60s: Petite Wife

: Seven hundred and seven Yuanyuan do not want to eat apples

Shen Jiao asked, "Sister Shui, do you have a good relationship with the great wizard?"

Miao Shuifeng wrinkled her face and shook her head quickly: "It's not very good, just know him, the great wizard... he's actually my little uncle, my grandpa's uncle."

Handoff shouted: "So, girl Shui, you are quite close to the great wizard!"

Miao Shuifeng shook her head again: "It's not too close, as soon as my little uncle was selected to go to the former great wizard, he broke up with his relatives, and he was no longer my family, but the entire Miao Village. wizard."

"Then, since you are not familiar with the great wizard, why do you still say that the great wizard will meet anyone you introduce?" Shen Jiao was very puzzled.

Miao Shuifeng shrank, as if remembering something that frightened her, she smiled bitterly: "The great wizard said that I have the potential to be a great wizard, and he always asked me to study with him, I don't want to go, my father Auntie doesn't agree."

Shen Jiao felt that Miao Shuifeng didn't tell the truth. If she just let her become a great wizard, she wouldn't be so afraid just now. There should be other reasons.

"Why don't you want to be a great wizard? Isn't a great wizard very respected in your Miao village?" Handoff was puzzled.

The status of the great wizard in Miao Village is even higher than that of the emperor!

Miao Shuifeng shrank again, and shrank: "A great wizard can never get married in his life, my father and mother want me to marry and have a baby, and since ancient times, there have been few women who have done great wizards, my father The mother thinks it is unreliable."

"Then why are you still frowning? Senior Brother Su is not too troublesome. If you introduce them to the great wizard, it will be over. Why do you think so much?" Handoff disagreed.

Miao Shuifeng smiled bitterly, if only things were that simple!

Originally, she could have refused. She really didn't want to deal with the great wizard at all, but this time she hit Su Weimin so badly that she owed a lot of favor, so she was too embarrassed to refuse.

If she doesn't refuse, it means that she has to meet the great wizard again, and...

Miao Shuifeng shuddered, she just made up her blood for the pair of life-protecting bracelets in the first month!

If she was stabbed again, she would have wasted all of her food in the past few months!


Shen Jiao couldn't help laughing when she saw Miao Shuifeng who was sighing, she looked like she was suffering from lovesickness.


Dabao rushed out of the back room and kept calling out to Shen Jiao. Shen Jiao knew at a glance that the two little guys had woken up. During this time, the two little guys brought more peace of mind and didn't use Shen Jiao very much. Taking care of her, Dabao and Xiaojiao are more responsible than all babysitters.

When the little guy fell asleep, they also slept together. When the little guy woke up and was hungry and wanted to pee, Dabao and Xiaojiao would come over to notify Shen Jiao. It really saved a lot of effort. It was easier to take care of two little guys than to take care of one. .

Shen Jiao asked Han Defu to accompany Miao Shuifeng to chat. She went to the room to feed two Xiaojia Fans. She saved them for a day, just enough for two to eat. The four-month-old Yuanyuan was very strong and fat. , a white dumpling, a black dumpling, especially cute.

The two brothers had already woken up. They were lying in the cradle and kept making noise. The one who patted the bed was Yuanyuan, and the one who screamed was Zhuangzhuang. When the two brothers saw Shen Jiao entering the room, they kept twisting and twisting the cradle. Shaking more.

Shen Jiao touched the diaper, but it was still dry, so she hurriedly urinated for them. The two little guys were pretty good, they could hold back their urination. After the full moon, they seldom wet the bed. They were really good babies.

After feeding her son, Shen Jiao carried one in one hand and went to the living room. Both of them weighed more than 15 jin, Yuan Yuan 17 jin, Zhuang Zhuang 18 jin, and together they were almost 40 jin. Shen Jiao After only holding it for a while, my hands were sore, so I quickened my pace and put the two on the sofa.

"It's really heavy. I can't hold it in a few months." Shen Jiao kept shaking her hands and sighed.

Handoff picked up Zhuang Zhuang and took a bite, jokingly said, "Zhuang Zhuang, your mother said you are a little pig, don't you think so?"

"Ah ah!"

Zhuangzhuang showed a toothless smile, and a wisp of saliva flowed out from the corner of his mouth, dripping non-stop.

Handoff was dead, and took his bib to wipe his saliva, but the saliva was like the water of the Yellow River.

"Why don't you learn from your brother? When did your brother drool? You always love to drool!"

Handoff took a dry bib for Zhuangzhuang to put on, and threw the wet one into the big basin. There was a special basin for Yuanyuan Zhuangzhuang, which was only used for their brothers' laundry.

Miao Shuifeng walked in front of Yuanyuan and stared at Yuanyuan without blinking. Yuanyuan stared at her in the same way. It was like playing a game of wooden figures, not moving.

"Sister Shui, what are you doing?" Handoff looked strange.

Miao Shuifeng said seriously: "I'm chatting with Yuanyuan, but I don't understand some of his words, so I have to think about it for a long time."


Handoff laughed exaggeratedly: "Sister Shui, why don't you say you can chat with Dabao and Xiaojiao, Yuanyuan's four-month-old milk doll, do you chat with him? Talk about eating milk and peeing?"

Shen Jiao cut half an apple out of the kitchen, and the four-month-old baby can add some complementary food. Shen Jiao will feed Yuan Yuan Zhuang Zhuang half an apple, an egg yolk, or cook some vegetable rice cereal every day. The little guy likes to eat very much, every time he is very supportive, he eats cleanly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What chat? Who is the water girl chatting with? "

Shen Jiao asked while scraping the apple puree with a spoon, Zhuang Zhuang saw the apple in Shen Jiao's hand, her mouth opened wide, her saliva dribbled happily, and she danced.

Handoff hurriedly hugged the greedy little guy and asked Shen Jiao to quickly feed him a bite: "If you don't give him food, it will be flooded!"

Shen Jiao smiled and fed the scraped apple puree to Zhuang Zhuang, the little guy slapped his mouth a few times in satisfaction, swallowed it, and opened his mouth wide, Shen Jiao said angrily, "This is what your brother ate. , one bite at a time."

Shen Jiao scraped another spoonful of apple puree and stuffed it into Yuanyuan's mouth, remembering the question just now: "Who was Sister Shui chatting with just now?"

"Tong Yuanyuan, Sister Shui said to chat with Yuanyuan!" Handoff laughed.

Shen Jiao was also amused, and jokingly said, "Sister Shui, what is my family talking about with you?"

Shui Meizi had a very serious expression and said, "Yuanyuan said he doesn't want to eat apples!"

At this moment, Yuanyuan was spitting out the apple puree that Shen Jiao had just fed. It covered her bib, and her chin was stained. Shen Jiao had a headache. Every time her eldest son ate apple puree, it was very difficult. It's not as easy to feed as Zhuangzhuang, is it true that you don't like apples?

But Handoff didn't believe it: "Sister Shui, you must have said this after watching Yuanyuan spit out an apple. Yuanyuan didn't like to eat apples."

Miao Shuifeng was unhappy and said, "Yuanyuan doesn't like apples, he likes them."

"Then why did he spit out the apple?" Handoff asked rhetorically.

Shen Jiao also looked at Miao Shuifeng, she also wanted to know why Yuanyuan always spit out apples?

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