80: The black-bellied officer read my mind and fell in love with me

Chapter 421: Going into the mountains to provide support

Lin Haonan walked back and forth outside the tent for a while, and immediately made a decision, "I will go to support him. He went in a hurry and was short of manpower. We are different. We have almost rested for the past two days."

As he said, Lin Haonan hurriedly contacted his superiors and determined the location of the mountain village.

There is no way to go directly to the urban area of ​​the county town now. Lin Haonan led people to discuss and decided to drive around the city to the northernmost part of the county town, and then set off from the north to the east.

Although this will take a lot more walking, it is good to drive there, and things can be transported as much as possible.

At that time, the large force will be stationed at the foot of the mountain, and the small force will walk into the mountain to support.

After determining the route of action, the next step is to select the personnel to participate in the mountain rescue.

Lin Haonan comprehensively considered everyone's physical condition and selected more than a dozen soldiers with the best physical endurance and experience in going into the mountains to go together.

After Lin Haonan confirmed the matters, everyone began to pack up and prepare separately.

Seeing this, Lin Zexi followed without saying a word, "Second brother, I will go with you. You still have an injury on your arm. You can only feel at ease if I accompany you."

Lin Haonan looked at him in shock, "Nonsense! The injury on my arm has long been no longer a big deal. Do you want me to save people or take care of you?"

Lin Zexi curled his lips, "I don't need your care. Maybe I can still take care of you."

Without waiting for Lin Haonan to object again, Su Yi also spoke, "Second brother, I also want to go with you. Don't worry, my third brother and I will not hold you back. We have learned a lot of survival skills in the wild these days."

Lin Haonan refused without thinking, "No! I know you are worried about Jin Chuan's danger. I promise you that I will ensure his safety, but you can't go."

Su Yi wanted to cry but had no tears, "Second brother, I did worry about Jin Chuan on the one hand, but I also wanted to do my best. You have seen the performance of my third brother and I these days. We really won't cause you any trouble."

The most important thing is that the road to the mountainous area can only be walked.

By then, the little supplies that everyone carried on their shoulders would definitely not be enough.

She followed in, and maybe there would be some life-saving things in the space.

Lin Haonan still didn't dare to think, "You haven't walked the road in the mountains, it's not as simple as you think."

Lin Zexi agreed, "Second brother, we know it's not that simple, but you also know that with so many people going to rescue, someone must be responsible for logistics. Cooking and taking care of the wounded will require manpower, and there are not many people available now."

As soon as the voice fell, Xu Dan, who had been silent all the time, also spoke up, "Report, I also apply to go together, so that we can treat the wounded as soon as possible."

Lin Haonan, "..."

After talking for a long time, one person couldn't be persuaded, and the more he persuaded, the more people he persuaded.

Seeing that the troops were about to be ready, Lin Haonan knew that he couldn't waste time like this.

So he had to temporarily agree to take the three people to the foot of the mountain first.

As for going up the mountain, he would definitely not agree.

The car went around the county from west to north, and then from north to east. It took nearly three hours, and after taking various detours, we finally arrived at the foot of the mountain closest to the village.

As soon as we got off the car, several people found a burnt-out fire in the open space, and realized that Zhou Jinchuan's team must have been here yesterday and entered the mountain from here.

Lin Haonan immediately ordered everyone to go down the mountain and began to camp at the foot of the mountain.

At the same time, he took two people to survey the situation at the foot of the mountain and prepare the route to enter the mountain.

Unfortunately, the ordinary road into the mountain has been destroyed by mountain torrents, and there are many landslides along the road, so it is impossible to go through at all.

It is not realistic to dig a road temporarily, and it is easy to cause secondary disasters.

Judging from the footprints found at the foot of the mountain, Zhou Jinchuan and his party should have climbed up the mountain first.

After careful discussion, Lin Haonan decided to take people to climb to the top of the mountain from the forest, and then observe the road conditions and go down the mountain from the other side to enter the village.

The next day was dawn.

Lin Haonan had already armed his men and carried as many rescue supplies as possible on his back.

He was ready to quietly set off before Su Yi and the others woke up, so that they wouldn't have to follow him later.

But as soon as the team had gathered, Su Yi and Xu Dan came out of their tent.

They were also fully armed.

Hearing the noise, Lin Zexi also packed up and came out almost non-stop.

"None of you are allowed to go, stay here and wait for our news. If we find Jin Chuan and confirm that everyone is safe, I will send you a signal flare."

This time, Su Yi and Lin Zexi learned their lesson and didn't say anything.

Instead, he asked Xu Dan to help him, "Commander Lin, I am also a soldier. I have been in the mountains to rescue people before. I have experience in this area. I have no problem."

"As for Su Yi, she told me her thoughts last night. I don't think she is a stubborn person. I will take good care of her on the way. If it doesn't work, I will escort them back down the mountain halfway."

After saying that, seeing that Lin Haonan was still hesitating, he urged again, "Commander Lin, don't waste time. It will be dawn soon. Let's set off early!"

Lin Haonan felt that he was being taken advantage of by these people, and no matter what he said, it would be useless.

He simply waved his hand, "Okay, okay, let's all go! But I'll make it clear in advance. If any one of you three can't hold on, then you three will have to go down the mountain together."

Lin Haonan was sure that Su Yi and Lin Zexi would not even make it halfway up the mountain before they would complain of being tired.

But the two of them followed the main group closely and did not show any intention of going back until they reached the top of the mountain.

The mountain was covered with dense jungle, and with the heavy rain for several days, the road was slippery and difficult to walk on.

Su Yi followed Zhou Jinchuan's footsteps and climbed up the mountain with gritted teeth. His trouser legs became heavier and heavier, and gradually covered with a layer of mud.

In order not to hold everyone back, Su Yi drank a few sips of spiritual spring water from time to time.

He gradually walked to the middle of the team.

Even Lin Haonan, who had always disagreed with several people going up the mountain, had to look at them with new eyes.

Several people started from dawn and did not reach the top of the mountain until the sun was about to rise above their heads.

Standing on the top of the mountain and looking down, everyone couldn't help but gasp.

I saw that the mountain torrents at the foot of the mountain had raged into a river, and the streams and villages marked on the original map had long ceased to exist.

Lin Zexi couldn't help but exclaim, "Where's the village? Where are the people? They're not all drowned, are they?"

Su Yi quickly glared at him, "No, if that were the case, we should be able to see the shadows of Jin Chuan and his team at the foot of the mountain, but now they are gone, which means they must have found a safe place to hide."

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