After Qin Yunfeng finished speaking, he stared at Su Yi's face intently.

No panic was found at all.

I was confused first.

Today in the auditorium, he watched helplessly as Su Yi sat on the stage and shined.

See for yourself how amazed those brothers were when they saw Su Yi!

Until that time, he suddenly regretted it.

Such a dazzling person originally belonged to him.

It's just that I didn't see it clearly for a while.

After the performance, many people secretly laughed at him for picking up sesame seeds and losing the watermelon.

I originally made an appointment with Bai Ruolin to spend the New Year's Eve together, but after the party, I suddenly didn't want to go, so I just found an excuse to go back to the dormitory.

As a result, the more I thought about it, the more uncomfortable I became.

Only then did he pluck up the courage to come to Su Yi and want to talk to her openly and honestly.

If she doesn't agree, he won't want to get married tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Qin Yunfeng told Su Yi all his thoughts.

Su Yi was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then became angry all of a sudden, "Qin Yunfeng, did you get wet from the snow just now? Didn't you agree to get the certificate tomorrow?!"

He should have scolded him angrily.

It was only because Su Yi was worried about being overheard by others that she lowered her voice.

In Qin Yunfeng's ears, there was an illusion of anger.

"I was sorry for you before, and I regret it, Su Yi. In fact, I have always been thinking about you. Can you give me another chance?"

Su Yi really couldn't listen anymore and closed the door directly.

[It's over, it's over, Qin Yunfeng is crazy, is this marriage really not possible? 】

[It took a long time to get the two of them together. Do we have to go back to the starting point? 】

Su Yi suddenly panicked for a moment.

I thought that after the two got married, the main plot of the book would be changed, and maybe I could return to the original world.

Even if you can't go back, you won't end up as miserable as before.

If they don't get married tomorrow, it might mean that no amount of effort can change the main direction of the book.

That's why she panicked.

Who knows that in Qin Yunfeng's eyes, he thought Su Yi was shaken and sad.

He squatted at the door more and more firmly, and all kinds of love words floated in through the cracks in the door.

Su Yi was afraid of being gossiped about by others, and would not be able to stop the situation.

Zhou Jinchuan was originally hidden behind the door by Su Yi.

His face suddenly turned cold when he heard such words.

He opened the door directly, with anger on his face but his tone was as calm as ever, "It's cold outside, do you want to come in and talk?"

Qin Yunfeng was squatting on the ground in pain when he suddenly heard a man's voice coming from the house.

He looked up and saw that it was Captain Zhou.

He was so frightened that he immediately sat down on the ground.

"Zhou, Captain Zhou, why are you here?"

After saying that, he glanced at Su Yi in disbelief, "You, you guys are really together?"

Su Yi rolled her eyes, "It's none of your business, don't you want to come in?"

The place that was originally cherished suddenly turned into a wolf's pond and a tiger's den.

How dare Qin Yunfeng enter?

When he thought that Zhou Jinchuan had heard what he just said, he secretly screamed that it was not good.

He quickly stood up and ran away.

Zhou Jinchuan glanced at his back, then turned to look at Su Yi, "It's time for me to leave, don't forget to put out the stove."

Su Yi hummed and closed the door without thinking much.

Over there, Zhou Jinchuan followed Qin Yunfeng downstairs and walked all the way to the dark place downstairs.

Then he asked aloud, "On such a beautiful day, Deputy Company Commander Qin probably won't be able to sleep when he goes back. How about we go to the playground to practice together?"

Qin Yunfeng looked at the sky, "Now?"

"Let's go!"

When he arrived at the playground, Zhou Jinchuan took off his coat and moved his body.

I drank rice wine in the house just now, and now my body is so hot that I don’t feel cold at all.

An hour later.

Zhou Jinchuan slowly put on his coat and zipped it up.

"Deputy Company Commander Qin, are you okay? It's too dark here to see clearly. I may have struck too hard just now. How about we stop here today?"

Qin Yunfeng struggled to stand up, "It's okay."

"Are you sure everything is okay? It won't affect your ability to get the certificate tomorrow, right?"

"No, it doesn't matter, I will go."

"Then I'll wait to drink your wedding wine."


Zhou Jinchuan put on his coat and walked directly home.

When passing by, I couldn't help but go around to Su Yi's downstairs and take a look.

Seeing that the lights in her room had gone out, she turned back to the yard.

After returning, the two children, Xiao Wu and Nuan Nuan, were still sleeping soundly on their backs.

Zhou Jinchuan then gently closed the door and returned to the house.

After Zhou Jinchuan left, Qin Yunfeng completely collapsed on the ground.

Lying on my back on the cold concrete floor, the snow from the sky continued to fall.

Qin Yunfeng was too numb to feel the coldness.

At least, he wasn't as cold-hearted as he is now.

After a while, he struggled to get up and walk to the dormitory.

Early the next morning.

Qin Yunfeng numbly put on the clothes he had prepared in advance, washed up like a zombie and went to find Bai Ruolin.

Bai Ruolin also cried all night after she went back last night, and her eyes were swollen.

I am trying to find a way to apply ice in the dormitory.

Seeing Qin Yunfeng coming, he quickly packed up his clothes and went downstairs.

When they met, Bai Ruolin couldn't help but gasped, "Why is your face so ugly?"

Qin Yunfeng pursed his lips and said, "The road was slippery last night and I didn't see clearly. I fell and knocked myself when I was going back."

Bai Ruolin was not happy at first, but seeing him become like this.

He couldn't help but be shaken, "Then are we still going to get the certificate today?"

Qin Yunfeng was silent. Thinking of what happened last night, he said decisively, "Go!"

"Don't you have some powder there? Cover it for me. Why are your eyes so swollen? Cover it too!"

Bai Ruolin, "..."

Unlucky things happened one after another, and both of them began to hesitate about the marriage.

But after reaching this point, there is no turning back.

Finally, we went out together to get the certificate.

However, the two originally agreed to go to the photo studio to take wedding photos after receiving their certificates, and then go to a state-owned hotel for a big meal.

Wedding photos are now impossible to take.

I'm not in the mood for a big meal either.

After receiving the certificate, he hurried back to the compound to prepare for tomorrow's banquet.

Su Yi has been feeling anxious today.

It wasn't until the head of the cultural troupe, Deng, came to talk to her, and after asking about it, he found out that the two of them had gone to get their certificates, did she immediately feel relieved.

Captain Deng is still urging Su Yi to work in the art troupe.

"You were born to eat this bowl of rice. It would be a pity not to sing!"

Su Yi silently brought a bowl of casserole to her and said with a smile, "Captain Deng, you will understand if you try the casserole I cooked. I was born to eat this bowl of rice. As for singing, I think I would be happier if I could just keep it as a hobby." Some."

Captain Deng shook his head helplessly, then lowered his head and tasted it.

Then he couldn't help but smile bitterly, "You girl is really special! It's such a pity, but you are right, you will be the number one scholar in 360 lines."

The two of them were eating and laughing in the cafeteria.

Suddenly, Qin Yunfeng and Bai Ruolin walked over angrily.

Su Yi: Didn’t these two people go to get the certificate? Why are you here so angry?

However, it seemed that the two of them were not coming for her, but for Captain Deng next to them?

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