Although Su Yi had prepared herself mentally, she had only called to give it a try.

She had expected to be rejected.

But Su Yi still felt a little disappointed!

When she called, Ye Xiaowu had just returned from school.

Seeing that Sister Su was rejected, he took the initiative to comfort her, "Sister Su, don't be upset. Uncle Zhou doesn't like to use backdoors, nor does he like others to use backdoors through him."

"I remember when I was elected as the class monitor at the beginning of the year, I wanted him to send me to school so that I could show off in front of the teacher. As a result, he saw through it and not only refused to go, but also lectured me."

"But later I became the class monitor with my own efforts. I believe Sister Su can do it too!"

After listening to Ye Xiaowu's comfort, Su Yi was in a good mood, "Well! I didn't know that Xiaowu was the class monitor, so amazing!"

"Hehe, it's not that amazing, Sister Su, Uncle Zhou doesn't come back, can we still have cold noodles for lunch?"

Su Yi laughed, "Of course, I'll go and knead the dough now."

"I'll help!"


On the other side, after Zhou Jinchuan hung up the phone.

He silently opened the lunch box on the corner of the table, and there were still a few mung bean cakes lying quietly inside.

It was given to him by Su Yi a few days ago. Sometimes when he was busy and missed the meal, he would take two pieces.

It was convenient to fill his stomach, and the taste was very sweet, not as choking as those sold outside.

Zhou Jinchuan pinched a piece with his fingers and put it in his mouth. His original firm idea was shaken a little-

Did he speak too directly just now?

Facing a group of big men every day, he was used to being straightforward.

He was indeed not very good at talking to female comrades.

Forget it, he was right anyway.

He closed the lid again and was about to continue working with his head down.

Suddenly Lu Changzheng walked in and saw him eating mung bean cakes, and hurriedly glanced at the lunch box on the table.

"Let me see what it is?"

Lu Changzheng opened it and found that it was mung bean cakes. He frowned in disdain, "How come you, a grown man, suddenly eat these?"

Zhou Jinchuan sneered, "Eating food is divided by gender?"

"That's right, I'm hungry too, let me try a piece!" After saying that, Lu Changzheng reached out and took a piece.

"Well, you know what, it's delicious. Isn't it made by your comrade Xiao Su?"

Zhou Jinchuan didn't say anything, which was considered as tacit agreement.

Lu Changzheng became more and more curious, "When can I go to your place for a meal? I've said this so many times, please consider it!"

Zhou Jinchuan pursed his lips, "No need to consider it."

Seeing him like this, Lu Changzheng felt like being scratched by a cat.

"If you don't let me go, I can only go to meet her by myself next time. I have heard a lot of rumors about her these days since I came back. I am really curious!"

Zhou Jinchuan gave her a warning look, "I told you that she is not a spy, and she is an unmarried lesbian, it is not appropriate for you to go there."

Lu Changzheng refused to give up, "Then let's go together? It just so happens that I haven't seen the child for many days. It's okay for me to buy some things and go to see her, right?"

Zhou Jinchuan lowered his eyes, as if thinking.

After a while, he changed his words and said, "You go out first, I'll make a phone call and ask."

"Okay, okay, I'll go out, you call quickly."

Seeing that he finally agreed, Lu Changzheng immediately ran out and went to find Xie Xiaojun next door.

He gossiped with him about what happened just now.

"Xiao Xie, do you think there is something wrong with this old Zhou?"

Xie Xiaojun disagreed, "Captain Lu, why do you think everyone has problems?"

"That's not what I mean. I mean he's too weird. I found out that he's not right when I came back this time. He was still holding back his food when he ate. I told him to go to his house for a meal, but he was still hesitant and wanted to call back for instructions."

"And he was so secretive about making a phone call, as if he was calling his wife. I think he's just too old to hold it in. It's time to find a wife and consider his lifelong affairs!"

Xie Xiaojun couldn't help but smile.

How could Captain Zhou be old?

However, these marriage matters were indeed delayed a bit, and the calls from Beijing City urging marriage were all coming to him.


Su Yi was eating noodles with his two children when he suddenly received a call from Zhou Jinchuan.

He thought that the interview at the cafeteria had taken a turn for the better.

It turned out that he came to ask if he could bring Xie Xiaojun and Captain Lu to dinner in the evening.

Although Su Yi had never met Captain Lu, Xie Xiaojun mentioned him once, saying that he was a close friend of Zhou Jinchuan.

He immediately agreed, "Okay, then I'll go buy vegetables after dinner."

After all, the boss had taken the initiative to speak, so what else could he refuse?

Seeing her agree, Zhou Jinchuan hurriedly said, "You don't have to buy it, I'll ask Xie Xiaojun to send it over."

Su Yi said, "Oh," and didn't say anything polite, "What do you want to eat?"

Zhou Jinchuan paused, "Can you cook Sichuan cuisine? I have a book about the customs and habits of Sichuan and Chongqing, which introduces some of them. If you need it--"

Su Yi interrupted immediately, "No, I can do it."

After that, he reported a few dishes, "Boiled fish, twice-cooked pork, fish-flavored pork shreds, mapo tofu, are these enough?"

Zhou Jinchuan hummed, "Enough."

"Okay, then remember what you need to prepare."

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi was still confused.

Zhou Jinchuan seldom came back for dinner recently, and he didn't invite him back just now.

Why did he suddenly come back for dinner after such a short while?

And he specifically asked for Sichuan cuisine.

As far as she knew, there was no one from Sichuan Province among these people?

Forget it, I haven't eaten spicy food for a long time anyway, so let's do it!


On the other side, Zhou Jinchuan called Lu Changzheng and Xie Xiaojun over after hanging up the phone.

"It's agreed that Xiao Xie will go with us in the evening!"

Lu Changzheng and Xie Xiaojun looked at each other, and their smiles were meaningful.

Zhou Jinchuan coughed lightly, "If you have nothing to do in the afternoon, you two should go buy the food early and let Xiao Xie send it back first!"

As he said, Zhou Jinchuan threw a list he had just written to Lu Changzheng.

Lu Changzheng took a look and was immediately dumbfounded, "Didn't we agree that you would treat me? I'll buy the food?"

Zhou Jinchuan curled his lips, "If you don't want to eat, forget it!"

"No, no, no, we'll go buy it after we're done!"

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