun, moon and landscape. Miao Shuifeng is naturally very unhappy with Su Weimin's obviously skeptical attitude.

Su Weimin had read a lot of books and understood the position of the great wizard in the hearts of the Miao family. He immediately realized that he had said something wrong, and sincerely apologized to Miao Shuifeng.

Miao Shuifeng said: "There is a husband and wife in my neighboring village, who was blessed by the great wizard, and later gave birth to two children and lived happily. There is also a couple from another village, too..."

Miao Shuifeng gave a few more examples. They were all married couples who had been blessed by the great wizard, and they were all doing well now. Su Weimin was lost in thought, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

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