80: The black-bellied officer read my mind and fell in love with me

Chapter 172 You are Comrade Su, Xiaochuan’s target, right?

The nearly twenty-hour train trip simply made Su Yi collapse. It was too slow.

And during this long period of time, no news from the outside world was heard.

I don’t know what’s going on with Zhou Jinchuan. There is nothing more tormenting than this.

With a mental breakdown and the crowded carriage, Su Yi felt like she couldn't hold on any longer.

At night, the train was full of people sleeping.

Su Yi, who was awake alone, felt that this was not going to work. If he was exhausted, he wouldn't be able to help much when he got to Beijing.

So while everyone was sleeping, he quietly ran to the toilet and then slipped into the space.

Early the next morning, after barely sleeping in the space for a few hours and forcing herself to eat a lot of food, Su Yi was resurrected with full blood.

I found an opportunity to sneak out of the space and returned to my position.

We sat like this until noon, when the train finally arrived in Beijing.

After leaving the train station, Su Yi went straight to the phone booth and called Lu Changzheng.

After asking which hospital and ward Zhou Jinchuan was in, he took a taxi and ran straight there.

After arriving at the hospital, Su Yi ran to the fourth floor where Zhou Jinchuan's ward was located.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I stepped out of the stairs, I was stopped by someone, "You can't enter this floor."

Su Yi looked up and found that there were many people in uniforms standing guard on this floor. The whole floor was quiet.

Apart from that, there are no other visitors, no doctors or nurses.

Su Yi quickly explained to the person on guard, "Comrade, I am the partner of Captain Zhou. How is he now?"

When the other party heard what Su Yi said, he was stunned for a moment, and then replied in a deep voice, "Please leave first, no outsiders are allowed to enter or exit here."

Su Yi's heart dropped, "Comrade, please go and tell Commander Zhou's family that my name is Su Yi."

The two comrades standing at the top of the stairs were very determined, "Sorry, you'd better leave as soon as possible."

Su Yi had been riding the train for so long, and when she was about to reach the door, she was blocked from entering.

I was anxious and angry at the moment, and when I was about to break in, I suddenly saw a doctor in a white coat walking through with a nurse.

When someone came up to him, Su Yi quickly asked, "Doctor, how is Zhou Jinchuan doing now?"

The doctor didn't see Su Yi at first. Suddenly he heard a voice and looked over, but he kept silent, "I'm sorry——"

Before he could refuse, Su Yi hurriedly explained, "I am Zhou Jinchuan's partner. My name is Su Yi. I'm not here to find out any information. Please tell me if he is out of danger now?"

The other party was planning to leave, but suddenly heard her say her name was Su Yi.

Then he came back and asked, "Are you Su Yi?"

Su Yi didn't know what he meant, so she just nodded, "That's right."

The other party paused for a moment, and then said, "The operation was completed last night, and all the shrapnel remaining in the body was removed. However, the patient was shot in more than one place. There should be no problem with the leg, but there are too many nerves in the waist area. , I’m still not sure about the recovery status after surgery.”

"Moreover, the patient lost too much blood and has been in a coma after the operation. He has to wait until he wakes up before he is out of danger. Fortunately, the patient's physical condition is very good. It is only a matter of time before he wakes up. Just wait patiently!"

When Su Yi heard that Zhou Jinchuan had successfully performed the bomb removal operation, even though he was still in a coma, he breathed a sigh of relief.

I quickly said thank you to the doctor.

The doctor nodded at Su Yi and then left.

The nurse on the side was very puzzled when she saw this, "Doctor, didn't the patient's family say that they must strictly prevent the news from leaking and not say a word to the outside world?"

The doctor shook his head helplessly, "The little comrade just now is considered half a family member, and he came from thousands of miles away alone. I should tell her."

"But how do you know she must be a patient? What if she is lying to you?"

"My eyes are not blind enough to see this, and before the anesthesia for surgery yesterday, I heard the patient calling her name all the time."

The nurse listened and nodded thoughtfully.

Although Su Yi learned about Zhou Jinchuan's current condition from the doctor, Su Yi still wanted to go and take a look with her own eyes.

Then he continued to rub elbows with the two comrades standing guard.

Finally, several people in the ward were also lured out.

The three of them looked at Su Yi for a moment, and finally, the oldest man walked towards Su Yi on crutches.

Su Yi raised his eyes and saw that he had silver hair and an extraordinary aura, but his posture was slightly stooped due to the blow.

He walked up to Su Yi and coughed lightly, "You are Xiaochuan's partner, Comrade Su, right?"

Su Yi nodded calmly, "Grandpa Zhou, my name is Su Yi. You can just call me Xiao Su. I want to go in and see him. Is that okay?"

Mr. Zhou sighed helplessly, "He is still in a coma. You won't be able to see anything if you go there. Moreover, the doctor said that it is best not to visit him in the intensive care unit to avoid secondary infection."

"I think you just came from the army, right? I'll have someone take you to rest first, and I'll let you know when there's news."

Su Yi pursed her lips, "Then I won't enter the ward, I'll just wait outside."

Seeing her stubborn look, Mr. Zhou thought for a moment and finally nodded helplessly and agreed, "Let her in."

After saying this, he slowly walked downstairs with his crutches.

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