The freshly cooked instant noodles were quickly brought up by Xie Xiaojuan.

Su Yi took a look, then smiled and put the noodles in front of the two people, "It's ready to eat."

Director Ma and Deng Yuying picked up the chopsticks at hand, fumbled to scoop up a chopstick of noodles from the bowl in front of them and tasted it.

Both of them showed shock on their faces.

They also tacitly picked up the bowl and drank a mouthful of soup to cover up their panic.

Seeing that the two had eaten the noodles and drank the soup, Su Yi asked, "Does this taste the same as the one you developed?"

Director Ma hesitated, as if he didn't expect the instant noodles made by Su Yi to taste so rich and good.

Deng Yuying on the opposite side was the first to calm down, "Yes, it's the same!"

Director Ma also quickly came back to his senses, "Yes, exactly the same!"

Su Yi smiled and nodded, "Well, tell me, what's in your recipe?"

As soon as Su Yi finished speaking, Deng Yuying immediately reported, "Of course, the beef noodles are beef soup, braised beef mince, and we also added a lot of vegetables, including carrots, chopped green onions, and egg granules--"

Before Deng Yuying finished speaking, everyone laughed.

The two noticed something was wrong and quickly pulled off the cloth in front of them.

Looking down, their faces were full of shock.

Why is this bowl different from what they had heard before?

Seeing the two of them were stunned, Su Yi smiled and asked, "This is the pickled cabbage beef noodles we just developed. We were planning to serve it to everyone in the store tomorrow. I didn't expect that it was copied from your ingredients?"

"Can't you taste the obvious pickled cabbage? Or do you have pickled cabbage in your braised beef noodles?"

Director Ma and Deng Yuying were dumbfounded. The recipe they had heard in advance was not like this.

The bowl on the table next to them was not like this either.

They thought the sour smell just now was from vinegar...

Seeing that everyone was laughing, Deng Yuying explained, "There's nothing strange about this. We have a rich variety of ingredients and all kinds of flavors."

After hearing her explanation, everyone laughed like crazy.

"There is no pickled cabbage taste in our braised beef noodles!"

"There is no pineapple or chopped green onion in your pickled cabbage beef noodles, how do you taste it?!"

"How do you taste it? I made it up!"

"Hahaha, it's so funny!!!"

Just when Su Yi was dealing with the two people here, Xu Xiaoqin immediately called Su Yin.

When Liao Zhengmin learned about the situation at the hotel, he immediately notified Zhao, the special assistant in the city, to take people there first.

When Zhao had a meeting in Yangcheng before, there were meeting minutes here.

It clearly recorded that the seasoning brought by the Beijing Food Factory was only one pack.

But there were three packs of braised beef noodles in Su Yi Hotel.

With Zhao's special assistant coming out to clarify, what else did everyone not understand.

It was clearly a deliberate retaliation.

Seeing that the matter could not be resolved, Director Ma and Deng Yuying left the hotel in disgrace amid the laughter of the crowd.

Just after walking a few steps out of the door, they were stopped by people outside.

"Come here for us."

When Director Ma and Deng Yuying saw that things were not going well, their faces turned pale.

"Now we live in a society ruled by law, what are you doing?"

Assistant Zhao followed and said, "Yes, now we live in a society ruled by law, you are throwing dirty water on our company in public, and you are just going to walk away after throwing dirty water? You are committing slander, let's go! Go to the police station and explain it clearly!"

When the two heard that they were going to the police station, their legs suddenly became weak.

If they went to the police station, the matter would only get bigger and bigger.

Let alone wanting to make a comeback in the future, even finding a job would be difficult.

Thinking of this, Director Ma's legs immediately softened, and he knelt down and begged for mercy, "Assistant Zhao, please raise your hand, we will never dare to do it again!"

Deng Yuying also nodded like pounding garlic, "Yes, yes, we were just bewildered today, and we will never dare to do it again."

Assistant Zhao paused and said meaningfully, "It's okay not to go to the police station. Our boss said that he doesn't want to see you two in Beijing anymore."

Director Ma couldn't help but tremble, "But our whole family is here, where do you want us to go?"

Assistant Zhao snorted coldly, "This is not something I should care about. You think about it yourself, either leave Beijing forever, or go to the police station now."

Deng Yuying was also a native of Beijing, and she didn't want to leave here either.

But then she thought about it, she hadn't found a job for so many days.

Now that the plan to turn things around has failed, if she wants to stay here, she will probably starve to death sooner or later.

So he nodded first, "Okay, I'll go."

When Director Ma saw that Deng Yuying had agreed to leave, he no longer insisted and hurriedly agreed to leave.

In front of Special Assistant Zhao, the two of them agreed on the spot.

But when he turned around, Director Ma hesitated.

But Special Assistant Zhao didn't give him time to hesitate at all. He sent someone to watch over them that night until he saw that the people had really left.

Except for Liao Zhengmin and Special Assistant Zhao, no one else knew about the expulsion of the two people.

Even Su Yi was kept in the dark.

She was still wondering why the two people disappeared!

However, even if Su Yi knew, she didn't have the time and energy to waste time on such a person.

Now that she has an instant noodle factory, she is much busier than last year.

For this reason, she often finds opportunities to skip night school.

However, Su Yi skipped classes because she was busy. On the other hand, it was because the progress of the night school was too slow. It was better for her to spend time at home to review at night.

That day, Su Yi thought that she had taken leave for two consecutive days. If she didn't go to class, it would be a bit disrespectful to the teacher.

So, after coming out of the food factory, she saw that she barely had time, so she went straight to the night school to attend class.

When she just trotted to the door, she saw Bai Miaomiao standing at the door, looking around and waiting anxiously.

Su Yi ran over guiltily, "Why don't you go in first--"

Bai Miaomiao was so anxious that she didn't bother to explain and pulled Su Yi's arm to school.

"Auntie, you're finally here! I've been waiting for you for a long time, something happened!"

Su Yi's heart tightened, "Is there an exam today?"

"No! Lin Shuxue is here! And Zhu Jingtong is here too!"

"What does 'come' mean?"

"It means coming to class and becoming our classmates!"

Su Yi paused when she heard this, "When was it so easy to get into our night school? Two transfer students got in at once?"

Bai Miaomiao sighed, "Who knows! I heard that the policy has been relaxed this year and they want to expand enrollment, but even so, I guess the two of them must have spent a lot of money, otherwise they wouldn't be able to get in."

Su Yi couldn't help but sigh when he heard this, it seems that Lin Jiaguo had to bleed a lot to get the people back?

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