1991, summer.

It was the tenth anniversary of Zhou Jinchuan and Su Yi's marriage.

Over the years, no matter how busy they were, they would celebrate together on this day.

Even if sometimes they just went to a western restaurant for a meal, watched a movie, and took a walk.

In short, they never missed a single one.

Thinking that the tenth anniversary was a big day, Su Yi secretly prepared a gift for the anniversary early. It was a multifunctional military knife that she asked someone to bring from abroad.

Zhou Jinchuan had a similar one before, which was slightly simpler than this one, but he gave it to Lin Libei later.

After secretly preparing the gift, Su Yi waited for Zhou Jinchuan to tell her where to celebrate the anniversary.

But Zhou Jinchuan hurried out in the morning without saying a word.

Su Yi thought about it and felt something was wrong, so she took the initiative to call him before noon.

"Chief Zhou, where are we going to eat after get off work today? What are we going to eat?"

Zhou Jinchuan seemed to be a little noisy, but he quickly replied to her, "Let's eat at home tonight. What do you want to eat? I'll buy it in advance."

Su Yi said, feeling a little disappointed, "Nothing special to eat."

Before she hung up, Zhou Jinchuan asked again, "Are you in the pharmaceutical factory now?"

Su Yi's eyes lit up, "Ah, yes, is there something?"

Zhou Jinchuan smiled gently, "Nothing, I'm busy first."

After that, he hung up the phone.

Hearing the beeping hang-up tone on the other side of the microphone, Su Yi couldn't help but hum, "Hehe, men, they really change over time. I thought about how annoying they were at the beginning, but after only ten years of marriage, they have begun to learn to be perfunctory."

Complaining, Su Yi quickly adjusted her mentality after hanging up the phone and continued to work.

During this period, all aspects of the pharmaceutical factory have been on the right track, and it is no longer as busy as before.

Especially in summer, which is the off-season for production.

So she was just busy verbally. As soon as she sat down at the desk, she couldn't help but think of Zhou Jinchuan's abnormality in her heart.

Who knew that just half an hour had passed, the phone at hand suddenly rang again.

This time it was the doorman downstairs who called, "Mr. Su, please come out for a while. Someone is looking for you downstairs."

"The other party also asked you to bring your mobile phone and bag."

Su Yi was confused. Before she could ask who was downstairs, the phone was hung up.

Su Yi thought for a moment, and still got up and walked out with her mobile phone and bag.

Just after she got downstairs, she saw Zhou Jinchuan's car from a distance, and the person was sitting in the car and waving at her.

Su Yi was delighted and hurried forward, "Why is it you?"

"Wife, get in the car first."

With that, Zhou Jinchuan opened the car door for her with a mysterious look on his face.

Su Yi got on the car with a suspicious look on her face and immediately rolled her eyes at him, "Tell me the truth, why are you being so mysterious? Didn't you just say that we'd meet at home tonight?"

Zhou Jinchuan curled his lips, "Wife, I was wrong. I wanted to give you a surprise just now, so I didn't tell you."


"You didn't forget what day it was today, did you?"

"Of course I didn't forget. I thought you forgot. I went out to get the tickets early in the morning."

"I didn't forget either. What tickets did you get?"

Su Yi took it in confusion, and then saw the two tickets he handed over.

The destination was Nandao City, which had just started flights, and the time was one and a half hours later.

"You want to take me here?"

Zhou Jinchuan nodded, "Didn't you say before that you wanted to go to the beach when you were free? I checked. Although this place is a bit far, the beach is the most beautiful in our country, and it's not far from the airport. What do you think? Do you want to go on a spontaneous trip?"

Su Yi's eyes lit up, but soon dimmed, "This is too sudden, and I haven't arranged my work yet."

Zhou Jinchuan pursed his lips and smiled, "I asked my dad, and he said he can let you go at any time. I have also informed Mr. Sun."

"What about the child?"

"Don't worry about the child. Mom and I have already agreed. Besides, we I have been spending the past few years with my child, so it's time for me to spend some time with my partner!"

Su Yi had nothing to say, and only had one last question left, "I haven't packed my luggage yet, can I catch the plane?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Jinchuan pointed to the back seat, "I have packed everything when I went back just now. If you really need anything, just buy it after we get off the plane."

After speaking, he smiled and looked at her, "Wife, you don't have to think about anything now, just put everything aside and follow me, are you going?"

Su Yi was stunned for a moment, then nodded and laughed, "Go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Jinchuan's car started and drove straight to the airport.

After getting on the plane, Su Yi still felt a little unreal.

Over the years, especially after giving birth to a child, she felt that her personality had changed a lot.

She is used to thinking things through and is cautious in all aspects.

This is the first time that someone has suddenly left without saying anything.

But you know what, it's really exciting to have such a surprise once in a while.

Su Yi didn't know how long Zhou Jinchuan had been preparing in secret, but she knew that he had arranged all his time just right, as if he had rehearsed it in advance.

The whole journey was particularly smooth.

From going to the airport to boarding the plane, and then taking a taxi to the beach hotel, not a single moment was wasted.

Along the way, Su Yi's mood became more and more relaxed as he got farther and farther away from Beijing.

There was an inexplicable pleasure of being out of reality.

Today's Haishi is not as populous as in later generations, and many scenic spots have not been developed. It is a real seaside town.

But it must be said that the seaside that retains its original ecology has a unique beauty.

This hotel is also the only hotel on the entire beach. As soon as the two stepped into the hotel, a waiter came over to wish them a happy honeymoon trip.

There were also large bouquets of roses presented.

Su Yi looked at Zhou Jinchuan in surprise and couldn't help laughing, "Why did it become a honeymoon trip?"

Zhou Jinchuan was also puzzled, and then he smiled and said, "I guess most of the people who come here are on a honeymoon trip. The waiter must think you are too young. You don't look like you are celebrating your tenth anniversary first."

"It's okay. In fact, I think we should treat it as a honeymoon trip this time. After all, we only went back to the northwest when we got married, which can't be considered a honeymoon."

Although the waiter was wrong at the beginning, Zhou Jinchuan's pre-arranged room was not wrong.

As soon as the door was pushed open, the bed was full of petals, and even the bathtub was full of petals.

This set may seem a bit vulgar to people in later generations.

But for the current domestic situation, it is still quite fresh and romantic.

As soon as Su Yi entered the door, she walked around the room and found that the window of this room was facing the sea, which was breathtakingly beautiful.

It instantly dissipated her fatigue along the way.

There was no time to rest, "Jinchuan, the sun is about to set, how about we go to the beach together?"

Zhou Jinchuan pursed his lips and smiled, "All up to you."

As he said, he opened the suitcase and took out a long dress full of flowers from it.

"I bought this for you secretly, would you like to try it?"

"Buy it for me secretly? Hey, you bought a swimsuit too?"

Originally, she thought that this trip was a last-minute decision, but she didn't expect Zhou Jinchuan to be so well prepared.

Everything was thought of.

She happily took her clothes to the bathroom, and when she changed into the long dress, Su Yi always felt something was wrong.

The dress was beautiful, and it was more suitable for the beach.

But her hairstyle was still the same as when she was at work, all tied up.

After figuring this out, Su Yi smiled and untied all her hair, then casually grabbed it with her hands, and tied a single-sided braid and put it on one side.

After coming out, Zhou Jinchuan, who was changing clothes, was also stunned for a moment, staring at Su Yi up and down.

"How is it?"

"Good, beautiful!"

Su Yi smiled and put her arm around his, "Let's go, the sun will really set soon if we don't go."

"Wait, I'll get the camera."

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