80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1012 The thorns of the second class

Teacher Liu was not surprised by the reaction of the students.

As the head teacher, how could he not know what kind of people the students in the class are?

As early as the first time he saw Jiang Zhiying, he had expected the reaction of the students.

He has always been gentle with others and rarely loses his temper. Now that he saw some students making a fuss underneath, he wasn't angry. He just greeted Jiang Zhiying with a smile: "Student Jiang, come and introduce yourself to everyone."

After a pause, he raised his voice and asked, "Student Jiang has just arrived, and there are no desks and chairs yet. Is there anyone willing to help classmate Jiang move the desks and chairs?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately raised his arms, all of them boys.

Teacher Liu smiled and was about to choose someone when a boy suddenly stood up: "I'll go."

He was sitting in the last row, tall, and his school uniform coat was open, revealing the black down jacket inside.

This boy looks quite handsome, but he is too thin and has a rebellious face. At first glance, he is the kind of thorn that is not easy to deal with.

But his hair was combed into a middle part, which made him feel two points of joy.

Jiang Zhiying didn't know how others felt, but she wanted to laugh anyway.

I just don't know what this guy is called.

Jiang Zhiying stood on the podium with a smile, not in a hurry at all.

Sure enough, Teacher Liu quickly said, "Since classmate Meng took the initiative to help, then there is classmate Lao Meng."

This classmate Meng did not leave in a hurry. Instead, she looked at Jiang Zhiying with a defiant expression and asked her, "My name is Meng Xiao, Mengzi's Meng, the brave Xiao, what is your name?"

Jiang Zhiying immediately rejoiced: Little brother is quite arrogant! Why don't you say you are arrogant?

She smiled and introduced in a loud voice: "Hello, classmates, I'm Jiang Zhiying, Jiang from Ginger, Zhi from Anzhi Tinglan, and Ying from Shuizhujingyinglu, I transferred to class 2 today, please give me more advice in the future. ."

"Jiang Zhiying, right? I remember." Meng Xiao waved his hand, got up and walked arrogantly to the back door of the classroom, "Teacher, I'm going to move the desks and chairs for classmate Jiang."

He didn't even look at Teacher Liu when he spoke, just opened the back door and left.

Jiang Zhiying paid special attention to everyone's reaction, and found that everyone was not surprised, apparently already used to Meng Xiao's attitude.

She looked at Teacher Liu and said with a smile, "Mr. Liu, I have finished the introduction."

"Then you wait here for a while. When Meng Xiao brings the desk and chair back, I will arrange a seat for you."

Teacher Liu still has a good-tempered appearance, but he doesn't look angry.

After he finished speaking to Jiang Zhiying, he said to the students below: "This is the new classmate Jiang. Jiang is not in good health. He seldom attended school in the past. Can you help classmate Jiang in the future?"

The students below were all pure and innocent, and they said "yes" in unison when they heard the words, and no one jumped out to object.

She just looked at Jiang Zhiying curiously, as if she was watching the national treasure panda.

Jiang Zhiying didn't show any timidity, and let everyone look at it generously.

Seeing that the classroom gradually became quiet, a boy suddenly asked with a smile, "Classmate Jiang, can you sing? You just came, why don't you sing us a song?"

As soon as these words came out, several boys immediately followed suit.

Gradually, more and more people were joking, and even girls joined in.

Even Teacher Liu said, "Student Jiang Zhiying, since the students are so enthusiastic, why don't you sing a song."

Jiang Zhiying smiled shyly: "I can't sing, so I'll recite a text for everyone."

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