The house is very quiet these days. He Jihong's face is not as ugly as before, and he speaks softly. Chu Qiao can't help but be suspicious. The invitation has been sent to He's house. It stands to reason that He Jihong should be furious, but now he is so Calm, so abnormal.

Chu Qiao was vigilant, there must be something strange when things went wrong, she had to be careful.

Chu Qiao cooked the dinner that day. She really couldn't get used to He Jihong's cooking skills. Anyway, she was leaving in a few days, so it was okay to cook a few meals.

"I received the invitation. You and Gu Ye got married too soon, and the family has no preparations at all." He Jihong suddenly mentioned the marriage, with a soft tone, as if he was talking at home.

Chu Yuanzhi and Chu Peng and their son were stunned, what invitation?

"Gu Ye is in a hurry, it's nothing if he doesn't prepare, Gu Ye is ready." Chu Qiao secretly raised her vigilance, this woman was definitely not at ease.

"What kind of marriage? Qiaoqiao, you and Gu Ye are going to get married? When?" Chu Yuanzhi asked anxiously, he didn't even know about such a big deal, he didn't respect him.

Chu Peng also looked over and was a little angry. The stupid sister sold herself cheaply like this, so stupid that she didn't know what to say.

Gu Ye, that bastard is very cunning, he wants to marry his sister without spending a penny, shameless!

"Gu Ye and I are going to have a wedding ceremony on the 8th of next month. The date has been set." Chu Qiao said.

Chu Yuanzhi was in a hurry, and he stopped eating, "Why didn't you tell me beforehand that marriage is such a big thing, you made a decision without saying a word? No, I don't agree!"

The dowry was not prepared, it would be a loss for my daughter to marry like this. Even if she was to marry Gu Ye, she would have to be married in the middle of the day, and married in the past. What is it like now!

"I told you that it worked? Can you prepare a dowry for me, or can you decide for me? You helped your wife a few days ago and wanted me to marry a strange man. Who knows what the surname is Xiao? !"

Chu Qiao is also on fire. Her father is always quicker with his mouth than his hands, and he speaks very nicely. When something happens, he shrinks faster than a rabbit, and he can't count on it at all.

As long as Chu Yuan is more ambitious, she doesn't need a fake marriage to move her household registration. Chu Qiao is full of resentment towards this father, and her tone is naturally not much better.

Chu Yuanzhi looked embarrassed and felt very uncomfortable. He didn't expect that in his daughter's heart, he would be so useless.

But he also knows that what his daughter is telling the truth, he really has no right to speak in this family, and the daughter is complaining about him!

Chu Yuanzhi complained a lot about He Jihong in his heart, but he still didn't dare to express it, and silently accumulated it in his heart, maybe it would erupt one day.

"Then we can't be in such a hurry, anyway, we have to arrange a dowry." Chu Yuanzhi whispered, his expression a little flattering.

Although the small treasury suffered heavy losses, he still had 70 yuan, and he could borrow some from his colleagues, so he could always buy something for his daughter, but now it's only four or five days away from twenty-eight, and it's too late to buy it now.

"No need, Gu Ye is not that kind of snob."

Chu Qiao said lightly and continued to eat. Chu Yuanzhi didn't dare to say anything. Now his daughter has not only become more beautiful, but also full of momentum. He is a little embarrassed in front of her daughter and lacks confidence.

He Jihong has been silent, sneering to himself, the little bitch has a good eye, Gu Ye is indeed not a snob, he is a hundred times stronger than Gu Jianshe.

"Although I'm a stepmother, I won't lose your dowry. Well, there are still a few days until the twenty-eighth, and it's too late to make a quilt. Go to the department store and buy some blankets and some washbasin warmers. The kettle, we can't let the Gu family look down on it."

He Jihong said with a smile, his tone was unprecedentedly gentle, but Chu Qiao only felt horrified and gallant, He Jihong definitely wanted to do bad things.

Chu Yuanzhi was very relieved, and looked at He Jihong gratefully. Although his wife was fierce, he was still unequivocal in important matters. In the future, he had to persuade him not to oppose Jihong.

"Thank you Aunt He.


Chu Qiao didn't refuse, she looked calm on the surface, but she wanted to see what bad things this woman wanted to do.

He Jihong was very proud, first stabilize this little bitch, and make this bitch look good tomorrow.

"Tomorrow I'll be on a half-day shift. Let's go shopping in the department store in the afternoon." He Jihong said with a smile.

"it is good."

Chu Qiao agreed, becoming more and more vigilant.

Seeing the scene of their mother's kindness and filial piety, Chu Yuanzhi was extremely relieved, and his eyes were a little wet. How long has it been since the family was so harmonious?

Ever since the warped cockroach and fever were cured, the house was jumping around every day, and he couldn't rest in peace, and his head had never felt better. How good it is now, talking and laughing, he was at ease watching, and his headaches were cured without medicine. .

Chu Peng frowned slightly, he also saw that He Jihong was wrong, wouldn't he be dizzy?

In the evening, Chu Qiao went to work in the dance hall as usual. After that Zhao Gongzi was drunk by her, she never showed up. The other guests did not dare to make trouble. Is the introduction, is the unspoken rules of the dance hall, promised to introduce is the default to let the guests do whatever they want.

Of course Chu Qiao knew what the guests meant, she refused all of them, and these guests did not force, they did not have the courage to offend Tang Yaozu, and they did not want to force women, Chu Qiao was reluctant, forget it, there are still many beautiful girls in the dance hall, as long as there are Money does not worry about finding women.

Gu Ye would pick her up from get off work on time every day. Although Tang Yaozong was not dead yet, he had no courage to fight against Gu Ye. Every night, seeing his sweetheart talking and laughing with Gu Ye, his heart was colder than if he had been frozen. Pulled cold, too unpleasant.

That night, Gu Ye came to pick him up again, Chu Qiao jumped into his car and waved at Tang Yaozong, "Mr. Tang, goodbye!"


Tang Yaozong waved his hand sullenly, squeezed out a smile, which was uglier than crying, and watched his sweetheart and Gu Ye go away.


A few new videotapes have arrived, and after cleaning the venue for a while, he has to watch an explosive video to soothe the injured little mind. It is better to dream about the electric eye crush at night, which will be even more enjoyable.

Tang Yaozong sighed sadly and was about to close the door, but someone stopped him, it was his nephew Tang Weiguo.

"Uncle, after watching the video, what else is new? Don't need Jackie Chan's. I've watched it hundreds of times."

Tang Weiguo said with a smile, holding a few videotapes in his hand, he just wanted to watch something colorful, but the uncle was more strict than a thief.

"Go, go, why don't you go home in the middle of the night, go home quickly!"

Tang Yaozong, who was in a bad mood, grabbed the video tape and pushed his nephew hard.

"I'm attending a classmate's birthday party. I passed by here, what's wrong with you, uncle? Have you lost your love?" Tang Weiguo hit the nail on the head, making Tang Yaozong's heart bleed, and he stared angrily.

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