80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1021: I have a crooked mind

Jiang Zhiying smiled and gave a reason: "Maybe I can write faster."

Teacher Wang looked at her speechlessly, she couldn't accept it at all!

Is writing fast as fast as answering questions? She quickly glanced at the paper, and then opened it again to look at the place where she wrote the essay, thinking that Jiang Zhiying hadn't written the essay.

However, when she saw the dense words on the composition paper, she was completely dumbfounded.

Jiang Zhiying not only wrote the composition, but also wrote the characters beautifully, each with iron and silver hooks, just like the printed ones!

Just reading this word makes a very good impression.

It's just that the edge of the pen is a little too sharp, like a knife, it is murderous, it really doesn't look like a character written by a little girl.

The more Mr. Wang looked, the more surprised she became, but when she saw the above content, she was even more surprised!

This Jiang Zhiying's writing is not bad!

Although she only read one or two sentences, but just looking at the writing, as long as there is no misrepresentation, the composition score will definitely not be low.

I just don't know how to answer the other questions.

She looked at her watch subconsciously, wanting to see how much time Jiang Zhiying took to answer the question.

As a result, as soon as I saw the dial, I didn't have time to see the time above, and the get out of class bell rang.

Teacher Wang was startled, and then saw the chemistry teacher who was already guarding outside.

The other party obviously couldn't wait to come in.

It's still very cold outside this season, so she didn't want to keep the chemistry teacher waiting outside, so she packed up and said to Jiang Zhiying, "Class is over, I'll come to you when I finish marking the papers."

After that, I went out with my stuff.

As soon as she left, the chemistry teacher outside couldn't wait to come in.

As he walked, he urged: "If you want to go to the toilet, hurry up, give you three minutes, and we will start making paper in three minutes."

Jiang Zhiying spent most of her life outside and never attended school seriously.

Seeing that this chemistry teacher is so active, she is really not used to it!

Looking at the others, it was obvious that they had already become accustomed to this chemistry teacher's rude manipulations, and they all got up and ran out, apparently going to the toilet.

Jiang Zhiying was inexplicably nervous, so she went out.

After finishing the solution, I went back to the classroom, and before three minutes had passed, the chemistry teacher began to urge: "Everyone sit down, it's time for your curls!"

Jiang Zhiying looked around in amazement, and found that all the students sat back in their seats honestly, even the boys who were just blowing hair in the corridor hurried back, all of them very honest.

Soon the chemistry teacher began to send out the papers and hurriedly urged them to answer the questions.

"Don't talk to each other, hurry up and do the question!"

Jiang Zhiying hurriedly lowered her head and started doing the questions. This chemistry teacher was obviously impatient. She was here to be a good student. Anyway, she would be free in three months, so there was no need to confront others.

The answering time is one and a half hours, which is almost the time of two classes.

Jiang Zhiying was answering the questions, when she suddenly found the chemistry teacher walking beside her, which made her nervous in an instant.

At this time, the chemistry teacher stopped beside her and did not continue to move forward.

Jiang Zhiying was even more nervous.

Suddenly, the chemistry teacher asked, "I haven't seen you before, are you the new student?"

"Yeah." Jiang Zhiying replied softly, not planning to say more.

Who knew that the chemistry teacher suddenly turned to his side and looked at her answer.

Jiang Zhiying was a little depressed. This chemistry teacher really made her feel so stressed!

Otherwise... Jiang Zhiying secretly had a crooked mind.

The chemistry teacher in the third year of junior high was like this. He waited outside before the get out of class bell rang. He often took up the break time and dragged the class, but he was very serious in teaching. nervous! Luckily I didn't get hit. (_)

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