Jiang Shiyi looked at Chu Ming, and when he recalled what he had just said, he suddenly felt disgusted.

What Chu Ming just said, she is the first partner he wants to spend his life with from his heart.

Then what is his country wife?

What about his two children?

Even if others can force him to marry, can they still force him to have children?

Forced once is not enough, and forced a second time?

No, how can a woman get pregnant just once?

They can have two children, and the married life must be more than two times!

Could it be that the woman forced him every time?

What's more, how can it be so easy for a woman to be hard on a man's overlord?

But if it wasn't for compulsion, Chu Ming's words just now would be even more disgusting!

Since he didn't like it, why did he marry someone? Even had a baby with each other?

Even though he already had a wife and children, he still had sex with her and kept her in the dark.

What did he take her for?

If Jiang Shixun hadn't noticed something was wrong and insisted on investigating Chu Ming, she wouldn't even know that she had become a vixen who ruined other people's marriages!

It's so scary!

What's even more terrifying is that this person has been exposed, yet he can still say such affectionate words to her with a gentle face.

As if he was the most tragic victim.

How can there be such a terrible man in the world?

Jiang Shiyi clenched her fist subconsciously, the pity in her heart dissipated like a floating cloud, leaving only full of fear and disgust.

The Chu Ming in front of her was too terrifying, she just wanted to stay away from him now and never meet again.

Chu Ming smiled bitterly: "Well, no matter what I say now, you will think that I am arguing.

That being the case, then I have nothing to say, just wait for time to prove it. One day, you will understand me.

There are too many helpless things in this world, I do not say this to win your sympathy and make you pity me.

I just hope you don't take me too seriously, I'm really not as despicable as you think.

Goodbye... no, never see you again. Classmate Jiang, I wish you all the best in the future, peace and joy, and you won't have to be sad and sad like today.

I...I'm leaving. "

When it came to the end, he smiled gently at Jiang Shiyi, then got up and walked out.

He was so thin that it seemed the wind could blow him away. Eventually he walked out of the coffee shop and drifted away in the wind.

Jiang Shiyi watched his back disappear and couldn't help but ask Jiang Shixun, "Brother, what kind of person do you think he is?"

Jiang Shixun's face was a little heavy, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and there was a deep fear in his eyes: "He is a smart man."

If Chu Ming chose to quibble just now, it would be nothing to worry about.

But this person is obviously very smart. Not only did he not quibble, but he chose to retreat as an advance. He said inside and outside that he couldn't help himself. He really loved Jiang Shiyi, and even the despicable practice of concealing his wife and children became It's a last resort.

Jiang Shiyi was still too young and innocent, and she was no match for this person at all.

If he hadn't been sitting beside him, he had exposed Chu Ming's true face in time, and woke up Jiang Shiyi, his sister might have been coaxed by Chu Ming, thinking that he was really a helpless poor person. .

In the end, Chu Ming was dismantled, knowing that the situation was over, and continuing to quibble would not help, but only embarrassing.

He resolutely chose to leave, and before leaving, he had to take the retreat as an advance and perform again, as if he was full of pain and could not speak, it was really amazing!

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