When Lin Shuxue heard this, there was nothing she didn't understand.

Lin Jiaguo wanted to flee when the disaster came! He wanted to draw a clear line between him and her!

So she decisively hugged his legs and begged, "Dad, you can't do this. You are the only relative I can rely on now. If you don't want me, then I can only die."

Seeing his daughter crying miserably, the expression on Lin Jiaguo's face was not moved at all.

He grabbed her hand directly, printed it with red mud, and drew a finger seal on the statement.

"I have to go out now. When I come back, I don't want you to stay in my Lin family's house."

After saying that, he kicked her hand away fiercely and turned around and went downstairs.

After Lin Jiaguo left, Lin Shuxue lay on the ground and cried for a long time.

Tired of crying, she slowly stood up.

She walked straight to Lin Jiaguo's room.

Since Lin Jiaguo is so cruel, don't blame her for being unjust.

Lin Shuxue searched the room carefully, searched all the valuables, and hurriedly put them into her bag.

Then she turned around and went to her room to pack a few clothes.

Then she fled in a hurry.

After leaving the Lin family, Lin Shuxue didn't know where to go, nor did she know who would help her take her in.

After thinking for a long time, she decided to go to Lin Libei again.

After all, Lin Shushu was Lin Libei's classmate, and the two were good friends.

It was also the only bond between the two.

If Lin Libei was willing to help her out of the twenty years of friendship, and personally went to Lin Shushu to plead, there might be a chance of turning around.

Thinking of this, Lin Shuxue quickly called Lin Libei's dormitory.

Asked him to meet in a nearby park.

Lin Libei was unwilling to come out after receiving the call.

Lin Shuxue had been prepared for this, "Brother, this is the last time. If you don't come out, I can only go directly to Lin Shushu."

Finally, Lin Libei came.

As soon as they met, Lin Shuxue took out all the money she had stolen from home, "Fourth brother, please help me pass this money to Lin Shushu first. As long as she is willing not to pursue this matter, I will agree to any amount of money she wants."

Lin Libei sneered and stared at the money for a while, "Do you think this matter can be solved with money? I don't agree."

Lin Shuxue suppressed her anger and growled at Lin Libei, "Are you going to force me to death too? If you don't agree, this will be the last time we meet, and the next time you will see me, you can only see my corpse!"

Seeing that she threatened to die again, Lin Libei didn't buy it at all, so he smiled and said, "You won't, how can a selfish person like you be willing to give up your life?"

After that, Lin Libei threw the money directly to her.

Then he strode out of the park.

Lin Shuxue saw that her only hope was shattered.

She couldn't help but laugh crazily.

After laughing for a long time, she made up her mind again to run away.

She wanted to leave this Jing City that couldn't accommodate her.

But before she left, she still had a lot of things she wanted to do...

Lin Shuxue ran back to the Lin family, as if she wanted to go in and take something out.

But as soon as she got outside, she saw Lin Jiaguo being carried out by several people in uniform.

Lin Jiaguo was struggling and shouting as he walked.

Lin Shuxue was startled and ran away.

She thought that since someone had come to arrest her, it meant that the matter had been exposed.

Although she didn't expect it to be so fast, it seemed that it would be more difficult for her to run away, so she quietly found a place to hide first.

Lin Shuxue stayed in the secluded alley for most of the day, and only sneaked out when night fell.

After thinking about it, she suddenly remembered that she had not had time to return the house she rented for Su Erqiang and Su Sanhu.

Although there were several families living in the compound, almost no one was literate, and they didn't think they would care about the college entrance examination.

In addition, there was really no place to go, and she couldn't sleep on the street.

So she decided to sneak over at night.

After waiting outside the compound for a long time, Lin Shuxue saw that everyone was busy preparing food, so she quietly sneaked into the room she rented to Su Erqiang and Su Sanhu.

But when she got there, she found that the door was not locked at all.

Lin Shuxue was confused for a moment, and then quietly opened the door.

But the next second, she was suddenly held down.

Before she could shout, her mouth was covered.

Lin Shuxue was scared to death, and in panic, she looked carefully and found that it was Su Erqiang and Su Sanhu who held her down.

So she struggled and asked, "Why did you two come out?"

Su Erqiang and Su Sanhu didn't expect her to come over, so they sneered, "Why? Don't you want us to come out so early? It's a pity that you didn't get your wish!"

It turned out that although the two were caught on the spot last time, they were given laxatives, and it didn't work.

So they stayed in there for only more than 20 days, and then they were educated and released.

Seeing the two people looking at her with hatred, Lin Shuxue had to force herself to calm down and look at them first.

Seeing that the two people seemed to have just been released from there, they didn't know what happened in the Lin family.

With a turn of his eyes, a plan came to his mind.

Then she softened her tone and said, "I was wrong last time, but I really had no choice at the time. I could only say that to protect myself. Think about it, whether I confess or not, you two will definitely go to jail, but if I also go to jail, won't we be caught in one fell swoop?"

After hearing this, Su Erqiang and Su Sanhu looked at each other and felt that what she said was not completely unreasonable.

But after all, they had just experienced a test with her, and the test results were not ideal, so it was difficult for the two to believe her.

So they directly took the bag from her arms.

When the bag was opened, they saw that it was filled with valuables such as watches, and some cash.

The two of them couldn't help but brighten up, "Are you going to run away with your stuff?"

"Tsk tsk, how come the Lin family has so few things?"

Lin Shuxue saw that she couldn't hide it, so she took the initiative to say, "That Lin Jiaguo is not a good guy. Seeing that I failed the college entrance examination, he wanted to kick me out. I thought he was unkind and unjust anyway, so I took all his things. Now people are looking for me everywhere, so I hid here."

"Originally, I wanted to come here and wait for you two. When you come out, the three of us will run together. I didn't expect you to come out already. This is great!"

Su Erqiang and Su Sanhu naturally didn't dare to believe her words, so they snatched the bag directly.

And snatched all the things on her body.

"Get out of here, and don't come to us in the future!"

"Yes, even if we want to run away, it's the two of us brothers. Who wants to run with a thief like you!"

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