80: The black-bellied officer read my mind and fell in love with me

Chapter 472 Does Lin Jiaguo know that this child is not his?

When Lin Wangdong and his wife were talking just now, Liao Zhengmin was also listening.

He was also very angry at the time, but it was not easy to comment on Lin Jiaguo in front of the two children.

Now that Su Yin complained to him, Liao Zhengmin naturally sided with her, "This matter is indeed infuriating, don't worry about it, leave it to me to handle it."

Su Yin did intend to handle it properly, first for the safe birth of the child in Su Yi's belly, and for the wedding of the third and fourth children to go smoothly.

But for a while, she didn't think of how to solve it.

Now, after hearing Liao Zhengmin's words, he hurriedly asked, "What are you going to do?"

Liao Zhengmin pondered for a moment, then said, "You must not do anything illegal. After all, he is the biological father of several children, and you can't be too ruthless. So, I will send someone to investigate privately to see where he is now and what he is going to do? In this way, we can have a targeted approach."

Su Yin nodded in agreement, "Indeed, I don't even know where he is now. He is in the dark and we are in the light. It is indeed not a good thing. Just do as you say and check it first."

In the following days, Su Yin continued to prepare for the wedding.

Liao Zhengmin soon had the results of the investigation. In order not to let the children worry, neither of them told anyone about this.

On investigation, it was found that Lin Jiaguo had long been out of Jing City and had returned to his hometown in Beihe Province. He only came here when he wanted to cause trouble for Lin Jiaguo.

When Su Yin heard about his hometown in Beihe Province, she was stunned.

It is indeed Lin Jiaguo's hometown. Now Lin Jiaguo's mother is still alive and lives with the family of the eldest brother of the Lin family in Beihe City.

Before, the old woman Lin also came to Beijing to live with them for a few years, and later made a mess of the family.

It almost caused Lin Jiaguo to lose his job, so he cruelly sent the old woman back to his hometown.

Usually, except for giving money, he rarely goes back.

It's not because Su Yin is mean, but the things that the old woman did are really rare and bizarre in the world.

It can't be told in a few days and nights, it's simply too much to be described.

And the eldest brother's family is the same. Every time they come to Beijing, they always make a mess and make the whole family restless.

Su Yin gets angry when they are mentioned.

So later, she tore her face with them and said that she would never have any contact with them again.

Thinking of this, Su Yin couldn't help but feel lucky. Fortunately, Lin Jiaguo wanted to save face, so Lin Jiaguo probably didn't tell his family about their divorce at the beginning, so no one from the Lin family came to make trouble.

But now that Lin Jiaguo has returned, this matter is definitely out of the question, why didn't they come to make trouble?

Could it be because Lin Wangdong gave them money to suppress them?

Seeing Su Yin puzzled, Liao Zhengmin hesitated and told her a shocking explosive news.

"It may be because Lin Jiaguo-remarried!"

"What?" Su Yin couldn't help but exclaimed. This news was a shock to her. "He remarried? Then he still had the face to come to Wangdong to threaten money?"

Liao Zhengmin nodded helplessly and continued to release explosive news, "The woman is twenty years younger than him. I heard that Lin Jiaguo's mother asked an acquaintance in her hometown to find her, and spent a lot of money on the bride price."

Su Yin, "!!!"

No wonder he was so short of money that he came to Lin Wangdong shamelessly to ask for money and threaten again and again.

I didn't expect that he would actually spend money to marry a wife? !

"Since he is not in Jingshi anymore, how did he find out that Xiaoyi was pregnant? We have never spread this matter everywhere. Could it be that he followed Xiaoyi?"

Liao Zhengmin shook his head, "He accidentally ran into her in the hospital. He said that his wife was at a high risk of giving birth due to her advanced age, so the local hospital asked him to come to Jingshi for a checkup. He was also in the obstetrics and gynecology department with his newlywed wife, but Xiaoyi didn't see them."

Su Yin's eyes widened immediately, and she felt that Liao Zhengmin's words were more shocking than the last.

"Lin Jiaguo is an old man, he is already a grandfather, and he still plans to have another child?"

Liao Zhengmin was also at a loss for words, "The child is not his own. I asked someone to find out. The woman originally had an old lover, but her family disagreed and disliked that the other party could not come up with a dowry. The two dragged on for many years. In the end, the man could not wait any longer and married another woman out of spite. When the woman found out, she was already pregnant."

"The woman's family was afraid that they could not keep it a secret, so they asked Lin Jiaguo, who was not very good, for a dowry and married their daughter!"

Su Yin's eyes widened when she heard it, "Does Lin Jiaguo know that the child is not his?"

Liao Zhengmin hooked Lip shook his head, "He doesn't know, he was fooled and thought he had a son in his old age, and that he was reborn!"

Su Yin couldn't help laughing, "Don't let him know about this!"

Liao Zhengmin nodded, "Next week, the two of them have an appointment to come to the hospital for a check-up. Should we go to the hospital to find them then?"

Su Yin pondered for a moment, then nodded and agreed, "Okay, now that we know where his weakness is, it's really our turn to play an open card! Then we'll catch him off guard."

"Then we'll do this--"

Liao Zhengmin couldn't help laughing after hearing Su Yin's plan, and always felt that this routine had some shadows of Su Yi.

It seems that he has been with his daughter for so long that he has been led astray by his daughter.

But to deal with a man like Lin Jiaguo, it really takes some tricks.

On the day when Lin Jiaguo and the others came to the hospital, Liao Zhengmin and Su Yin brought their disguised men to the obstetrics and gynecology department of the hospital early.

While the woman went in for the checkup, Liao Zhengmin led people to "take" Lin Jiaguo out of the hospital and onto the pre-arranged van.

On the other hand, Su Yin waited for a while at the entrance of the obstetrics and gynecology department.

After seeing the woman come out, she stepped forward and asked, "Excuse me, are you Lin Jiaguo's wife Liu Hongling?"

Liu Hongling looked around and didn't see Lin Jiaguo. She was wondering when she suddenly saw a well-dressed woman talking to her.

She recognized her immediately, "Are you Su Yin?"

Su Yin raised her eyebrows. She didn't expect that she would recognize him. "How do you know me?"

Liu Hongling smiled bitterly, "I saw your family photo at home."

Su Yin:......

I didn't expect Lin Jiaguo to still keep it.

"Can I trouble you to help me get rid of the photo?"

Liu Hongling looked at Su Yin in surprise, "You are looking for me for this?"

Su Yin saw that the woman was quite bold, so she didn't plan to lay the groundwork, "I am looking for you for something else, let's chat if you have time?"

The woman looked at Su Yin with a wary look on her face, and finally followed her to the small garden.

When they arrived, Su Yin directly told her purpose.

"I know your situation and you are a poor man who can't help yourself. I won't tell Lin Jiaguo about your situation, as long as you can control him and don't disturb my son's wedding."

"After the matter is done, I will give you a sum of money, enough for you to have a baby."

When Liu Hongling heard Su Yin say this, her face turned pale, "I don't understand what you are talking about? Lin Jiaguo and I are married for free love, we are very simple."

Seeing that she refused to admit it, Su Yin also expressed understanding, "I don't have the hobby of destroying other people's happiness, I just hope that Lin Jiaguo will not show up when our family holds a wedding at the end of the month."

"And he threatened our eldest brother for living expenses, I hope this will stop here."

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