80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1019 It's just a monster

Jiang Zhiying knew for a long time that Teacher Liu and Meng Xiao were back, so Teacher Liu suddenly spoke up, and she was not frightened at all.

She looked at Teacher Liu with a smile, and said of course, "The classmates said they wanted to see a talent show, so I performed one for them."

Teacher Liu:"……"

Meng Xiao: "..."

The two of them glanced at the bricks in Jiang Zhiying's hand and the bricks on the ground at the same time, and suddenly felt a little pain in their hands.

But Jiang Zhiying smiled like a silly white sweet, wanting to say that she did something wrong, but she didn't know how to say it.

Teacher Liu opened his mouth and was thinking about what to say when he saw Meng Xiao strode into the classroom with a book in his hand.

I saw that he threw the book on the lecture table rather simply, then took the brick in Jiang Zhiying's hand and squeezed it tentatively.

Teacher Liu immediately observed, thinking that Meng Xiao would crush the bricks. Who knew that Meng Xiao suddenly changed his face after pinching it a few times, and looked at Jiang Zhiying in disbelief: "Where did this brick come from?"

Teacher Liu suddenly felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly walked in.

Then I heard Jiang Zhiying say, "You can take it from outside, do you want to try it?"

Teacher Liu's heart skipped a beat!

Anything from outside?

Isn't that an ordinary brick?

Can Jiang Zhiying still have this ability?

He subconsciously looked at Jiang Zhiying and saw that she was tall and thin, with fair and tender skin. No matter how she looked at her, she was a delicate little girl.

Looking at her hands again, they are also white and tender, not a single callus can be seen.

Can such a hand chop bricks with bare hands?

Teacher Liu doesn't believe it.

Instead, he thought of going with Song Baoyu and others, thinking that there was a problem with the bricks.

So he walked over, bent down and picked up the two bricks on the ground, and took the opportunity to squeeze them with his hands. With this pinch, he found the problem.

This brick is so hard that it is no different from ordinary bricks!

How did Jiang Zhiying get it open?

Teacher Liu looked at Jiang Zhiying suspiciously. Seeing her smiling, she suddenly felt a little uneasy.

Meng Xiao didn't think so much.

He looked at the brick in his hand curiously, and broke it with force. When he found that he couldn't break it, he asked Jiang Zhiying, "How did you break it open just now?"

Teacher Liu immediately pricked up his ears and peeked at Jiang Zhiying, wanting to hear what she would say.

"It's just chopping with a knife." Jiang Zhiying said as a matter of course, took the bricks in his hand, and showed a demonstration of chopping bricks with bare hands in front of the two of them!

Hearing a "bang", the brick was split in half instantly and fell to the ground.

Jiang Zhiying looked at the small piece of bricks left in her hand, smiled shyly, and then clenched her fingers, only to hear two "clicks", and the small piece of bricks in her hand became torn apart.

This time, everyone present shuddered.

Meng Xiao and Teacher Liu were the closest to each other. Looking at the broken brick in Jiang Zhiying's hand, both of them suddenly felt that their bones began to hurt.

Teacher Liu couldn't even laugh anymore, looking at Jiang Zhiying like a monster.

Where is this beautiful little princess on a horse? You are just a monster!

Jiang Zhiying was better, as if she didn't see the weird faces of the two, she said with a smile, "Okay, I've finished the performance, everyone, let's continue to review."

After finishing speaking, he apologized to Mr. Liu: "Sorry Mr. Liu, I just couldn't find a suitable prop, so I just took a brick from the edge of the garden outside. Now the brick is broken like this, it seems to be unusable, do I need compensation? ?"

Jiang Zhiying: Are you moved?

Everyone: Dare not!

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