I got the identity certificate from Political Commissar Wang and got Zhou Jinchuan's permission.

Su Yi became more and more active in selling tea eggs.

Because it is the first one in town and it is fresh food, many people stop by to buy some and try it when they come to town.

Su Yi's tea egg business is getting better and better, earning more than 20 yuan in less than ten days.

Not to mention that tea eggs are a must-sell food in time travel. The ingredients are convenient and the preparation is simple.

No other tools are needed, just bring a pot and you can sell it.

It’s a takeaway that’s sure to make a profit without losing any money.

In order to prevent the bus station from causing trouble for him, Su Yi even gave an egg a day as a ‘filial piety’ to the gatekeeper at the bus station.

The guard turned a blind eye to Su Yi's stall outside the door, which was regarded as a back door.

By the way, after Bai Ruolin came out angrily last time, she stayed up for two nights before rewriting the review.

I was afraid but couldn't help it, so I said a lot of "heartfelt words" without conscience and holding back my nausea.

The next day, he dressed up excitedly and wanted to hand it over to Zhou Jinchuan, but he specifically didn't go with Qin Yunfeng.

Unexpectedly, Xie Xiaojun stopped him outside before he entered the door.

"Captain Zhou said that he has no time to take care of it anymore. Just leave it to Political Commissar Wang!"

Bai Ruolin's smile suddenly froze on her face, and she almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

On the way back to the dormitory, I suddenly watched Su Yi walking out with a basket in her arms from a distance.

The contents seemed heavy.

Bai Ruolin immediately became suspicious and quietly followed forward to see what happened.

He followed her out of the compound, saw her going to town, and finally stopped at the door of the bus station.

Bai Ruolin quietly hid behind a car and silently saw clearly what Su Yi was selling tea eggs.

As she watched, Bai Ruolin suddenly had a plan in her mind.

The last time she was criticized on the spot by Zhou Jinchuan, she blamed Su Yi entirely.

Zhengchou has no chance to take revenge.

Although Zhou Jinchuan was staring at her and Qin Yunfeng, there were some things that he didn't need to step up to.

Bai Ruolin thought about Sister Liu in the compound who had no dealings with Su Yi, then turned and walked towards her home.

Ever since what happened last time, Sister Liu has been pretending to be sick and not going out much.

He was exposed by Su Yi in public and was fired and warned by Zhou Jinchuan.

When I got home, I had another fight with my husband, which made the neighbors know about it.

Sister Liu felt that she could no longer raise her head in the courtyard.

In addition, the two children's front teeth were also knocked out, which made them look even more miserable.

I had already scolded Su Yi hundreds of times in my heart.

I was doing laundry at home that day when I suddenly heard someone knocking on the door. When I opened it, I found that the person who came was Bai Ruolin, whom I had never met before.

"Comrade Bai, why are you here?"

Bai Ruolin carried a bag of fruit in her hand, "Sister Liu, I heard that you are sick. I happen to have something to do today, so I came over to see you."

Although Sister Liu couldn't figure out why Bai Ruolin came.

But such a big bag of fruit is really tempting to look at.

He quickly invited people in and said, "I'm fine now. I hope you'll bear with me, Comrade Bai! You suffered a lot of grievances some time ago. At that time, I always wanted to speak for you, but I didn't have any education, so I couldn't speak out. No one believes it."

Bai Ruolin smiled and sat down at the table.

"It's okay. It was all a misunderstanding at the time, and everything has been explained clearly. Now that Comrade Su has found a solution, Comrade Qin and I are happy for her. We just wronged you, Sister Liu."

"Originally, I have been trying to persuade her to come and apologize to you for this matter, but she still has a lot of dissatisfaction with me, and she can't listen to my words."

As soon as Sister Liu heard Bai Ruolin's words, she felt sorry for herself.

The resentment that had been held in for more than ten days finally found its outlet.

As if he had finally found a confidant, he pulled Bai Ruolin and scolded Su Yi severely.

When Bai Ruolin saw that she was just like herself, she hated Su Yi deeply.

I had an idea immediately.

He lightly brushed off the story of Su Yi selling tea eggs at the entrance of the bus station.

"Comrade Qin and I don't agree with her running a small business outside. Although the control is not as strict as before, if we really want to investigate, setting up a stall to do business is not allowed."

"Sister Liu, what will happen if she is reported and arrested? Comrade Qin and I will not be able to explain to her family!"

Sister Liu is also a good person, and she immediately understood Bai Ruolin's intention.

After sending the person away politely, he locked the door and went straight to the town office.

"Comrade, I want to report this! Someone is selling homemade tea eggs at the entrance of the bus station for several days in a row!"

The people in charge were not so excited.

After all, there is already trouble in the capital city, and their office may have to change its appearance in the near future.

Then he tactfully persuaded Sister Liu, "I know, we will go and find out the situation!"

Unexpectedly, Sister Liu would not let me go, "Comrade, you go now, otherwise they will run away in a short while."

"Such people are worms in society, you should take good care of them!"

The new documents haven't come out yet, so the people in charge of the office have to follow the rules.

Immediately, he ordered two people to go to the bus station gate to arrest the person.


At this time, Su Yi had just sold the last tea egg.

As soon as she put the pot back into the basket, she saw Sister Liu running toward her dusty.

Su Yi knew that she and he were not dealing with each other, so it would definitely be up to her to suddenly come looking for him.

Sure enough, when she looked up, she saw two comrades wearing red armbands behind her.

Su Yi reacted immediately, picked up the "tools for committing crimes" and ran away.

Sister Liu had been running for a long time and was already out of breath. She pointed at Su Yi's back and said to the two red armbands, "Comrades, it's her! Don't let her run away!"

The two comrades had to run after her.

Su Yi rushed into the bus station, ran a few steps and went directly into an alley from the back door.

Fortunately, she did her homework in advance.

Thinking that if someone came to catch her, it was important to plan an escape route in advance!

Due to the friendship between her and the security guard, who shared an egg a day, the other party told her about this path.

It can lead directly to the family compound of the employees inside the bus station.

As soon as she entered, Su Yi quickly hid the pot of tea eggs and the headscarf on her head.

When she came out of the family compound again, she changed from a tea egg seller to a girl carrying a basket to buy vegetables.

But Sister Liu was determined to have Su Yi arrested, and she risked her life to chase him.

When she failed to catch up, she dragged two red armbands to look for people on the street.

Then she saw Su Yi in front of the non-staple food store.

Sister Liu rushed over, "Quick! Comrade! It's her, come and catch her!"

Su Yi glanced at her indifferently, pretending not to know, "Aunt Liu, I came here to buy vegetables, why are you dragging me?"

"Stop pretending to be stupid! The comrades with red armbands are here, you can't run away this time."

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