Seeing Su Yin acting like an old hen protecting her young, Su Yi couldn't help but feel a sore nose.

But so as not to bring out more things that would make her worry, Su Yi just laughed and said, "I caught him and taught him a lesson. The guy named Qin also got beaten up, so don't worry!"

After hearing this, Su Yin nodded with relief, "Fortunately, you have Jin Chuan to protect you. I think this kid is indeed very good. If nothing else is said, I will hand him his bankbook to you and give it back to you." Buying a house is enough.”

"Whether a man loves you or not, don't depend on what he says, but on what he does. A man who is willing to entrust his wealth to you will not be bad."

Hearing what her mother said, Su Yi suddenly remembered every detail of their relationship.

It seems that he has been like this since a long time ago, silently treating himself well.

As I thought about it, sweetness filled my heart.

After dinner, Su Yi couldn't wait to go upstairs and into the bedroom, and called Zhou Jinchuan back.

Zhou Jinchuan didn't expect to receive a call from her before going to bed, so he was naturally elated.

The two chatted for a long time, until there was a knock on the door outside the bedroom, and Su Yi hurriedly hung up the phone.

As soon as Su Yin entered the door, she whispered to her daughter to change into convenient clothes and go out with her.

Su noticed that it was so late and was still wondering why he had to go out.

It wasn't until the two of them reached the study room on the first floor that Su Yin glanced outside, closed the door, and then explained in a low voice, "Mom will take you somewhere."

After saying that, he took down a few books from the bookshelf on the wall, and then pushed them against the wall.

In an instant, the wall suddenly moved from the middle, as if it had been opened by some invisible force.

Su Yi was unprepared and was inevitably startled when he suddenly saw this scene.

Su Yin calmly took out two flashlights and said, "Don't be afraid. This room is your grandfather's study. The things in this secret room are also the wealth he left behind. I will take you to see it."

Su Yi boldly followed her in.

The place inside is not big, but it is filled with wooden boxes.

Stacked in rows, there are at least a dozen by visual inspection.

Su Yi couldn't help being surprised again, "Mom, what are these things?"

Su Yin smiled and said, "Open it and take a look."

Su Yi curiously opened one and looked at it, only to see that it was full of antiques.

I opened the second one and it was full of calligraphy and painting.

The next box was also full of valuable gold and silver jewelry.

Su Yi took a breath, "Grandpa left so many treasures?"

Su Yin saw her daughter's eyes full of shock and surprise after seeing these things, and she immediately felt that she had given the right gift.

"Xiaoyi, do you like these things?"

Su Yi smiled without thinking, "I like it. Who doesn't like money."

Su Yin couldn't help but burst into laughter. Yes, her daughter's simple and instinctive love for money was almost the same as her grandfather's.

If they were the boss and the second child, and saw these things, their first reaction might be to have sex.

But these things were obtained through hard work by her father and ancestors, and they were not stolen, so why couldn't they be kept?

Thinking of decades ago, Su Yin couldn't help but feel a little sad.

During the turbulent times, she was the only girl in the Su family to survive.

Originally, her father wanted her to stay at home and find a son-in-law, but she fell in love with the poor boy she grew up with.

That man's parents were both servants of the Su family, so there was no way his father would agree to the marriage.

In order to prove himself to his father, the man took the initiative to join the army.

The dawn was about to come, but the person disappeared without a trace.

Some people say that they have seen his name on the list of martyrs.

At that time, I had a long cold war with my father over this matter.

Until he met Lin Jiaguo, another man who was not favored by his father.

Probably out of complaint against his father, this time, he chose to get married without hesitation.

I thought that my father would always hate me, but I didn't know that before his accident, he still entrusted all the wealth that he had guarded his whole life to himself.

When she thought of the scene when her father took her down to the secret room before leaving, Su Yin couldn't help but blush.

Su noticed that her mother's eyes were red, so she guessed that she was thinking about the past and didn't know how to comfort her.

He just smiled and joked, "Mom, grandpa is so amazing. He was able to create and keep so much wealth in that era."

Su Yin listened and nodded happily, "Your grandpa is very powerful. He started his own business and set up a factory at a young age. He is very capable. It's a pity that he was born at the wrong time."

"In fact, many people were eyeing your grandpa's wealth back then. The people who made the most fuss were the people from the Su family branch. However, your grandpa refused to talk about it later, and what happened to the Chao family later, No one dares to mention it again.”

Su Yi nodded sadly and was feeling emotional when she heard her mother continue to say,

"I am the only one who knows this place, and now you are the second one."

Su Yi opened her mouth in surprise, "Brothers don't know, either?"

"Well, I didn't tell anyone but you."

Su Yi originally thought that her mother shared the secret with her, and that all four brothers knew about it, but how could she know that she was the only one who told her?

So I couldn't help but blurt out and asked, "Mom, why did you only tell me?"

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