Su Yi nodded, then turned to Liao Zhengmin and asked, "Dad, do you think this can work?"

Liao Zhengmin was pacing back and forth in the living room excitedly at this moment. Seeing Su Yi asking, he turned his head and smiled, "Silly child! With Old Sun supporting your prescription behind you, this is a great opportunity! Just do it as soon as possible, your mother and I will support you!"

Su Yin also smiled and nodded in agreement, "If such a good thing had happened decades earlier, I wouldn't have to drink Chinese medicine for more than ten years, which would have been so painful for me."

The two of them supported without hesitation, which also made Su Yi, who was still hesitating, dumbfounded.

How can these two people be so calm? !

Opening a pharmaceutical factory is completely different from opening a food factory, not to mention starting from scratch? !

But Liao Zhengmin was right. Not everyone has such a good opportunity.

"It's just that the food factory--"

Liao Zhengmin immediately took over the conversation, "You don't have to worry about the food factory, it's all trivial. I heard that you have decided on the final formula today? Leave the rest to me. I will let Special Assistant Zhao arrange it. You can rest assured of his ability!"

Su Yi nodded, "Okay."

It just so happened that her mind was in a mess and she urgently needed time to sort it out.

For now, she didn't have to worry about the prescription for the time being, but everything else had to be considered.

The pharmaceutical process and technology had to wait until Sun Lao's junior brother came to Beijing to meet.

Now I can only summarize the several pharmaceutical methods I can think of and inquire about the pharmaceutical equipment first.

Liao Zhengmin also knew that this was the most critical problem, so he quickly contacted an expert in this field from Hong Kong City for Su Yi.

Although they were making Western medicines, they were more familiar with advanced foreign equipment.

He came to help consult on what equipment needed to be introduced.

Except for the prescription, equipment and technology, the most important thing left was funding.

Since Old Sun intended to let her take the lead, Su Yi thought about collecting all the money she had earned from running restaurants and food factories over the years to see how much was still missing.

If it was not enough, she would discuss with Su Yin to sell some of the treasures left by her grandfather.

After all, when her mother entrusted these things to her, she said that her grandfather hoped to use this wealth to continue the Su family's business path.

To continue to build the Su family's reputation.

So it was reasonable for her to use this money now.

After Liao Zhengmin learned of her idea, he took the initiative to invest in advance. Those treasures were the thoughts left by Old Master Su, and he didn't want to sell them easily.

What's more, it's not that time yet.

The funds in his hands were idle anyway, and he originally planned to leave them to Su Yi to make a breakthrough.

Su Yi pushed and pushed, and finally agreed to let him invest in funds.

As for Old Sun, it was technology investment.

Su Yi stayed at her mother's house until late, until Zhou Jinchuan came back to pick her up after finishing his work, and then she went back with him.

As soon as she got home, Su Yi told him what happened today.

"My mind is a little confused now, can you help me think about this matter."

Zhou Jinchuan was also a little surprised. He had said that he was going to decide on the recipe of snail noodles when he left in the morning.

He was just about to ask what the result was.

As a result, when he came home in the evening, he said that he was going to open a Chinese medicine pharmaceutical factory.

However, after thinking about it carefully, Zhou Jinchuan also gave a supportive attitude, "You have been thinking about this for more than a day or two. Now that you have graduated and the opportunity has come, let go and give it a try."

"Even if you fail, I am still at home, and I guarantee that you will not starve."

Su Yi couldn't help laughing after hearing this, and actually had the answer in her heart.

So she started to make a plan overnight.

Zhou Jinchuan saw that she was in high spirits, so he didn't disturb her. He went into the space silently and continued to help her open up wasteland and plant more herbs.

Before Su Yi finished revising the final plan, the person called by Elder Sun had already arrived.

He flew here the next day.

Because he was Elder Sun's junior, Su Yi had always thought that he was a white-haired old man of the same age as Elder Sun, but when they met, he was only in his fifties, and he looked very young and energetic.

Elder Sun took Su Yi to the airport to pick up the person, and as soon as they met, he immediately introduced them to the two with a smile.

"This is my junior brother Wen Jialiang, you can call him Uncle Wen."

"Jialiang, this is Su Yi, my last disciple, who I have been telling you about."

The two shook hands and exchanged greetings. On the way, Elder Sun asked Su Yi to tell Wen Jialiang his ideas again.

With the plan this time, Su Yi spoke more clearly and logically than last time.

Wen Jialiang nodded repeatedly, "When my senior brother called me yesterday, I was already very excited. I didn't expect Xiaoyi to be more thoughtful than I thought! She is indeed my senior brother's disciple."

When Elder Sun heard the first half of the sentence, he was feeling proud. After hearing it, he suddenly sat up straight, "What nonsense? What do you mean I was eager to recognize her? It's obviously this girl who wanted to worship me as her master, otherwise why would I accept a disciple at my age?"

After saying that, Elder Sun pointed at Su Yi and asked her to testify.

Su Yi didn't dare to lose Elder Sun's face in front of outsiders, and quickly smiled and admitted it, "Yes, I cried and shouted to worship Elder Sun as my master."

Elder Sun: That's not that exaggerated.

Wen Jialiang: I can see that it was indeed forced.

Not long after Wen Jialiang arrived, Duan Yuanming, a technical talent invited by Liao Zhengmin from Hong Kong City, also rushed over.

As soon as the two talents arrived, Liao Zhengmin took a group of people to see the factory site.

He helped to consult the location, but he needed several people to nod their heads and think it was okay.

Su Yi had come to see it once before and was very satisfied with it. Although the place was in the suburbs, it was only an hour's drive from home, which was not too far.

And there was a mountain behind it, so the air was good, and there would be no worries about the conditions for preparing and drying medicinal materials in the future.

After getting off the car, Liao Zhengmin began to introduce it to everyone, "I just bought this piece of land at the beginning of the year. I was planning to build a factory, but I haven't thought about it yet. Now it's just right to build a pharmaceutical factory."

"But this place is not big, only more than 2,000 square meters. Do you think it's enough?"

Old Sun gave him a thumbs up. He was thinking that if it didn't work out, he would build a small workshop in the backyard of Chunhetang first.

Unexpectedly, Liao Zhengmin is also a man of action. He got such a big place in a short time, and asked if it was enough?

After a few people walked around, they thought about all the places they could think of.

"This side will be used as a drying area, this side will be a medicinal material room, a storage room, and a research room."

"That side will be used as an office area and workshop, and there will also be dormitories and canteens."

When Liao Zhengmin came, he had already called the engineering team, and the other party was responsible for recording while listening.

After everything was agreed, Liao Zhengmin asked, "How long will it take to build it at the fastest?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Liao, we will definitely rush it out with quality and quantity, and it will be completed within three months at the latest! It will definitely not delay your opening this year."

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