80: The black-bellied officer read my mind and fell in love with me

Chapter 255: Meeting again, thank you for not marrying me

The two of them chatted while eating. As they chatted, the topic involuntarily shifted to everyone's changes.

Both of them agreed that Lu Changzheng had changed the most. After being slightly injured last time and then being ordered to take over Zhou Jinchuan's job in a critical situation, he was obviously much more mature and experienced than before.

Although he still likes to laugh and laugh on the surface, his actions are obviously more mature and steady than before.

While chatting, Su Yi suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Why didn't you see Political Commissar Wang and Qin Yunfeng?"

One is the political commissar, and the other is the deputy company commander who we went on a mission with last time. Logically speaking, neither of them should show up.

Zhou Jinchuan thought for a moment and then explained, "I just heard from Lu Changzheng before I came back that Political Commissar Wang had just been transferred, and his tone was downgraded."

Su Yi was slightly surprised, "Being demoted and transferred away? Is it because of what happened to Bai Ruolin before?"

Zhou Jinchuan pursed his lips and said, "She must have something to do with it. I heard that someone reported it. I think it was probably the Bai family who did it. But it's not like he was unjustly accused. If he usually walks upright and sits upright, No one can report successfully.”

Su Yi thought seriously for a moment, then nodded, "I didn't expect that Bai Ruolin used to ask him for help with so many things, big and small, but now she just doesn't care at all and just turns her back and refuses to recognize anyone. This kind of person will be in the future Just stay away."

Zhou Jinchuan nodded, "Don't worry. After my sister-in-law's incident happened last time, the old man has already sent people to beat up the Bai family. They are also grasshoppers after the fall, so don't pay attention to them."

Su Yi didn't expect Zhou Jinchuan and the Zhou family to do so many things silently behind their backs, and couldn't help but feel warm in her heart.

"You never told me these things."

"You have enough things to worry about during this period, and I don't want you to have so many things on your mind."

"Then what's going on with Qin Yunfeng?"

Zhou Jinchuan heard the name from her mouth and couldn't help but look at her inquiringly, "Do you really want to know about him?"

"Ask casually, don't tell me to push you down."

Zhou Jinchuan coughed slightly and hurriedly explained, "I heard from Lao Lu that he just submitted his application for discharge, but he probably hasn't left yet."

"Retired? Will he take the initiative to retire?"

Su Yi was wondering when there was a knock on the door.

Zhou Jinchuan immediately stood up and said, "You eat your food, and I'll open the door."

Su Yi picked up a dumpling and put it in her mouth, and couldn't help but turn her head to look at it curiously.

Then he saw Qin Yunfeng appearing outside the door.

He didn't know what he said, and then followed Zhou Jinchuan back into the house.

After not seeing him for a long time, Su Yi instinctively felt disgusted and embarrassed when she saw him, and couldn't understand why Zhou Jinchuan let him in.

But seeing that his legs didn't seem to be very agile when walking, he didn't say anything.

When he arrived at the room, Qin Yunfeng couldn't wait to look at Su Yi.

Until Zhou Jinchuan reminded him, "Come on, didn't you say you have something to tell us?"

Qin Yunfeng quickly averted his eyes and then said, "Captain Zhou, I submitted my discharge application with Battalion Commander Lu two days ago. I will be leaving the army soon."

Zhou Jinchuan nodded slightly, "I heard what he said. I heard that your leg injury last time was infected and it never recovered?"

Qin Yunfeng lowered his head and nodded, "I accidentally touched the water and got infected due to the hot weather, but the doctor said that if I take good care of myself, I might be able to return to my former self. Even if it doesn't, it won't be a problem."

"My health is only one aspect. After I came back from my last mission, I thought a lot while lying in the hospital. I felt that I was not suitable to stay in the army anymore. I wanted to go back to my hometown and have a try. I heard that there are also opportunities in the countryside now. A lot, so it’s actually not a physical problem, it’s a personal mental problem that I want to retire from the army.”

Zhou Jinchuan was silent for a moment, then raised his eyes and looked at him, "Okay, since you have thought it through, let's do it like this!"

After saying that, seeing that he hesitated and showed no intention of leaving, he couldn't help but wonder, "Is there anything else?"

Qin Yunfeng silently turned his attention to Su Yi again, "Can I have a few words with Comrade Su Yi alone?"

After saying that, the room fell into silence.

Qin Yunfeng saw that his expression was not very good, but he thought that after leaving this time, he might not have a chance to meet again.

So he bit the bullet and said, "I'll just say a few words and then leave."

Zhou Jinchuan couldn't help but sneered coldly when he saw that he didn't even look at him.

Then he stood up and said to Su Yi, "Daughter-in-law, I'm going to the courtyard to get some fresh air. Call me if you need anything."

After saying that, he walked to the courtyard.

As soon as Zhou Jinchuan left, Qin Yunfeng said to Su Yi, who was still a little confused, "Well, I heard from my family that you found your biological parents in Beijing. Congratulations."

Su Yi looked away from the yard, "Oh, thank you!"

"I also heard that you have obtained a marriage license?"

"Well, that's right, maybe you can catch the wedding banquet."

Qin Yunfeng twitched the corner of his mouth bitterly, "I will, Xiaoyi, I know it's too late for me to say anything now, but I really regret it. I'm really sorry for what happened in the past. It was me who didn't cherish you properly. If One day——"

Su noticed that he started talking nonsense again, so he interrupted impatiently, "Okay, you have said these words many times, there is no need to repeat them. I understand what you mean, and I also want to thank you." It’s not getting married, it’s getting late, you’d better go back and rest early!”

Qin Yunfeng was suddenly interrupted and didn't know what to say next.

Seeing that Zhou Jinchuan had also walked over, he had no choice but to say hello in a hurry and prepare to leave.

Zhou Jinchuan raised his lips and looked at him, "Are you done?"

"Well, that's it."

"Let's go! I'll see you off."

Qin Yunfeng didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd, but he always felt that it was nothing good.

But it was hard to refuse, so I had to bite the bullet and follow him out the door.

After the two of them left one after another, Su Yi looked at the food on the table and saw that it was already cold, and suddenly lost his appetite.

Then he got up, cleared away all the cold food on the table, went to the kitchen, scooped out a full pot of water and started boiling bath water.

While he was busy in the kitchen, he suddenly heard Zhou Jinchuan's footsteps coming back, and then the door was locked heavily.

Su Yi looked at the man who walked in, his face flickering, and he couldn't tell any emotions.

I was guiltily preparing to ask him if he was jealous.

Unexpectedly, he walked straight to the kitchen and asked, "Are you full?"

Su Yi hummed, "You're full and the dumplings are cold. If you're not full, I'll heat them up for you."

Zhou Jinchuan curled his lips slightly, "I'm full too. Since I'm full, let's move around."

After saying that, he bent down and picked her up, striding towards the bedroom.

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