80s: After Marrying a Disabled Man, I Am Really Fragrant

Chapter 92: The misunderstanding is a bit big

Chapter 92 The misunderstanding is a bit big

Because she didn't raise her head, she didn't know that the man beside her was already filled with tears. When she finished speaking, he raised his hand to wipe away the tears, picked her up and kissed her heavily on the lips, looked into her eyes seriously and said "Honey, I swear that such a thing will never happen. I will never leave you or the baby. As long as I am here, you and the baby will not be harmed in any way. Anyone who wants to harm you will pay the price."

  No, it’s not just people who want to hurt you, people who hurt you in the past life, even if they do nothing in this life, I will make them pay the price, including Shen Dazhi who died prematurely in the previous life.

 “Well! It won’t happen.” Never again.

Lu Nan kissed the tears off her face and kissed her face again, "Be good, don't think about it. Go to sleep."

“Yeah!” Ning Xi nodded obediently, nuzzled into his arms, found a comfortable position, and closed her eyes.

 After her rebirth, except for tonight, she has not dreamed about the events in her previous life, because she has always had him by her side, and with her current abilities, the experiences in her previous life will never happen again.

 I will dream about my past life tonight, probably due to the influence of Tang Xiangqin.

That poor woman also experienced the same torture as her, but Tang Xiangqin was luckier than her.

She was sold to a backward mountain village, where almost all the women were bought from outside. Because of this, the people in the village were very united. Once a woman ran away, the whole village would look for her together.

  If a police officer comes to your door, the whole village will stand up and drive the police officer away. No one will be allowed to take away the women in their village.

 Because of this, she could never escape.

Later, she learned medical skills. When Shen Dazhi found out, he took her out to treat people and make money. Every time he went out, Shen Dazhi would hug Jin'er and threaten her with Jin'er, so that she didn't dare to think about running away.

In order to be free, she secretly drugged Shen Dazhi, a chronic poison. Because she was afraid of being discovered, she only dared to drug him with a small amount at a time, and because of this, it took her several years to send Shen Dazhi away.

 After sending Shen Dazhi away, she thought that she and Jin'er were finally free, but she never imagined that the old man, the village chief, seeing that she could make money, actually let his son take her by force.

She asked her son to take her out to treat people. Shen Dazhi was not as alert as he was. She secretly added some poison to the water he drank. He drank the water and fell asleep in the corner. She finally took Jin Dazhi with her. Er escaped from that impregnable cage and went to Nanshi, the provincial capital of Hecheng, and gradually became Dr. Ning, whom everyone respected by his own ability.

She was so dirty in her previous life. If he knew those things, he would probably dislike her and be disgusted with her!

Thinking of this possibility, she crawled into his arms again and grabbed his clothes tightly.

what to do?

Even though she knew he would dislike her, she still wanted to hold on to him, still wanted to rely on him, and still wanted to enjoy his preference with peace of mind.

 He patted her back gently and whispered comfortingly, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Even with him by her side that night, she couldn't sleep soundly, which also resulted in two big panda eyes when she woke up in the morning.

 Zhang Ying looked worried when she saw her like this, "What's wrong! Why did she end up like this?"

"I'm fine." Ning Xi yawned and responded lazily. She took the well water to wash her face. The cold water made her feel a little more energetic.

"It was really just a nightmare last night. I heard you say that Lu Nan, I hate you. Did Xiao Nan bully you?" Zhang Ying said that it must be what she thought, and her face sank because of this. "Brother He, today you Look after the store by yourself, I have something to go out."

Lu He came out of the kitchen with a bowl and looked at Zhang Ying with a puzzled expression, "What's wrong?"

"Xiaonan is so shameful. Xiaoxi has sacrificed so much for this family. How could he bully Xiaoxi? I'm going to find my aunt and ask her to teach him a lesson." Zhang Ying became angrier as he thought about it. He stopped washing his face and stopped eating. Eat, turn around and walk out.

Ning Xi was stunned for a few seconds before she came to her senses and quickly stepped forward to grab Zhang Ying. "Second sister-in-law, don't go."

 Zhang Ying's voice was so loud that the two hungover people in the room were also woken up. They walked out of the room in a daze and looked at each other.

Someone was crying and making a fuss last night, and they heard it. Because the two of them were drunk and in a daze, they didn't pay much attention to it. When they heard Zhang Ying say that Lu Nan bullied Ning Xi, they realized that the person who was crying last night was Ning Xi.

well! This happened. Are they speaking for the boss or the sister-in-law?

  No matter who I am helping, I feel awkward standing here as two people.

"Xiao Xi, please let go. As a sister-in-law, it's hard for me to speak against him. My aunt is an elder and I can speak against him. If he doesn't listen to my aunt, I will call my third uncle to complain."

Lu Nan came from the production room and heard Zhang Ying's remarks. He was also confused and complained to his father.

Who can be sued? Is it his?

 What did he do?

"What's wrong with you? Xiao Xi is so good to you and has given so much to this family. Why do you still bully her?" Lu He came out and scolded Lu Nan with a black face, and kept winking at Lu Nan. He gestured exaggeratedly with his mouth: Apologize, apologize quickly.

"Yes, yes, yes, boss, please tell me what you have to say, and don't get angry with your sister-in-law over trivial matters." Zhou Tong and Lei Zi also hurriedly stepped forward to persuade Lu Nan, and winked at him, asking him to apologize quickly.

Lu Nan took the initiative to apologize and the matter could be dismissed. If the matter went to the elders, he would definitely have to give it a lecture.

Lu Nan was even more confused. What did he do?

 When he got up in the morning, he was kissing his little wife, but in the blink of an eye he bullied her.

Ning Xi had a look of helplessness. After everyone finished talking, she finally got the chance to explain, "Second sister-in-law, you misunderstood. Brother Nan didn't bully me. I really had a nightmare last night."

“…” Several pairs of eyes fell on Ning Xi.

Ning Xi licked her lips in embarrassment, "It's really a nightmare. I just dreamed that Brother Nan didn't want me and the baby, so I cried and fussed in the dream, and said I hated him."

 “Is this really a nightmare?” Zhang Ying still didn’t believe it.

“Really.” Ning Xi nodded immediately, fearing that if she hesitated for even a moment, Zhang Ying would mistakenly think that she was lying to her.

 Zhang Ying exhaled heavily, "Huh! You scared me to death. I thought Xiaonan drank wine last night and beat you with the strength of the wine."

"Nothing." Lu Nan was different from those scumbags. He would only sleep quietly when he was drunk. He would not bully her at all, let alone beat her.

"It's okay if you don't. You didn't sleep well last night. Have a good rest at home today. Your second brother and I will watch over you in the store."

Ning Xi thought that Zhou Tong and Lei Zi were still at home, and they always wanted to give something away when they left, so she didn't go to the store.

Zhou Tong had to go to work and was ready to leave after breakfast. Lei Zi also wanted to go to the city, so he left with Zhou Tong.

After sending the two people out, Lei Zi remembered the purpose of coming here and said, "Sister-in-law, Ning Dalong was arrested yesterday morning and is still going through the process. When the process is completed, he will be sent to see, guard, and , I will say hello to someone over there and ask him to take good care of him.”

"Thank you!" Ning Xi pursed her lips and smiled. Ning Dalong was arrested. She wondered if it would affect Ning Hong's surgery. For some reason, she was still a little worried about the aunt she had never met. Zhou Tong took out another stack of photos from his pocket and handed them to Ning Xi, "These are the photos I found someone to rush to develop."

There are only three protagonists in the photo, Ning Hong, Yang Guohua, and Yang Guohua’s wife. Yang Guohua’s wife grabbed Ning Hong’s hair, slapped her face, and beat her on the hospital bed.

After roughly looking at a few pictures, Ning Xi pursed her lips and smiled, "Thank you, Lei Zi!"

"We are all our own, sister-in-law, don't always thank me." Lei Zi smiled and waved his hand, "Sister-in-law, if you have anything to do in the future, just say hello."

 (End of this chapter)

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