80: The black-bellied officer read my mind and fell in love with me

Chapter 458 Whoever proposes shall provide evidence

When these words came out, everyone present was stunned.

Even Lin Wangdong, who was in charge of mediation, stood up excitedly, "I remind you that such words cannot be said casually. There will be consequences for slander. Please pay attention to your words!"

Liao Zhengmin also snorted coldly, "It's ridiculous and ridiculous!"

Su Yi looked at the two people, and then turned to the opposite side and asked, "Whoever makes the claim should provide evidence. Since you suspect that our technology is stolen, please show us the evidence! Don't talk nonsense here!"

The other party originally wanted to give a warning, but did not expect that the people on the Chinese side would be so tough.

Even the foreign affairs unit stood on the side of Chunhetang.

The three people used up all their tricks, leaving only a sentence that we will provide evidence, and then left in disgrace.

Su Yi and Liao Zhengmin left the venue and had a brief chat with Lin Wangdong.

Then they hurried back to the pharmaceutical factory for a meeting.

Su Yi told the details of today's meeting.

Uncle Duan and Uncle Wen were very relieved after hearing this, "We have to be so tough, and we are not afraid of them!"

"So it seems that the preparations of the M countrymen are just like this? It's just so easy to end?"

Su Yi shook her head, she always felt that something was wrong.

"In fact, I also feel strange. They are really thundering and raining today. It is true that we did not steal, but why did they make such a big fuss when they knew there was no evidence?"

Liao Zhengmin kept thinking about this question on the way back, "Their soft capsules will probably be on the market soon. Are they delaying our listing time so that they can go on the market first?"

Su Yi nodded, "It is possible. If we are scared by them, we might really stop production first to cooperate with the investigation."

Uncle Duan and Uncle Wen were scared, "Fortunately, we are strong-willed and never thought about stopping production to cooperate with them. This mind is really dirty, ugh."

Su Yi smiled helplessly, and thought of another point, "They do this, maybe there are One reason is that they want to create their own identity as victims in the international community. Foreign news likes to do this kind of thing to attract attention. Maybe when the time comes, a basin of dirty water will be poured down, and we will be unable to defend ourselves, but it will help them to hype up the market. "

Uncle Duan nodded, "It is possible, and their soft capsules are not on the market at the moment. No one knows what their specific situation is. Maybe they will steal our technology by making a feint to the east and attacking the west?"

Uncle Wen looked solemn, "So, we must be careful in all aspects and must not give them any loopholes."

"Okay, from now on, all employees in the pharmaceutical factory must be strictly registered when entering and leaving."

"Especially in the laboratory, no one is allowed to enter except for a few of us during this period."

Back home in the evening.

Su Yi also hurriedly told Zhou Jinchuan about what happened today.

Zhou Hongyi and Zhou Lao heard about this and were also very concerned.

"I helped contact the military factory. The drawings were revised over and over again. Several samples were made. How could it be considered stealing from them? How shameless!"

"They are clearly slandering and have other intentions! Xiaoyi, don't be afraid. This is related to the reputation of the military factory. I will arrange for someone to negotiate."

Su Yi glanced at Zhou Jinchuan when he heard that the matter was going to be reported to the military district.

Then he advised the two of them, "Grandpa, Dad, this is only a business-to-business matter. They have no evidence and dare not do anything to us."

"I think this matter should not be made too big. If you come forward, the nature will change. Let's take it one step at a time!"

Zhou Jinchuan also agreed, "Yes, they are just testing it now. Let's see what cards they will play next."

Mr. Zhou fought on the battlefield in his early years. Although he is old, his temper is still fierce. How can he bear this anger?

But on second thought, it's good. It's time to let young people exercise more.

You can't help them in everything, let go when you should.

Let them do it first!

"Go ahead and deal with it, and tell me if you can't handle it!"

"Okay, thank you grandpa!"

Lying in bed at night, Su Yi thought about what happened today.

Only a few of them knew the core technology of the pharmaceutical factory capsules, and all the information was locked in the safe of the laboratory.

If they wanted to steal, would they rob openly?

Or frame them?

Su Yi didn't know what they would do next, so he just waited for the action.

Who knew that the other party was quiet for two or three days in a row, just when Su Yi thought that the people had left, but these three people suddenly came to the pharmaceutical factory.

Su Yi was also shocked when he heard the call from the guard.

Just as he was about to go out to "fight" to see what tricks they had.

Who knew that as soon as he went out, the three of them came to apologize with flowers.

"Ms. Su, we didn't clarify the last matter in advance, we are very sorry!"

"We came here today to apologize to you, and we also hope to visit your factory!"

Su Yi glanced at the three people, curled his lips and smiled lightly, "Do you need to bring legal affairs with you to apologize?"

Mike was stunned, then laughed, "George is not only our company's legal affairs, but also our friend. We just came here to take a look."

Su Yi nodded, smiled and waved to the employee holding a camera, "It's just right to take a photo of us at the door. It's rare to have a distinguished guest come to our pharmaceutical factory!"

When they heard about taking photos, the faces of the other three changed slightly.

But before they could refuse, the employee holding the camera had already pressed the shutter button.

They came to the factory and held flowers. With this photo, how will they talk nonsense to the media in the future?

Mark was also dumbfounded. He turned his head and glanced at Michelle, "Didn't you say that Chinese people basically don't have private cameras?"

Michelle muttered nervously, "The information I found out is indeed like this."

"Okay, let's go in first!"

After taking the photos, Su Yi "enthusiastically" led the three to the conference room, where there was a video recorder.

As soon as the few people entered the door, the young man who took the photo just now immediately turned on the video recorder.

Mike was very dissatisfied with this and couldn't help asking Su Yi, "Miss Su, what do you mean? Is this the way you Chinese treat guests?"

Su Yi smiled calmly, "There is no way. After all, we are now in a relationship of suspicion and suspicion, slander and slander. It is better to be cautious. This is good for you and us."

The three shrugged helplessly.

After sitting down and chatting for a few words, he asked to see the technical staff.

"I heard that the main core technical staff of your factory are named Wen and Duan. I wonder if I can meet them?"

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