Chapter 94 The best parents

Ning Xi did not go to the store in the afternoon and stayed at home. She wrote down the steps and seasonings for making strange-flavored beans and peanuts and left them to Zhang Ying. If Zhang Ying accidentally forgot the steps, he could just look at the notes and do it.

According to the original plan, after dinner in the evening, Ning Xi and Zhang Ying stayed in the kitchen to make strange-flavored beans. In order to allow Zhang Ying to get started quickly, Ning Xi did not do the work himself but stood aside to direct.

After several attempts, Zhang Ying finally mastered the essentials and began to do it easily. As a result, she had some free time and started chatting with Ning Xi. "By the way, I saw a woman today who looked very similar to you. I even asked He specifically to do it. Brother saw it, and even Brother He said that the woman looked very similar to you. "

"The person you see should be my aunt. She came back to take care of Ning Hong." Ning Xiuhe returned to Yao Township at this time, probably because she wanted to take this opportunity to go back and visit or go back to visit her grandparents or something. After all, she didn't come back when her grandparents died.

 Zhang Ying looked surprised, "You still have an aunt."

"Well! I heard that I have been away from home and haven't come back." Ning Xi didn't explain too much. She didn't know much about her aunt.

The next day, while Ning Xi was still having breakfast, Zhou Tong had already driven over. Today, he brought his wife with him. Zhou Tong's wife, Xu Ailing, knew that Zhou Tong was going back to the village and wanted to follow her back to see her mother-in-law because she was already pregnant. I haven’t been back for half a year.

 Xu Ailing has a good personality and is very talkative. As soon as she got in the car, she told Ning Xi about her and Zhou Tong.

 Xu Ailing was from the Imperial Capital, and her family lived in a small village next to Unit 718. At that time, Zhou Tong and the others would pass by Xu Ailing's village and in front of Xu Ailing's house every morning when training.

She always liked to sit at the door and watch them practice. As she watched, she fell in love with Zhou Tong. Then there was a scene where she chased him to hide. In the end, Zhou Tong was successfully captured and became the first person in their team to get married. people.

 Later Zhou Tong retired from the army, and Xu Ailing followed him back to her hometown.

After talking about her love history, Xu Ailing said with a smile, "Sister-in-law, I heard from Zhou Tong that your medical skills are very good. Can you help me take a look? I have pain here or there recently, especially my waist, and I dare not touch the bed at night. , it hurts just after lying down, and turning over can relieve it for a while, but then the pain starts again, and sometimes the pain is so severe that I have no choice but to get up in the middle of the night and walk around the room to relieve the pain. "

"It's like this in the later stages of pregnancy." Ning Xi's eyes fell on Xu Ailing's belly, which had begun to drop. It looked like she was about to give birth. She stretched out her hand and pressed various parts of her belly. "The baby should have been in the basin." , it should be out in about 2-3 weeks.”

“Ah!” Xu Ailing looked at Ning Xi with her mouth wide open, unable to say a word.

Zhou Tong looked a little embarrassed, "Sister-in-law, Ai Ling's belly is only over 6 months old."

"Impossible." Ning Xi frowned and pressed Xu Ailing's belly again, then grabbed Xu Ailing's hand and started to feel her pulse. "What is the confirmed date for going to the hospital?"

"I haven't been there before. I asked a Chinese medicine doctor to help me check my pulse. My period is not normal. Sometimes it doesn't come every two or three months. I'm used to it and don't care about it. That time I didn't have my period for more than half a year, and I felt a little uncomfortable. I was so anxious that I ran to the doctor to check my pulse, but they said I was pregnant."

 There is no such thing as prenatal check-up in this era. Most of them go to the hospital only when they are giving birth. Some even go to the village directly to find a stable woman to help deliver the baby without going to the hospital at all.

"You must have miscalculated the date. This child is at least 9 months old, and he will be born in half a month at most."

Xu Ailing and Zhou Tong were both dumbfounded. They looked at each other and couldn't say a word.

Xu Ailing touched her belly for a long time, "Many aunts and sisters-in-law said that my belly looks like I am about to give birth, but I clearly remember that it is only 6 months old."

Zhou Tong didn’t know how to describe his current mood. Their parents could even calculate the pregnancy period of their child wrongly.

 This is simply a failure. If it hadn't been for Ning Xi today, when Xu Ailing was about to give birth, the two of them would still not know what was going on. When the baby came out, the two of them would have been confused.

Ning Xi was also speechless. She didn't know whether the doctor helped Xu Ailing calculate the days or whether Xu Ailing did it herself. She actually counted the 9-month-old belly as 6 months.

 This is something only a very careless parent or a careless doctor can do.

Let’s do this!

It was a big blow to Zhou Tong and Xu Ailing, which also caused them to shut up and not talk much. It wasn't until the car was approaching Zhangcun that Zhou Tong said, "Sister-in-law, the boss said it's hard for you to travel around now that you're pregnant." , let me go to each village on your behalf, and after seeing the fruits, let representatives from each village come over to discuss the purchase, do you think so, sister-in-law?"

“Then I’ll trouble Secretary Zhou.” Ning Xi agreed with a smile. She must believe that Zhou Tong would help her check things out, so she wouldn’t have to run around on her own.

The car stopped at the entrance of the village. Ning Xi helped Xu Ailing get out of the car. Zhou Tong took out a bunch of things from the trunk. These were all bought by Xu Ailing for her mother-in-law and sister-in-law.

 The three of them went to Zhou's house together. Zhou Tong chatted with his mother for a while and went out.

"Sister-in-law, sister Ning, drink some water." Zhou Min brought two bowls of water over. Xu Ailing's was a bowl of cool boiled water. There was a ball of grass in Ning Xi's bowl of water. She put it to the tip of her nose and sniffed. There were some herbs in it that could clear away heat and relieve heat. Although these herbs will not cause much harm to pregnant women, they are not beneficial.

Ning Xi put down the bowl and said apologetically, "Sorry, I'm pregnant and can't drink tea."

"Xiao Min went to make some honey water for Xiao Ning. Pregnant women really can't drink this." Zhou's mother knew what she couldn't drink because she was here. She explained to her daughter and said apologetically, "Xiao Ning is really sorry, Xiao Tong didn't." We made medicinal tea for you after telling us about your situation. Fortunately, you understand this, otherwise we would be guilty if we hurt you and the child. "

Ning Xi smiled and shook her head, "It's okay."

“Sister Ning, here it is.” Zhou Min soon brought a bowl of water.

"The honey is wild honey collected by my mother-in-law and sister-in-law in the mountains. It tastes better than the ones bought outside. Xiao Min will help you, Sister Ning, pack some and take it back later."

Zhou Min smiled and nodded, "Okay."

Ning Xi quickly refused, "No, just keep it for yourselves."

Zhou's mother smiled and waved her hand, "It's not a valuable thing. What our family is most in need of is this thing. We can't get anything else."

After hearing what Zhou's mother said, Ning Xi looked around the house subconsciously. This house was still a thatched cottage, and the furnishings were very simple. The furniture were all old objects that had been used for decades. Looking at Zhou's mother and Zhou Min's clothes, they were also simple. Very good, and there are many patches on it.

 Looking at this situation, Zhou’s mother and Zhou Min’s life is not easy.

Zhou's mother smiled and turned the topic to Xu Ailing, "Xiaotong said that she remembered the date wrongly, and she would give birth in half a month. In the past two days, Xiaomin and I hurriedly collected the yellow peaches, and asked Xiaomin to come and take care of her. you."

 (End of this chapter)

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