Another reason why he didn't look for Wu De was that Duan Qiqi felt that Wu Bing's death was not that simple. His identity was so secret in Hong Kong City that even the wealthy insiders didn't know it. How did Brother Cai, an outsider, know about it?

It must have been revealed by the Wu family themselves. It is also possible that Wu Bing's death was also a conspiracy of the Wu family. With Wu De's wealth, how could her illegitimate daughters not be jealous?

Maybe this kidnapping was caused by Wu De's illegitimate daughter and Brother Cai. Although he was not sure whether it was true or not, Duan Qiqi felt that it was more reliable to cooperate with Mrs. Wu for the sake of safety.

Mrs. Wu only has one son, Wu Bing. She still has money and connections, and has enough power to deal with Brother Cai.

Brother Cai is not in Hong Kong City these days. As usual, after doing a business, he will take his brothers back to his hometown to hide for a few days. After the situation calms down, he will take the brothers back to Hong Kong City to have fun. The police can't do anything to them.

However, before leaving, Brother Cai took care of Sun Yinxiu. People disappeared inexplicably every day in Hong Kong City. The police station had a mountain of unsolved cases. Sun Yinxiu was a gangster, and no one would take care of him if he disappeared, let alone report the case.

Duan Qiqi was relieved when he saw the announcement of the unnamed female body in the newspaper. The female body was washed up on the beach by the waves. It was swollen with water and changed beyond recognition. However, Duan Qiqi recognized it at a glance. It was Sun Yinxiu.

Finally dead!

very good!

Duan Qiqi was even a little grateful to Brother Cai for avenging her and her brother, but she still had to deal with Brother Cai and kill him.

Mrs. Wu was lying on the bed, her eyes blurred, and she was about to cry blindly. Her son died and died so miserably because she was too useless to protect her son. She must avenge her son, otherwise she would not die in peace.

"Madam, drink some ginseng soup. You have to cheer up. The young master will be worried about you."

The servant who had served Mrs. Wu for decades had the same red and swollen eyes and a sad expression. She was as uncomfortable as the wife when the young master was gone, but she couldn't let anything happen to her, otherwise the vixens outside would get their wish.

"I won't die if I don't avenge Catboy!"

Mrs. Wu drank the ginseng soup in one breath, and her bloodshot eyes shone fiercely, which was in sharp contrast to her kind-hearted face.

"Madam, there is a young girl looking for you. She said she was involved in the young master's death." Another servant came in to report.

Mrs. Wu's skinny body shook and she said sternly: "Let her in!"

Duan Qiqi was invited into the bedroom. Mrs. Wu was too weak to get out of bed. She looked at Duan Qiqi. The clothes were very cheap and the quality was not much better than plastic bags, but this girl had a good look, even if she was wearing plastic. The bag is also very beautiful, and it matches the high-end clothes sold on the street.

"Mrs. Wu, my name is Duan Qiqi. I am a gangster. I saw the news about your son's accident in the newspaper. I don't want to say anything to express my condolences. I know you definitely want to avenge your son. I can help you."

Duan Qiqi directly stated his intention to come. Mrs. Wu's current physical condition was that she was going to die at any time, but her eyes were extremely bright and her spirit was very high. It was obvious that she was being supported by some thoughts.

Apart from avenging his son, Duan Qiqi could not think of any other reason.

"You and I are strangers, why do you want to help me? And why should I trust you?" Mrs. Wu asked calmly.

Duan Qiqi didn't hide it, "Because your enemy is the same as mine, and helping you is helping myself."

She added: "Actually, I saw your son's photo before his accident. I also inquired about your son's identity and wanted to warn him in advance. However, my ability was limited and I could not find out until your son's identity was published in the newspaper. I didn’t know his identity until something happened to my son.”

Mrs. Wu closed her eyes in pain. What the girl said was not a lie. Her son had a chance to escape, but he missed it.

She regretted that she protected her son too well. If her son, like other wealthy men, appeared in public frequently, this young girl should be able to find out, and her son would not be dead.

Mrs. Wu, who had been dormant for more than ten years, has returned to the world. Everyone in Hong Kong City, from wealthy circles to ordinary people, is talking about this matter. However, no one can figure out Mrs. Wu's thoughts, not even Wu De.

Although Mrs. Wu lives in seclusion, she is not a weak housewife. When Wu De was conquering the country, she also made great contributions. She had the ability, means and courage. She only withdrew from the Wu Group because of poor health.

In the past few days since she returned to the world, Mrs. Wu has attended several cocktail parties non-stop, sending a signal to the whole Hong Kong city. Although her son is dead, she is still alive, and those vixens outside can't even think of entering the Wu family.

Mrs. Wu's goal was indeed achieved. Several of Wu De's confidants were honest. I thought that Wu died of illness and this sick old woman would soon go to accompany her son. I didn't expect that her life was so hard, and now she is still alive. Live well.

Duan Qiqi followed Mrs. Wu's instructions and took the initiative to go to Brother Cai. She had never valued chastity. She just slept with a man. She didn't care. She just treated it as a dog bite.

Mrs. Wu promised her that as long as Brother Cai was removed, she would send her to study abroad. Duan Qiqi was willing to pay. She had no capital, and her body was her biggest capital.

Duan Qiqi, who was next to Brother Cai, was very attentive and coaxed Brother Cai into a dizzy state. He regarded her as his favorite and talked to her a lot. In this way, Duan Qiqi found out about Brother Cai and Miss Wu's third daughter. After the transaction, he also obtained the evidence and secretly informed Mrs. Wu.

Mrs. Wu remained calm. She knew Wu De very well. Among the three illegitimate daughters, Miss Third was the one who loved her the most. Now that her son is gone, Wu De will definitely respect this bitch more and will not be cruel.

Less than half a year after Wu Bing's accident, bad news came from the Wu family again. The third daughter of the Wu family and her family were involved in a car accident. The car was destroyed and everyone was killed. No one was spared.

Everyone is speculating whether the Wu family has bad feng shui, otherwise why would things happen one after another? The Wu family was not prosperous to begin with, the only heir was gone, the most valued daughter was gone, and the Wu family's huge wealth had no heirs. .

The common people were worried about the Wu family's wealth and no one would inherit it. Not long after, the Wu family came out with heavy news. Wu De issued a statement that he would donate all his wealth after his death, and it was donated to the mainland. The whole city couldn't understand it. Wu De's operation.

At this time, Wu De was old and had lost his charm as the richest man. Mrs. Wu came to see him and showed him the evidence that the third daughter of the Wu family had killed her younger brother. She also admitted that it was she who had done this to the woman.

"She harmed my son, and I will make her family pay for it with their lives. Wu De, if you want to blame, I blame you for giving this bitch a reason to grow ambition. She is just a lowly illegitimate daughter, but you let her live the same life as my son." Identity, it’s you who harmed Mao Zai, it’s your fault!”

Mrs. Wu's words were like a knife, stabbing Wu De in agony. He regretted it very much, but no matter how much he regretted, he could not revive his son.


Continue tomorrow


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