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Chapter 64: You old man want to touch porcelain?

Luo Bin saw Tang Yun did not dodge, but dared to fight back!

He laughed wildly, his face even more stern, and growled, "Funny and ridiculous, who do you think you are, and dare to take a punch?"

"Twenty years of Lao Tzu's fist, how can you take it !? Lao Tzu, die!"



Tang Yun hit this punch, Luo Bin's fist was instantly blown, and then he was dumbfounded.

Then flew out at an incredible speed, 喋 bloomed into the sky, fell from the second floor, bounced up half a meter, and then there was no air in!

I lay on the ground, spit foam in my mouth, and whispered to myself, "Impossible and impossible, how could a 20-year-old fist lose ?!"

Tang Yun murmured to himself, "My fist, 800 years of skill!"

At this moment, everyone was stunned, eyes horrified!

What's so special, this guy actually gave Luo Bin a dry punch! ?

And look at his miserable look, I'm afraid this life is ruined, the whole person was abolished, his arms twisted in a strange posture!

I even bowed, and it is estimated that other places were also destroyed!

I'm done!

Luo Bin is finished in this life!

This time, everyone looked at Tang Yun, their eyes were full of horror, and there was deep awe!

too terrifying!

This man, so terrifying strength!

After all this was done, Tang Yun looked at Wei Ziliang on the side!



Xi Weizi Leng immediately said nothing, and knelt down firmly on the ground.

Long Brother and others on the edge of the knelt also knelt down again, everyone was shaking like a sieve!

Xi Weizi Leng felt Tang Yun's pressing eyes, trembling in horror, and screamed, "My uncle Lin Tianguang, my uncle Lin Tianguang, is the principal of our school!"

"You can't hit me, I confessed wrong, you have to make sense, people who confess wrong, can't hit!"

Tang Yun hehe said: "I tell you the truth, you tell me the fist. I tell you fist, you come to tell me the truth !?"

Tong Weizi was terrified and said, "In short, you can't hit me, me, me, my uncle Lin Tianguang!"

He saw Tang Yun step by step, scared and trembling, but still stubbing his neck, he said, "My uncle Lin Tianguang, my uncle Lin Tianguang!"

唐 When Tang Yun came to the front and raised his hand, he was so scared that he urinated his pants. He rushed to the ground, grabbed Tang Yun's feet, and cried, "Daddy, spare your life!"

Everyone: "..."


Tang Yun walked over and kicked people directly, stuck them on the wall, and slid down like noodles!

Beating people like noodles, many people are sucking air-conditioning!

In the corner, the old man who was eating had a narrow eye, and drew in the air. "Beating people like noodles, first-class means! Is this boy, like his husband, a first-rate master !?"

Then he stared at Tang Yun with more interest!

Bang bang bang!

Tang Yun stepped back and gave Long Brother and others like a ball and kicked it. Inside the dining room, it was a mess!

Many students applauded, but it is conceivable how unpopular Long Ge and others are at school!

Tang Yun is pulling Tang Yingxue, and he is leaving!

But who knows, Wei Zi's cooling suddenly got up, his face was embarrassed, his body was embarrassed, but he refused to retreat!

He shouted, "No, you are not allowed to leave!"

"My uncle is coming, haha, I heard the sound of his walking shoes. As long as he comes up, you're all finished!"


The crowd really calmed down, and they could hear loud and rhythmic leather shoes at the stairs!

学生 All students are trembling, their eyes are terrified!

声 The sound of these shoes, they are also very familiar, it is the principal of our school Lin Tianguang!

It is true that the rumors are correct. They are indeed uncles and nephews, and Wei Zilian once said that his uncle would come to see him and confess to Tang Yingxue!

I didn't expect it to come!

If he came, Tang Yingxue might be in danger by virtue of his principal!

If the boy is a student of our school, I am afraid he will be fired. If not, he will be evicted!

Everyone did not expect that Wei Zilian could counterattack!

Wei Zi Leng sneered, looking down at Tang Yun proudly. He was waiting for Tang Yun to accept his head and worship, kneeling in front of him, asking for his forgiveness!

"Oh, young man, do you want my husband to help you !?"

The old man in the corner couldn't help but got up and walked over!

Everyone looked at the old man strangely. Many students were baffled. They didn't realize that there was always such an old man in the dining room!

The old man is very temperament. He wears a Zhongshan suit and has neat hair. Although his face is old, he is very spirited!

If you don't look carefully, you won't see a trace of sickness deep in the bottom of his eyes!

He came, his steps were very light, as if floating away!

Gives a feeling of being as light as a bird!

I was in the corner the moment before, and the next moment, I had already come to Tang Yun, and laughed, "Young man, do you want my husband to help you? In fact, the old man also knows the principal here!"

Tang Yun calmly said, "Who are you? Get off!"

The old man's face suddenly became unnatural. He coughed and said, "You have a bad temper, so let's give me three heads and recognize me as a master. I can help you smooth this out!"

"Don't think that I take advantage of you. Don't think that you have some strength and can master the principal. Lin Tianguang is behind the Ding family, and the Ding family has first-class martial artists and ten billion assets, you can't afford to mess with it!"

Everyone's face changed drastically.

映 Tang Yingxue's eyes were shocked and terrified!

She knows that Tang Yun is the son-in-law of the Ji family. She thinks that Tang Yun can settle down. I did not expect that the principal has such a strong background!

The Ding family, that is the existence of the Ji family!

Wei Zi Leng, who was next to him, sneered, and was very proud. "You old man understands well, but you are useless, my uncle will only listen to me. I want Tang Yun to die, he can't live!"

The old man looked at Tang Yun and said, "How about? Come under my door, you won't suffer because the old man ... I know you!"

He said, he stretched out his hand and put it on Tang Yun's shoulder!

I added strength to my hand ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ That's Pei Ran's first-class warrior strength!

Ordinary people can't bear his strength at all. Even a huge stone weighing a few tons will be crushed by him!

He saw Tang Yun's ability, and felt that he was just entering the first-class, or half-step first-class!

I just tried him out, and it was a shock to him, let him be a teacher!

So I put more energy on my hands!


Tang Yun did not change his face, looking at the expression of dull expression!

The old man's face was a little embarrassed, hehe smiled, and took another shot. This time, it took 80% of his strength!

Tang Yun still looked at him, this time as if looking at mental retardation.

The old man was even more embarrassed, and he shot again, this time with all his strength.

Tang Yun still does not change his face, his body does not move like a mountain, at the same time, he also stretches out a hand and pats the old man's shoulder!

"Why do you take advantage of me? Shoot me three times?"


This palm rested on the old man's shoulder, and he shot the old man with one hand, fell down on the ground, and there was blood in his mouth.

The old man was dull, his eyes were shocked, his eyes were shocked, his life was full of doubts!

Tang Yun turned his head to his sister and said, "Yingxue, you have to testify to your brother. This old man is so fragile that he can't let him touch the porcelain!"

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