After a while, the guests all arrived one after another, just waiting for the meal to begin.

As a result, the bride and groom were still quarreling at the door.

"Which one of you is going to persuade me?"

"It's just that if you keep making such noise, the hot dishes will become cold dishes?"

"Captain Zhou is here!"

As soon as everyone saw Zhou Jinchuan coming, they knew that the two of them would not dare to argue.

Sure enough, just after Zhou Jinchuan came in, the bride and groom followed closely.

As soon as the tables were opened, the canteen suddenly became lively.

Zhou Jinchuan was invited and sat at the main seat, next to Camp Commander Lu.

Bai Ruolin and Qin Yunfeng also came here after greeting each other.

I don't know who had the guts to see Qin Yunfeng and started joking without saying a word.

"Deputy Company Commander Qin, congratulations. We have just looked at it for you. Comrade Xiao Su is very happy eating and drinking. What happened in the past is long gone. You two should live a good life in the future and don't quarrel every now and then!"

Su Yi was showing off her chicken legs in the corner:...

Bai Ruolin's smiling face immediately turned cold.

It was Qin Yunfeng who smoothed things over, "Let's all eat while it's hot. We didn't entertain you well today."

Bai Ruolin also realized that today was her home court and bit her lip, "Everyone, please stop making fun of us. We were just bickering about the decoration of our new home."

"As for Comrade Su, he is so capable now and will soon join the art troupe. How can he still like our old Qin? I am not worried at all!"

After saying that, he pulled Qin Yunfeng's arm in public, "You think so?"

Qin Yunfeng pursed his lips and said nothing.

But the person next to him burst into laughter first, "You don't know yet, right? Comrade Xiao Su didn't agree to go to the art troupe, and everyone was just feeling sorry for this!"

Bai Ruolin felt happy in her heart. Did she really not go?

I was happy for a moment, but couldn't help but feel annoyed.

How could she look down on such a good thing? !

Thinking of this, Bai Ruolin didn't even bother to serve tea, and directly took Qin Yunfeng to sit down and eat.

Everyone moved their chopsticks one after another.

As soon as Zhou Jinchuan stretched out his hand, Camp Commander Lu next to him spurted out a mouthful of tea.

Fortunately, I reacted quickly and didn't spray it on the dishes.

"Lao Zhou, you are wrapped in gauze--it's so chic!"

Zhou Jinchuan glanced sideways at him, "Eat your food."

Qin Yunfeng, who was sitting opposite, looked up and saw the bow on Zhou Jinchuan's hand.

Immediately he understood that Su Yi had bagged it for him.

Suddenly my heart became colder.

I couldn't help but secretly smile bitterly, how could Captain Zhou fall in love with her background with such conditions?

I'm afraid it's just a whim, but in the end it's all in vain.

There will be times when she regrets it in the future.

As for him, he will live a good life with Bai Ruolin.

During the Spring Festival, I will take Bai Ruolin back to my hometown with me, so that all the villagers can see it, and by the way, we can hold another wedding banquet in the village in a decent manner.

Then the two of them will give birth to a big fat boy, and then they will take over the mother to take care of him.

With their mother here, he and Bai Ruolin could focus on their work. It would be a matter of time before they were promoted to full-time positions.

Su Yi will definitely cry and confess to him by then!

Thinking of this, Qin Yunfeng suddenly felt much happier.

After the banquet was over, he immediately helped Bai Ruolin move their things to the new house.

Bai Ruolin was still angry when she saw that Qin Yunfeng had been working hard.

In order to clean up the new home, I was so hot in the winter that I was sweating all over my forehead, and I only wore a single coat.

My attitude towards myself is much better than before, and I feel much relieved.

Look at the new home again, although it is not as good as those independent yards.

But after all, it is a two-bedroom apartment, and the conditions are much better than the four-person dormitory I lived in before.

Thinking of this, Bai Ruolin became even happier.

In the evening, Qin Yunfeng packed up his new home and took the initiative to go to the canteen to get some food, and the two of them ate together.

Before going to bed, he thoughtfully brought her foot washing water and came over to soak her feet.

Bai Ruolin felt more and more proud, thinking that the man had indeed changed after getting married.

No matter what happened before, I will only hurt myself in the future.

Thinking of this, she proactively reached out and hugged his waist, "Yunfeng, you are so kind to me. Let's live a good life from now on."

Qin Yunfeng was stunned for a moment, then reached out to turn off the light, and carried her towards the bed.


In the middle of the night, Bai Ruolin had a nightmare.

The nightmare almost swallowed her up, as if someone was strangling her neck and unable to breathe.

When I woke up again, I was covered in cold sweat.

After finally groping for the opening of the bedside, Bai Ruolin was stunned by the calendar on the table.

The date on it turned out to be January 2, 1981!

Is she, is she reborn? !

Bai Ruolin was happy at first, then thought of something and suddenly turned her head to look at the other side of the bed.

Then I saw the face I least wanted to see!

At this time, has she actually married Qin Yunfeng? !

Thinking of this, Bai Ruolin felt a sweetness rush straight into her throat.

In her previous life, she was also deceived by this man from the very beginning, thinking that he was an honest man worthy of being entrusted with her life.

It was only after I got married that I realized that honesty and thoughtfulness were just a pretense, while calculation and indifference were real.

She happily married him, but what she got in return was endless use, and a mother-in-law and sister-in-law whom she couldn't get rid of.

She was unwilling to live like this, so she began to secretly put drugs in her mother-in-law's food. Over time, the old woman finally fell ill and was sent back to her hometown.

And her annoying sister-in-law was married off far away by her after her mother-in-law fell ill.

After finally driving the two away, Qin Yunfeng accidentally discovered the clues.

From then on, the two quarreled constantly.

In the last quarrel, she threatened to divorce, wanting to pull Qin Yunfeng down from his high position completely.

But Qin Yunfeng refused to agree to divorce, and the two closed the door and started fighting.

She remembered clearly that Qin Yunfeng pinched her neck with red eyes, as if he wanted to eat her.

She kept struggling, and she thought she was dead, but she didn't expect to be reborn directly!

The sad thing is that she was reborn on her wedding night with Qin Yunfeng!

So hateful!

Bai Ruolin gritted her teeth and secretly swallowed the fishy sweetness in her mouth.

She didn't want to face Qin Yunfeng's hypocritical face yet.

When she thought about the fact that she and Qin Yunfeng had just had sex, she felt sick and wanted to vomit.

In her previous life, she and Qin Yunfeng were married at the end of 1981.

How come it's the beginning of the year now?

Bai Ruolin covered her head, which was aching, and took a long time to relax.

Then she slowly found the key.

In this life, everything has changed.

And the key lies in that bitch Su Yi. Since she came to the army, everything has changed.

In her previous life, she had a big fight with Qin Yunfeng after she knew that Su Yi was coming.

Qin Yunfeng didn't let her into the army at all, and drove her back to her hometown directly outside.

Not only that, she remembered clearly that Su Yi was supposed to marry an old country man who was married for the second time at this time.

She forced Qin Yunfeng to make this happen.

But why is she staying now, and is she involved with Zhou Jinchuan?

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