Zhao Lan thought her son was determined not to eat.

But she didn't expect him to lose his temper so quickly, and quickly asked the nurse to help him lean up.

As soon as the thermos was opened, the aroma of the chicken soup inside immediately rushed to her nose.

Zhao Lan said with surprise, "Well, I didn't expect this girl to be able to cook. This chicken soup is so fragrant."

Looking down, there was indeed no oil in it.

So she poured out a bowl with confidence and pretended to feed him.

Zhou Jinchuan stretched out his hand and took it, "I can drink it myself."

After saying that, he brought the chicken soup to his mouth and took a sip.

Then he drank it in big gulps.

Seeing this, Zhao Lan quickly advised, "Drink slowly, you just started eating, be careful not to feel uncomfortable."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Jinchuan had finished a bowl of chicken soup, wiped his mouth and said, "It's okay."

In fact, it was more than okay. After a bowl of chicken soup, Zhou Jinchuan felt a ball of warmth rising in his chest, and then spread to his limbs.

Even his legs, which had been unconscious, seemed to have a moment of warmth.

Zhou Jinchuan was slightly touched in his heart, not knowing whether it was his illusion or his body was really recovering.

Zhao Lan saw that his face looked much better after drinking the chicken soup.

She just thought that he was moved by a bowl of chicken soup from his partner, so she said with a little disdain, "You refused to eat before. If I had known that you liked to drink chicken soup, I would have someone stew it and send it to you tomorrow."

After saying that, she was going to pack up the thermos and take it out.

Zhou Jinchuan pursed his lips, "Is there more in it?"

Zhao Lan's back stiffened, and she turned around in disbelief and asked, "Do you want more?"

Zhou Jinchuan didn't explain much, just hummed lightly.

Zhao Lan curled her lips, and then poured out the rest of the bowl.

Zhou Jinchuan raised his head and drank it all in one gulp, "Give it to her, and tell her not to send it again in the future."

Zhao Lan felt tired of passing on the message, "Got it."

Although Su Yi couldn't hear what was said in the ward outside.

But she could hear the movement inside, so she thought she must have drunk it.

Just as she pricked up her ears to listen to the movement, the door of the ward suddenly opened.

Su Yi happily took the thermos bucket and shook it, "Did you finish it?"

"Well, I drank it, thank you, tomorrow-"

"You're welcome, I'll send it to you tomorrow at noon!"

Zhao Lan, "......."

For the next two days, Su Yi had chicken soup at noon and bone soup at night.

Zhou Jinchuan asked Zhao Lan to persuade her several times, but he couldn't persuade her every time.

During this period, Zhao Lan also sent someone to stew soup from home, but when she opened it, the taste was completely inferior.

For this reason, Zhao Lan secretly tasted a spoonful of the soup sent by Su Yi.

She was immediately shocked by her cooking skills. It was just an ordinary bowl of clear soup, how could the taste be so different?

After tasting it, every time she saw her son drinking soup, she couldn't help but be greedy.

But how could she compete with her son lying on the hospital bed for soup?

At noon that day, Su Yi stewed chicken soup as usual, put it in a thermos bucket and walked out.

Who knew that just after walking out of the alley, a figure suddenly ran towards her quickly.

Su Yi had no time to dodge, and the two of them collided and fell to the ground.

The thermos bucket in her hand was also knocked away.

Then she heard a middle-aged woman behind her shouting, "Catch the thief!"

Su Yi saw that the thief raised his head and showed her a triumphant smile, and was about to get up and run.

Then he looked at the chicken soup he had stewed for the whole morning and it was all over the floor. His fist hardened immediately.

He picked up the broken thermos and smashed it at him, "You TM have to pay for my chicken soup!"

The man felt the pain and got up and ran without saying anything.

Su Yi immediately took out a stick and said, "I'll let you run!"

After two sticks, the woman who lost her bag ran up panting.

At the same time, many passers-by came to watch.

Several enthusiastic men tied up the thief neatly.

Su Yi picked up the bag on the ground and handed it to the woman behind him, "Let's see if the things are all there?"

The woman came up and hurried to thank Su Yi.

When she looked up, she was stunned.

Su Yi saw that she had been staring at him blankly without saying anything, so he handed the bag to her again, "Auntie, what's wrong with you?"

After speaking, he lowered his head and found that the woman's arm had a large piece of skin broken and bleeding.

Su Yi felt pain just by looking at it, and quickly asked her to go to the hospital.

The woman came to her senses when she heard Su Yi talking, looked at her arm and said, "It's okay, girl, thank you for what you did just now, do you live nearby?"

Su Yi was stunned for a moment, thinking that she wanted to go to her home to bandage it.

He hesitated for a moment, then saw that the woman was thin and weak, half a head shorter than herself, and had kind eyes and gentle manners, which gave people a warm feeling inexplicably.

So he nodded and said, "It's nearby, otherwise you can go back with me to bandage it simply."

Then he asked the onlookers to help send him to the nearby police station first.

Wait until the aunt bandages the wound before going over.

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