80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1014 The poor fellow at the same table

Jiang Zhiying looked at Ruan Yulan, and there was a hint of sympathy in her eyes.

Such a poor little girl, it would be fine if she hadn't met. Since she did, she couldn't just sit back and watch the little girl fall into the abyss.

Jiang Zhiying sighed secretly, then raised a smile, ready to say hello to this new tablemate and poor classmate.

Who knew Ruan Yulan seemed to notice something, and suddenly lowered her head, staring angrily at the open review materials.

Jiang Zhiying: "..."

Well, it seems that this new tablemate is quite introverted and not very easy to deal with.

But it doesn't matter, she's outgoing enough!

Jiang Zhiying asked with a smile, "Student Ruan Yulan, how are you? I haven't brought my books, can I take a look at yours first?"

Ruan Yulan probably felt that she couldn't hide, so she raised her head and glanced at her carefully, her eyes were like that of a nervous little rabbit.

She pursed her lips and whispered, "Hello, Jiang Zhiying, what book do you want to read? I'll bring it to you."

At this time, the boy next to him suddenly suggested himself: "Student Jiang, I can lend you my book too! Take whatever you want to read!"

Jiang Zhiying said thanks with a smile: "Thank you, classmate, but no need, I'll just read classmate Ruan's book."

Having said that, she hurriedly said to Ruan Yulan, "Give me a math book."

Seeing that Ruan Yulan was reading an English workbook, she deliberately said mathematics.

When the others heard her say that, they were embarrassed to continue entanglement. I was just curious, and kept looking at Jiang Zhiying secretly.

Although Ruan Yulan is quite introverted, she is very talkative. He quickly found the math textbook and review materials and put them in front of Jiang Zhiying.

Her voice was small: "These are all, just look at them."

Jiang Zhiying raised her eyebrows.

She found that the books Ruan Yulan took out were covered with newspapers, and she could see that she cherished these books very much.

She smiled and thanked: "Thank you, classmate Ruan, can I call you Lan Lan in the future?"

Ruan Yulan was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to have suddenly reacted, her face getting redder and redder, as if she had smeared rouge.

Her appearance is not that kind of big beauty at first glance, but she is also delicate and beautiful. Although her skin is not white enough, she is tender and tender.

All in all, she's a very pretty girl. He is too shy and introverted and easily bullied.

Ruan Yulan must be a beautiful sister if she dresses up well and wears beautiful clothes.

It's a pity... The conditions at her house should not be very good, which can be seen from her clothes and the stationery she uses.

Although the school has regulations, students are required to wear school uniforms to class. But now it's cold, and thin winter school uniforms can't keep warm at all, so everyone will wear sweaters and cotton coats, or down jackets inside the school uniforms.

At this time, down jackets were quite expensive, so most people wore thick cotton coats.

The first middle school is the best middle school in Longjing. It can be seen from the clothes of the classmates. Most of the students in the second class have good family conditions, but there are also a few students from difficult families.

For example, Jiang Zhiying's roommate Ruan Yulan.

Her school uniform was well-dressed, and the zipper was pulled directly to the top.

Even so, the collars of the old cotton coats and sweaters inside were still exposed, showing a bit of despair.

Out of politeness, Jiang Zhiying didn't read more, but silently opened the book and read it.

Ruan Yulan's name is written in the book, as well as the notes she made. The handwriting is as delicate as her appearance, which makes people feel that this sister is very easy to bully.

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