Su Yi walked up to him and saw that, as she had guessed, there was no sweat on him. It looked like it was not a simple heat stroke, but heat stroke.

In her previous life, such a case had happened to her, which left her with a lot of psychological trauma, so she had a very deep impression.

Although they met by chance, since they met, she would help him if she could, which was also a good deed.

Thinking of this, she immediately said, "Everyone, stop crowding around, let him ventilate and cool down first!"

As she said that, she suggested to Lin Zexi, "Hurry up and soak him in cold water. If there are ice cubes, add ice cubes. Otherwise, even if you send him to the hospital now, he can't be rescued."

When everyone heard what she said, they couldn't help but be shocked, "He just had heat stroke. Is it necessary to soak him in cold water and add ice?"

Some people had already quickly taken water and pretended to pour it into his mouth.

Su Yi hurriedly stopped him, "He has already started to twitch, don't pour water!"

As soon as the voice fell, the man had already poured the water in one step.

As expected, the person lying on the ground vomited violently the next second.

This vomiting scared the onlookers and made them step back.

The person who poured water just now was also scared and his face turned pale, "What's going on? I wanted him to drink some water to cool down, I--"

Halfway through the conversation, Su Yi interrupted, "Quick, let him lie on his side!"

Seeing that Su Yi had guessed correctly just now, everyone dared not disbelieve her anymore, and quickly turned the person on the ground over and let him lie on his side.

Lin Zexi also looked nervous, "Quick, bring a big bucket, and get some ice water."

"Go and call an ambulance!"

Everyone hurriedly went to get it done, and soon everything was ready, and the patient was lifted into the cold water and soaked.

Su Yi paused, picked up the teacup that had just spilled most of the water, and silently added some spiritual spring water to it.

"Now you can give him some water."

The man who had just fed him water was already a little scared, so he didn't dare to take the cup from Su Yi's hand.

Lin Zexi stepped forward, "I'll do it."

He took the teacup from Su Yi's hand and filled it with water.

This time, the water was not vomited out.

The man drank the water and soaked in ice water for a while, and his condition improved slightly.

After drinking a cup of water, the ambulance had arrived.

The medical staff on the car got off the car and asked about the situation, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, "Beijing has been hot these two days, and there have been several cases of such situations. This is not ordinary heatstroke, but heat stroke."

"The mortality rate of heat stroke is very high. The high temperature cooks the human internal organs alive, and it is almost impossible to reverse. Fortunately, you discovered it in time and handled it properly, otherwise I'm afraid he would not be saved even if he was sent to the hospital."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but look at Su Yi and thank him.

Lin Zexi also bowed solemnly to Su Yi, "Comrade Su, thank you for what you did just now!"

Su Yi nodded to him lightly, "You're welcome. The weather is hot. You should pay more attention to prevention in the future!"

After that, he was ready to leave.

Lin Zexi saw this and ran to the office. In just a moment, he ran out with the car keys and clothes.

"Comrade Su, wait a minute, I'll drive you."

Su Yi saw the car stop beside him, so he refused, "No, there is a bus outside, I can take the bus myself."

Lin Zexi was even more ashamed when he heard it, "I'm sorry, Comrade Su, I misunderstood you before, I thought you-oh, it's all my fault that I've been in society for a long time and always think people are complicated."

"Didn't you say you wanted to open a restaurant just now? It just so happens that I know a friend who has a store in an excellent location to sell. Are you interested in taking a look?"

Su Yi saw his sincere attitude, so he stopped refusing, and then opened the back door and got in.

"Then I'll trouble you, Comrade Lin!"

Lin Zexi saw her get on the back seat directly, and knew that what he had done just now was a bit too much. It was normal for others to be on guard, so he didn't say anything and drove directly to the city center.

When they arrived at the place, Su Yi got out of the car and recognized that this was the place she had been to yesterday.

At the fork in the road in the city center, next to it is the top university in Beijing and one of the best commercial streets.

The flow of people is huge, and the location is perfect.

But she came to ask about this place yesterday, and there was no store to be sold.

Although puzzled, Su Yi still followed him into a store. It was two-story and originally a tea shop. It seemed that it had been closed for a while.

Su Yi was also very satisfied with the structure and size inside, and was also muttering in his heart whether the little money he had saved was enough to buy it?

After looking around, he saw that Lin Zexi had called his landlord friend, and the two were chatting downstairs.

Seeing Su Yi coming down, Lin Zexi asked, "How is it? Are you satisfied with this store?"

Su Yi nodded, "Not bad, but I don't know if the price is right?"

The owner had just rushed over and had no time to ask in detail. When he saw Su Yi, he couldn't help but wonder, "Is this your sister? Why is she different from the one I saw a few years ago?"

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