80s: After Marrying a Disabled Man, I Am Really Fragrant

Chapter 81: If you smash it, remember to pay the price.

Chapter 81 If you smash it, remember to pay the price

"No, no, sister Xiangxiang, how could I play tricks on you? You can eat whatever you want here, no one dares to stop you." Chen Haijun walked up with a smile and glared at Ning Xi with a dark face, "What are you doing, sister-in-law?" I brought our sister Xiangxiang here to support you to give you face, but you dare to embarrass us. "

Lu He was angry, "Chen Haijun, don't you understand human language? There is no sister-in-law of yours here. If you want to eat, please pay for it. If you don't have any money, get out of here."

"Lu, who do you think you are? How dare you tell me to get out of here? Please let me know clearly. This shop is opened by my sister-in-law, and you and your brother are both weaklings."

Lu He immediately blushed and was about to go out and fight Chen Haijun, "Chen Haijun, you are a bitch, you didn't get beaten enough last time, didn't you?"

“Second brother.” Ning Xi pulled Lu He and looked at the people outside the counter expressionlessly. Chen Haijun sang with this woman just to annoy them.

Once Lu He made a move first, the other party would find an excuse to take action. Then they would not only beat Lu He, but also destroy the store.

 Even if she reported the case afterwards, it can be said that it was Lu He's fault. They were just acting in self-defense.

Knowing clearly what the other party was trying to do, Ning Xi would not let Lu He start a fight with anyone and said with a stern face, "Let me say it for the last time, I have nothing to do with Chen Haijun. You have to pay for what you eat. The glass bowl I have is custom-made for 1 yuan each. A cup of fruit tea costs 3 cents, and an ice cream costs 2 cents. The total is 1 yuan and 5 cents. If you finish eating, please pay."

"What if I don't pay the bill today!" Wang Yuxiang looked at Ning Xi with a smile, smashed the unfinished fruit tea and the cup on the ground, the smile on her face was instantly replaced by arrogance, and she pointed at the counter and said, "Take this The glass cabinet was smashed to me."

"How dare you." Lu He's eyes were red with anger, he squeezed your fist and was about to rush forward.

Ning Xi stopped Lu He again and said, "Second brother, let them smash it if you have nothing to do."

 Chen Haijun took the lead and grabbed the glass from the booth and smashed it against the glass cabinet. The other two people immediately imitated Chen Haijun and grabbed the glass bowl from the booth and smashed it against the glass cabinet.

Such a commotion caused the children in the store to be frightened and cry, and they were led out of the store by their adults.

The three people quickly smashed all the glass cabinets. Chen Haijun grabbed a few bags of spicy strips and dried fish and handed them to Wang Yuxiang. They also grabbed a few bags, opened them and stuffed them into their mouths.

“Bah! You actually want to sell such a disgusting thing.” Wang Yuxiang tore open the bag, took a bite of the spicy sticks, spit them out, and poured the spicy sticks in the bag onto the ground.

This was not enough to relieve her anger, so she opened several bags of spicy chips and dried fish in front of her and poured them all on the ground.

  Afterwards, he looked at Ning Xi with an arrogant expression, "Your name is Ning Xi."

Ning Xi just looked at her and said nothing.

“I don’t want to see this store open again, nor do I want to see you setting up a stall in Yao Township.”

Ning Xi looked at Wang Yuxiang coldly and said without fear, "Whether I can open a store or not is not your decision."

“You can try it.” Wang Yuxiang smiled gloomily at Ning Xi and left without looking back.

 Chen Haijun and the other two people collected all the canned fruits, spicy strips and dried fish displayed in the glass cabinets, carried them in their arms, and followed Chen Yuxiang.

Lu He was held back by Zhang Ying just now, but now he was let go. He grabbed the knife on the counter and was about to rush out.

 Zhang Ying's face turned pale in anxiety, and he hurried out to chase "Brother He."

Ning Xi said calmly, "Second brother, if you use a knife, even if we fight each other, we can't get justice even if we report the case." "Report?" Lu He turned around and looked at Ning Xi with a frown. , People dare to come and vandalize the store in broad daylight, is it really useful to call the police?

"Of course we have to report a case. Second sister-in-law, come with me to report a case. Second brother, please look at the store and don't move anything. Just keep it like this." Ning Xi came out of the store. There were many people watching the excitement around. Ning Xi smiled at everyone, "I'm sorry for scaring everyone. In this way, if everyone goes to the store to get an ice cream, we can make amends to everyone."

Someone reminded aloud, "Sister Ning, don't report the case. Wang Yuxiang's father is an official, and her eldest brother is Wang Ergou. Wang Ergou knows it! We are the best gangster in Yao Township. This matter It's useless for you to go to the police station."

"We are still old acquaintances! Then we need to report the case." Ning Xi raised her lips coldly, "Second aunt, you stay in the store with second brother to get ice cream for everyone. I will go back to find Brother Nan."

Since they are members of the Wang family, it is indeed useless to go through the normal procedures to report the case, but they are not easy to mess with.

Walking all the way home, Lu Nan was instructing the workers to help the salesman move the goods. When he saw Ning Xi coming back at this time, Lu Nan frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

 “I might have to trouble Secretary Zhou again…” Ning Xi told her what happened in the store.

“Are you injured?” Lu Nan pulled Ning Xi and looked her up and down.

Ning Xi shook her head, "No, I took my second brother and sister-in-law to stand at the counter and didn't go out."

Knowing that she was not injured, Lu Nan finally breathed a sigh of relief. "That's right. Don't go up to such scoundrels. If they want to smash them, let them smash them. When they finish smashing and enjoy the smashing, you have to pay for compensation." ”

Ning Xi also thought so. The four people on the opposite side had three combat abilities. The three people on their side were a pregnant woman and a woman. Only the second brother had one combat capability. Once a fight broke out, the second brother would only be beaten. Instead of being beaten, it was better to hide. Let them smash it from a distance.

Of course, Ning Xi's territory is definitely not so easy to destroy. Since they destroyed it, they must pay the price.

With Zhou Tong coming forward, people from the police station, police station and police station arrived quickly. Ning Xi told what happened and took stock of the losses in front of the police and officials. "My glass cabinet is made of new materials. It costs 50 yuan for one side of glass and 200 yuan for four sides of glass. These bowls and cups are specially customized and cost 1 yuan each. If 15 pieces are broken, the total cost is 15 yuan.”

"The seats I use at home are called deck seats. The chiefs and officials can go out and investigate. There is no deck seat exactly like mine in the entire Yao Township. I spent a lot of money to hire someone in the city to customize it. Each one costs 100 yuan. Money, if two pieces are broken, it’s 200 yuan. I have records of the food on the counter..."

Ning Xi took out a few of her account books and handed them to the police and officers, "The goods that were delivered yesterday afternoon were not sold this morning. The total of these is 900 yuan, and the total loss is 1315. In order to appease the customers , I gave each person an ice cream, how much did it cost?"

Lu He and Zhang Ying stood aside and listened to Ning Xi settling accounts, their jaws almost dropped.

That glass was ordered by Chen Jing and her cousin Chen Hai for 5 yuan each. The glass cup and glass bowl were painted by Ning Xi herself and asked Chen Hai to help make them.

 Chen Hai felt that Ning Xi was very creative in making glass bowls and glasses. Not only did he not confiscate the money for making glasses and glass bowls, but he also promised to give Ning Xi a commission on all glasses and glass bowls sold within a year.

There is also the card base, which was drawn by Ning Xi and made by Lu He according to the drawings. The family did not spend a penny on materials or anything else.

Also, there are spicy strips and small dried fish. Less than half of them have been sold this morning, and even if they are not sold, they will not cost 900 yuan.

Lu He was stunned and couldn't react for a moment. Ning Xi could only shout again, "Second brother, have you figured it out?"

 (End of this chapter)

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