80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1017 Jiang Zhiying's Talent Show

Jiang Zhiying looked at Song Baoyu with a smile: "Song classmate, please come and see if there is any problem with this brick."

As soon as these words came out, the students were even more curious, what exactly is Jiang Zhiying going to perform?

Song Baoyu walked over and looked at the bricks on the lecture table with disgust. The bricks were still wet because they had only been washed not long ago. He looked at it for a while, and saw nothing wrong, just ordinary bricks.

So he said with disgust, "Isn't this just a brick? What's the problem?"

Jiang Zhiying was not in a hurry, she still smiled: "How about you pick it up and take a look?"

Song Baoyu looked disgusted, but he was really curious about what Jiang Zhiying wanted to do, so he picked up the brick.

The brick was icy cold, just like a lump of ice, so cold that his finger bones began to hurt, and he could not wait to throw it away.

But so many people looked at him, and he still wanted face, so he didn't throw it away, he gritted his teeth and clenched his teeth, and he still had a look of nothing on his face, for fear of being looked down upon.

Because it was too cold, Song Baoyu's tone was very impatient: "I've picked it up now, and then what? What exactly do you want to perform?"

Jiang Zhiying asked him with a smile, "So, do you think there is anything wrong with this brick?"

Song Baoyu pinched the brick, only to feel that his fingers were getting colder and colder, so he became more impatient: "This is an ordinary brick, what could be wrong?"

Seeing his impatience, Jiang Zhiying smiled and said, "Since classmate Song has confirmed that this brick is fine, then I will start performing."

She stretched out her left hand, "Give it to me."

Song Baoyu immediately couldn't wait to put the brick in her hand, then put her hand in her trouser pocket, and kept rubbing her fingers to keep warm.

Jiang Zhiying caught the brick steadily and held it up to show it to the students in the audience: "Everyone, look at it, this is a brick, and now I want to perform a talent show, don't blink."

The students' eyes widened subconsciously, staring straight at Jiang Zhiying and the brick in her hand.

Jiang Zhiying showed it, quickly put down the brick, grabbed it with her left hand, then raised her right hand, and slammed into the brick!

With a "bang", half of the bricks smashed on the podium.

All the students instantly widened their eyes and looked in shock at the half brick she was holding in her hand.

Song Baoyu, who was standing beside him, was so frightened that he took a big step back, just like a frightened cat, as if all the hair on his body had exploded.

The entire classroom fell into an eerie silence in an instant, and needles could be heard falling.

Until Jiang Zhiying asked with a smile, "This is my talent show, do you like it?"

All the students looked at her stiffly, too frightened to know how to react.

Jiang Zhiying saw it in her eyes and asked with a smile, "Does anyone want to come up and try it?"

All the students were as quiet as chickens for a moment, and they buried their heads nervously, only peeking at her with their eyes, for fear of being named by her.

Jiang Zhiying looked at Song Baoyu: "Song classmate, do you want to try?"

Song Baoyu, who was named, wanted to cry without tears!

But he quickly reacted: No, this Jiang Zhiying looks like a white magnolia, how could it be possible to split bricks with her bare hands? There must be something wrong with that brick just now!

So he raised his chin arrogantly: "Okay, I'll come if I come!"

He couldn't believe it, a brick that a little girl can split with her bare hands, he can't split!

Jiang Zhiying handed him the remaining half of the brick with a smile, and kindly reminded: "Be careful, don't hurt your hand."

Song Baoyu took the brick: "Today I'll show you what real kung fu is!"

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