80: The black-bellied officer read my mind and fell in love with me

Chapter 234 Why is there no end to queue-jumping?

Lao Ma hesitated for a moment, and then he was kicked to the ground, almost choking with pain.

He didn't dare to hide it anymore, and hurriedly told the truth.

It turned out that when the Su family was raided, only a small amount of cash was seized.

Lao Ma, who always believed that the Su family had treasures, stayed there wholeheartedly, just to wait for an opportunity.

Every time Su Yin returned to the old house, he would secretly follow her, just to see where the treasure was hidden.

Unfortunately, Su Yin had never entered the secret room since the Su family had an accident.

Today, when she told Su Yi that she wanted to stay and show her something, he overheard it by accident.

So he hurriedly brought people to guard outside, but he didn't know that he got nothing after entering, and was locked up.

After listening to Lao Ma's explanation, Su Yin couldn't help but sweat.

She didn't dare to think that if her daughter hadn't noticed something strange, maybe the wealth left by her father would really be emptied.

What a close call!

Thinking that Lao Ma usually pretends to be so loyal, but lurks in the Su family like a poisonous snake, he was immediately furious.

"What's wrong? Did you find the treasure?"

When it comes to this, several people's faces are hard to describe.


"When I went in first, I clearly opened a box and saw calligraphy and paintings, but I didn't know-"

"Forget it, it's a box of books!!"

The several people looked tense, and it was obvious that there were many disputes inside.

Seeing that things had come to this point, Lao Ma no longer insisted and just thought that he was dazzled and saw it wrong.

After explaining the whole story, he began to kneel down and beg for mercy, "Miss, I really know I was wrong. I was temporarily bewildered. Please forgive me this time for the sake of my decades of hard work in the Su family."

Seeing this, the others also kowtowed and begged for mercy, "The three of us are really innocent. We were all deceived by Lao Ma to help, but we didn't get any benefits."

When the four were arrested, Lin Haonan had already called the police immediately.

After the police came to investigate the scene, they took the four people away directly.

After the people left, Lin Haonan ran to the secret room, still unconvinced, "Mom, there is a secret room in our house, how come I didn't know about it?"

Su Yin smiled guiltily, "You don't live here, why should I tell you? Besides, I haven't been in for many years, I almost forgot."

Lin Haonan's eyelids twitched, "Then why did you tell my little sister alone?"

Su Yi and her mother looked at each other, feeling a little uneasy.

But he still explained, "Second brother, mom said I received a lot of valuable gifts today, so she said to take me to see them and let me hide things if needed. Who knew that a thief would come in before I could move them."

After hearing this, Lin Haonan nodded suddenly, "So that's how it is. I really thought that grandpa had hidden some valuable calligraphy and paintings."

After hearing this, Su Yi smiled and asked half-jokingly, "Why don't you look through it again? Maybe there really is. If there is calligraphy and paintings, what do you plan to do?"

Lin Haonan took a look at the books in the wooden box and also responded jokingly, "If these books are really valuable calligraphy and paintings, they will definitely be donated. There is no use keeping them at home, and they are also targeted by thieves."

Su Yi sighed in her heart and instantly understood why Su Yin said that.

She couldn't be as great as Lin Haonan, but since her mother said that these things were the wealth that grandpa had saved up with great effort, and they were handed over to her, she would not let her mother down.

Although these things cannot be turned into cash for the time being, they will come in handy one day.

The news of the Su family being robbed spread like wildfire within half a day.

Many people came to the banquet yesterday and saw that the Su family was so magnificent. They secretly thought that the Su family really had some treasures hidden as the legend said.

Now it is said that the thieves finally found the secret room, but only found two boxes of books, which completely stopped the rumors.

It can be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

After the Su family's affairs were settled, Su Yin didn't have much in mind to stay any longer, so she hurriedly took Su Yi and followed the two back to the courtyard.

After tossing all night, the four people didn't sleep much, so they went to make up for their sleep separately.

They slept until noon and woke up hungry.

After a simple lunch, Lin Haonan took the initiative to suggest that he drive Su Yi to the street to go shopping and buy some things to calm down.

Seeing that he was being cut off again, Zhou Jinchuan said without saying anything, "Aren't you all sleepy?"

"No, you promised yesterday that it's my turn to take Xiaoyi to buy gifts today."

Zhou Jinchuan pulled the corner of his mouth, as if it was true.

Why is this queue-jumping endless?

So without saying anything, he changed his clothes and followed the two to the street.

When they arrived in the city center, Zhou Jinchuan took Su Yi straight to the most expensive women's clothing counter, "Yesterday I saw that you looked pretty in a skirt, buy a few more, don't be polite to the second brother, he doesn't have much money to spend normally."

After buying the skirt, he took her to look at shoes.

Su Yi waved her hands and refused, "It's okay to wear high heels once in a while, but wearing them every day will kill me."

"Then buy low heels."

Lin Haonan saw Zhou Jinchuan was always buying things, so he hummed at him, "Do you want me to buy you two pairs?"

Zhou Jinchuan just smiled and nodded, "Sure."

Lin Haonan's eyes widened in surprise, "Where's your face? I said you only know how to bleed me, why didn't I see you buy two pairs for Xiaoyi, I think you are stingy."

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