"You want a face? If you want a face, you won't be pregnant with this wild species!"

He Jihong satirized mercilessly, Xu Bilian's face was blushing, her eyes were full of tears, she looked aggrieved and pitiful, He Jihong's heart softened again, it was the flesh and blood that fell from her body, even if she didn't live up to her expectations, she couldn't care less. of.

"Okay, I'll find a way with Gu Jianshe, don't quarrel with Chu Qiao, and calm down for me."

He Jihong waved her hand impatiently. She still has to go to work, and she wants that little bitch to look good in the afternoon.

"Mom, what is this?"

Xu Bilian stretched out to a small paper bag on the table, but He Jihong patted it off before she touched it, "Don't touch it, I finally got it!"

"Mom, what kind of medicine is it?"

Xu Bilian was itching in her heart, she really wanted to know if those medicines were used to deal with Chu Qiao.

"Why are you asking so much, it has nothing to do with you!"

He Jihong didn't want her daughter to be exposed to these pickled things. She could do the wicked things by herself, and she couldn't let her daughter get dirty hands.

Xu Bilian asked for a long time without getting the result, so she had to leave angrily, but she did not go back to the rental house, but went back to the Chu house. She wanted to see how her mother dealt with that bitch Chu Qiao.

Well, there must be a good show to watch!

Chu Qiao ignored her, but she was even more vigilant in her heart. Xu Bilian looked like she was watching a good show. It was obvious that He Jihong was about to act. She had to be extra careful. Chu Qiao, a little panicked, went out to call Gu Ye and said her worries.

"I'll take you out." Gu Ye said.

"I don't want it anymore. I didn't succeed today. They will definitely play tricks again in the future. I just solved it today, so that I will always be on guard in the future. I will be careful."

Chu Qiao didn't agree. It's too troublesome to be on guard every day, and it's impossible to guard against it. It's better to expose He Jihong's conspiracy this time, so as to save her from messing up in the future.

Gu Ye also felt that it made sense, so he said: "Then I will come here, not to your house, I will follow."

He added: "Don't worry, I have worked as a scout before, and He Jihong will definitely not find it."

"it is good."

Chu Qiao felt at ease all of a sudden, and with Gu Ye following her, she would definitely be fine.

She didn't realize that now she would ask Gu Ye to discuss anything, she used to solve it by herself.

During lunch, He Jihong came back, Chu Qiao had already cooked, and Xu Bilian also ate at home.

"Go to the department store to buy something after dinner." He Jihong said while eating, her palms were sweating, her shirt pocket was the package of medicine, and she was going to give it to Chu Qiao later.

She had asked about this medicine, and it would take at least half an hour for the onset of the attack. The effect of the medicine was so strong that even a cow could not stand it. Chu Qiao, this little slut, would definitely not be able to resist it, and let Xiao Wenjun do whatever he wanted.

Xiao Wenjun was not a good thing in the first place, so he agreed without thinking about it. He was a beautiful daughter-in-law and was cheap for this kid.

"it is good."

Chu Qiao responded obediently, but stared at He Jihong and Xu Bilian's mother and daughter, fearing that they would make small moves.

But so far, the mother and daughter have not moved, Chu Qiao is a little anxious, is she guessing wrong?

"There's too little soup, I'm going to cook some dry vegetable soup."

He Jihong suddenly went to the kitchen, and quickly cooked the dry vegetable soup. First, he took out a large bowl and then placed two small bowls in front of Chu Qiao and himself, "I have cooked too much, let's drink this. "

While speaking, he smiled at Chu Qiao, Chu Qiao lowered his head and looked at the thick dried vegetable soup, and then at the half bowl of tomato and egg soup, he had a rough idea.

There must be something wrong with this bowl of dry vegetable soup.

He Jihong is jumping off the wall in a hurry, and he can even do such an immoral thing as medicine.

"I don't like to drink dry vegetable soup, just drink tomato and egg soup."

Chu Qiao pushed away the soup bowl, knowing that there was medicine in it, she would definitely not drink it.

"I drink."

Xu Bilian stretched out her hand to get the dried vegetable soup,

She likes to drink it. The weather is hot and she has no appetite. It is good to drink some sour dry vegetable soup, but when she stretched out her hand, He Jihong glared fiercely, "Drink mine!"

She handed her dried vegetable soup to her daughter and glared again. Xu Bilian finally came to her senses, her heart skipped a beat, and she glanced at the dried vegetable soup in front of Chu Qiao, her heart beating very fast.

"Qiaoqiao, the weather is hot, drink some dry vegetable soup to get rid of the heat." He Jihong said softly.

Chu Yuanzhi had already scooped up a bowl of dry vegetable soup, and agreed: "Yes, it is the best to drink dry vegetable soup in summer. Go to the summer scraping for an appetizer. Today, I put a lot of dry vegetables. The soup is quite thick."

"I accidentally put more, it's better to drink it thicker."

He Jihong smiled, then scooped up another bowl of dry vegetable soup and drank it, glancing at Chu Qiao from time to time, seeing that she hadn't been drinking, she couldn't help but get anxious, but it's not good to keep reminding, for fear that this little slut will become suspicious.

"It's too hot, let's drink it colder."

Chu Qiao stirred the soup with a spoon, and quietly observed the change in He Jihong's expression. He was already quite sure that there was something wrong with this bowl of soup. It was probably drug addiction. Well done.

"Hurry up and drink it, what is hypocritical!"

Xu Bilian took a mouthful of dried vegetable soup and glared at Chu Qiao, this bowl of soup must be drunk by this bitch, she was still waiting for a good show in the afternoon.

"I'll give you anything you want." Chu Qiao pretended to hand over the soup.

Xu Bilian avoided it like a snake and scorpion, and scolded fiercely: "Drink it yourself, what are you doing for me!"

Chu Qiao smiled lightly, and it seemed that Xu Bilian knew about it. The mother and daughter were really black. Where did she recruit this mother and daughter, and she had to be put to death.

Since that's the case, don't blame her for being cruel!

Chu Peng raised his eyes and frowned slightly. He saw something was wrong, but even if he was a scholar, he would never have thought that his mother would do such a dirty thing as drugs. After reading the book, I'm too lazy to get involved in these crap.

Chu Yuanzhi also finished eating, and went to the room to read as well. Chu Qiao and the others were left on the table.

He Jihong also finished eating. Seeing that Chu Qiao hadn't had a drink yet, he urged, "Eat quickly, it takes time to buy things."


Chu Qiao responded, but still ate slowly. There was still half of the rice in the bowl, and the bowl of soup didn't move. He Jihong was secretly anxious, but it was not good to keep urging. There is half a pack of medicine, and I will try to find a way to take it later on the road. Today, I will definitely want this little bitch to look good.

Xu Bilian scooped up another bowl of dry vegetable soup, and just about to drink it, she stood up and went to the toilet.

Chu Qiao's heart skipped a beat, the opportunity came, she moved her elbow, He Jihong's spoon fell to the ground, the porcelain spoon shattered when it touched the ground, and splashed a few pieces on He Jihong's feet, the sandals she was wearing had bare insteps Outside, the tiles splashed on the instep, and He Jihong gasped in pain. He hurriedly bent down to check, and saw a few bloodstains on the instep, so angry that he raised his head and wanted to scold.

But seeing that Chu Qiao was slowly drinking the soup, she stopped scolding, resisting her anger, and said in a low voice, "Be careful."

The little slut is about to get unlucky. She doesn't care about this little slut. He Jihong is in a very good mood. Seeing that Chu Qiao has finished drinking the soup, she is in a better mood. These days, her anger is gone.

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