Liao Zhengmin thought about what Zhou Jinchuan said seriously.

He also thought about his plan carefully.

In the end, he still felt that it was not appropriate, "It's too risky for you to go in alone. Although you were lucky enough to be fine the first two times, after all, you have to bring someone out this time, and that person is seriously injured. If there is any mistake, the consequences will be disastrous."

Zhou Jinchuan knew it, but he had to give it a try.

Besides, the man was tortured like that and didn't tell where the information was hidden. He is also a man. Just for this reason, we can't watch him continue to be tortured or even die.

Seeing that Zhou Jinchuan insisted on saving him, Liao Zhengmin suggested, "In fact, I have long disliked those big noses. Anyway, my industry here has been slowly transferred. I will leave soon, and I am not afraid of fighting with them."

"Just think of it as another letter of surrender for my hometown! I will help you!"

Zhou Jinchuan saw that he was very determined and obviously made up his mind after thinking about it.

He asked, "Uncle Liao, what are your plans?"

Liao Zhengmin thought for a moment, "I'm very familiar with that building. When I first came to Hong Kong, I often went there to do business. I can figure it out with my eyes closed."

"There are all kinds of people in it, which is indeed suitable for Tibetans, but there is also a disadvantage, that is, it is difficult to extinguish the fire in that building, so once a fire breaks out, the consequences will be disastrous, and everyone will definitely run out for their lives."

Zhou Jinchuan was startled, "Do you really want to light a fire?"

Liao Zhengmin saw his serious look and couldn't help laughing, "No, just make some thick smoke to create a fire atmosphere, no need to really light a fire, then I will arrange people to create chaos inside to help you buy time to save people."

Zhou Jinchuan pondered for a moment, then proposed, "Okay, then I will also pretend to be a firefighter to go in and save people, so that no one should notice in the chaos."

Discuss the time and specific details of the action.

Liao Zhengmin stood up and prepared to leave, "I'll go and make arrangements first. You've been up all night, go upstairs and catch up on some sleep so you can be energetic at night."

Zhou Jinchuan followed him out of the study.

When they walked to the second floor, just as they reached Su Yi's door, they saw their mother-in-law and third uncle talking to their daughter-in-law about something.

Seeing him coming, Su Yin stood up, "Jin Chuan, how did you talk with your Uncle Liao?"

Zhou Jin Chuan nodded, "We've discussed it. Uncle Liao is going out to help me."

Su Yin paused, then nodded and smiled, "Just discuss it with you two. I won't ask about other things, but remember, you must pay attention to safety and come back safely."

Zhou Jin Chuan nodded decisively, "Don't worry, Mom, I will be extra careful."

Lin Zexi listened to the conversation between the two and was confused, "What are you talking about? What kind of action is so mysterious, I want to go too."

As soon as the voice fell, Su Yin immediately pulled him, "With your skills, don't go and make trouble, stay at home with me and look after the house!"

As she said that, she pulled Lin Zexi out of the door.

She also intimately reminded the two, "You have been up all night, take the time to make up for the sleep, and I will call you after lunch is ready."

After the two left, Su Yi directly closed the door gently.

Then he couldn't wait to ask, "What did you discuss with Liao's father?"

Zhou Jinchuan saw that she wanted to know immediately, and knew that he couldn't hide it from her, so he told her the countermeasures they had just discussed.

Su Yi was overjoyed after hearing it, "This is a good idea, I will go with you tonight."

This time Zhou Jinchuan didn't give her any chance, "Absolutely not, this time the building will be very chaotic, what if there is a bump? If you go, I will be distracted to protect you, be obedient."

Su Yi had to compromise, "Then I will be your driver and wait for you downstairs. Once you come downstairs, we will drive away immediately."

Zhou Jinchuan thought for a moment, and then agreed, "Okay, but you must pay attention to your own safety. Once the situation changes, drive away immediately."

Su Yi was also worried that it was better to be safe than sorry.

So he took Zhou Jinchuan's hand and suggested, "By the way, you haven't entered my space yet, do you want to try it?"

Zhou Jinchuan was stunned for a moment, and didn't react to the connection between the two things.

But she was definitely a little curious, so she nodded and agreed.

Su Yi held Zhou Jinchuan's hand tightly, and said "enter" nervously.

The two of them stood on the grass in the space in an instant.

This was Zhou Jinchuan's first time coming in, although he had imagined what it looked like before.

But he never expected that it would be so vast.

In comparison, there were fewer items.

In addition to the woods, grass and springs, the rest were the things Su Yi had slowly accumulated.

Su Yi took Zhou Jinchuan to wander around inside for a while, and then excitedly took him to visit the herb garden he had reclaimed.

Looking at the palm-sized herb garden, Zhou Jinchuan couldn't help laughing, "It's just such a small place?"

Su Yi looked helpless, "I'm not good at farming and reclaiming wasteland. It took me a long time to reclaim such a small place."

Zhou Jinchuan smiled and looked at her, "After I finish this, I'll help you open up a large area, how about it?"

With free labor, Su Yi was naturally too happy to wait.

But considering that I had important things to do in the evening, I didn't feel like hanging around here.

So I went out early to catch up on my sleep.

Time passed in the blink of an eye and it was evening.

Taking advantage of the dark sky, Zhou Jinchuan had already changed into a fire suit and got in Su Yi's car to the back of the building.

When the black smoke signal came from upstairs, he immediately told Su Yi to be careful.

Then he strode into the building.

At this time, the building was full of surging crowds, everyone screamed and rushed out, and the entire stairwell was blocked tightly.

Zhou Jinchuan mixed into the crowd and went back all the way to the destination floor.

Seeing that the two guards were still panicking and contacting the outside world, Zhou Jinchuan rushed up directly.

He shouted at the two, "Hurry up and leave! The fire downstairs has already started. If you don't leave now, you won't be able to leave!"

When the two heard this, they were so scared that their faces turned pale. "But there is still someone in our room that we can't take away."

Zhou Jinchuan immediately shouted, "I'll go to save him, you go first!"

After hearing this, the two still hesitated, "That person is very important to us. What if--"

"There is no what if. If you don't leave now, the three of you will die here! Either I will save him and you can escape first, or the three of you can only stay here together and wait for the fire to be put out!"

After saying this, he pretended to go to other rooms to check if there were any stranded people.

When the two saw that Zhou Jinchuan didn't care about them anymore, they immediately shouted to him, "I'll leave the people in the room to you. You must help us rescue them. I will definitely reward you handsomely when the time comes."

As he said this, he didn't wait for Zhou Jinchuan to reply, and hurriedly followed the crowd downstairs.

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